- A Raspberry Pi or another host with Ubuntu or a similar Linux distribution
- A supported SDR, see the ADSB.im supported list
Download and install the ADSB.im image on your device
Follow their how-to guide for hardware setup and image loading
Delete the userland-proxy line from docker's daemon.json:
- Navigate to the Docker directory and open the
file in a text editor:
cd /etc/docker sudo nano daemon.json
Locate the line containing
"userland-proxy": false,
and delete it. -
Save the changes and exit the editor (in nano, press
, thenEnter
, thenCtrl+X
- Navigate to the Docker directory and open the
Proceed to the Configuration and Running section
📌 Note: If you already have Git and Docker installed, skip to step 6: Install ADSB.im
- Update your system:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
- Install Docker and docker-compose:
Note: Some OS's have "docker-compose-v2" others use "docker-compose-plugin" Use the one which exists for your os - either will install the newer version of docker compose.
sudo apt install docker.io docker-compose docker-compose-v2
sudo apt install docker.io docker-compose docker-compose-plugin
- To run Docker commands without sudo, add your user to the Docker group:
sudo usermod -aG docker $USERNAME
📝 Note: fill in your username like JOHNDOE
- Apply the new group membership:
newgrp docker
- Install Git
sudo apt install git
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dirkhh/adsb-feeder-image/main/src/tools/app-install.sh | sudo bash
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/LoganSound/CopterFeeder.git
cd CopterFeeder
- Set up the environment file:
cp .env.example .env
nano .env
📝 Fill in the API key and feeder name values provided by the dev team
📝 For the port number, comment out the line which does not apply to your situation by putting a #
in front of it
💡 Nano tips: Save: Ctrl+O
, Enter
| Exit: Ctrl+X
- Build and run the Docker container:
docker compose build
docker compose up -d
📝 Note: the -d flag runs the container in the background.
- (Optional) View logs:
docker compose logs -f
📝 Note: Ctrl-C
escapes you from viewing logs
- Navigate to the project folder and pull the latest
cd ./CopterFeeder
git pull
- Build and restart the Docker container:
docker compose down
docker compose build
docker compose up -d
Start by running
sudo apt-get update
If your system hasn't had its Operating system updated in a while, you may need to run:
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
The following is required if you don't have pip3 installed (eg: FR24 feeder images ) - Note that in later OS releases, it is not recommended to use "sudo pip3" to install libraries, rather either using the OS tools like apt to install python-XYZ or using a "venv" is preferred. See: https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/tutorials/installing-packages/ for more detailed information.
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Get the CopterFeeder script using git:
sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/LoganSound/CopterFeeder.git
move into the project folder:
cd CopterFeeder/
And then (optionally) download the latest helicopter database. This functionality has been included in the main feeder script so is now an optional step.
wget "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSEyC5hDeD-ag4hC1Zy9m-GT8kqO4f35Bj9omB0v2LmV1FrH1aHGc-i0fOXoXmZvzGTccW609Yv3iUs/pub?gid=0&single=true&output=csv" -O "bills_operators.csv"
OR (preferred, but still optional) use the incluided "get_bills.py" script to pull the csv file.
Run pip3 to install requirements
python3 -m pip3 --user install -r requirements.txt
Copy example_env_file to .env ( this should only have to be done for the first install!!!)
cp example_dot_env .env
Add your credentials or API-key, and Feeder-ID type to the .env file
nano .env
Change the permissions on the .env file so that only you read Read/Write the file:
chmod go-rwx .env
Credentials can also be specified using command line options (see below). Command line options take precedence over environtment settings. Note that Userid/Password specified on the commandline will be able to be seen by others using "ps -ef"
Make the main script executable
chmod +x feed_copterspotter.py
The script needs to be told how to get to the "aircraft.json" on your ADS-B Feeder. It can do this either by reading local files using the "-r" option or by making a request over the net to small webserver packaged with the feeder software (dump1090) which is typically lighthttp or similar. Because there are different directories and urls for this different versions of software, the best way to do this in your setup may take a bit of trial and error. If you are running the script on the system you use as a ADS-B feeder, you might want to start with the "-r" option, which will scan several different directories under /run. If you're on a different machine, you'll want to use the server (-s) and port (-p) options. Note: if you use the -r option, -s and -p options will be ignored.
The script is intended to be run as a daemon (-d option):
./feed_copterspotter.py -d -r
Or run on the command line, so that you can watch debugging output (-D option):
./feed_copterspotter.py -D -r
If you want to run from Crontab, use the -o (one shot) option.
crontab -e
And add the following lines (these file paths need to match wherever you installed to, below is example for /home/pi/CopterFeeder):
Note: Examples below assume the script is installed in "/home/pi/" - this is not a
requirement and certainly not a recommendation - the script can be installed in a
convenient directory of your choice.
* * * * * python3 /home/pi/CopterFeeder/feed_copterspotter.py -o -r >> copterspotter.log 2>&1
0 0 * * * wget "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSEyC5hDeD-ag4hC1Zy9m-GT8kqO4f35Bj9omB0v2LmV1FrH1aHGc-i0fOXoXmZvzGTccW609Yv3iUs/pub?gid=0&single=true&output=csv" -O "/home/pi/CopterFeeder/bills_operators.csv"
And you're DONE!
You can TEST one iteration by typing:
python3 feed_copterspotter.py -o -r
When an identifyied helicopter is nearby, in verbose mode (-v switch) or debug mode (-D switch), the script will output lines something like:
Helicopter Reported: 1674864903.049228 A139 TRP7 450 600 97.22 38.909385,-76.845398 5107
You can optionally log those reports to a file using the -l option, which can be handy if you're running in daemon mode:
feed_copterspotter.py -d -l /full/path/to/logfile
You can do:
tail -f /full/path/to/logfile
to watch the logging messages in the logfile.
Note: the -D debug mode will be very noisy as it is intended for debugging - you probably want to use -v or -l to just see periodic reports.
If you consistently see "None" or "Null" we may need to tweak your variables
Help is available with the -h or --help option:
./feed_copterspotter.py --help
usage: feed_copterspotter.py [-h] [-V] [-v] [-D] [-d] [-o] [-l LOG] [-w] [-i INTERVAL] [-s SERVER] [-p PORT]
Helicopters of DC data loader
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version Print version and exit
-v, --verbose Emit Verbose message stream
-D, --debug Emit Debug messages
-d, --daemon Run as a daemon
-o, --once Run once and exit
-l LOG, --log LOG File for logging reported rotorcraft
-w, --web Download / Update Bills Operators from Web on startup (defaults to reading local file)
-i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
Interval between cycles in seconds
-s SERVER, --server SERVER
dump1090 server hostname (default localhost)
-p PORT, --port PORT alt-http port on dump1090 server (default 8080)
Mongo DB Password
-f FEEDERID, --feederid FEEDERID
Feeder ID
-r, --readlocalfiles Check for aircraft.json files under /run/...
This script can be (arguably, should be as it simplifies many things) run as a Docker container, using docker-compose or docker compose, depending on which version of docker you have installed. Running CopterFeeder using Docker will simplify setup as a dameon, and will help simplify Python configs, especially under recent OS releases, which push using venv to avoid library conflicts. This is a bit more advanced method - detailing all of the tasks needed for installing and setting up Docker is out of the scope of this readme. There is plenty of documentation available elsewhere, from Docker, from OS maintainers and from other 3rd parties.
Note: If you're using (recommended!) https://adsb.im/home image - docker-ce (community edition) is already installed. It includes the "compoose" command, so you don't need to install anything extra. Just setup ssh or shell access, login, clone the CopterFeeder github repository and skip to the "setup the .env" step below.
If you are not using the adsb.im, to use this script with docker you will first need to install Docker and docker compose on your machine. If you need help for this step, search the web for your version of Linux, etc. It could be as simple as:
sudo apt install docker.io docker-compose
There may be other setup steps required - such as adding yourself to the docker group to give yourself priveledges to run docker without needed root access. Again, out of scope for this readme.md file. Depending on which version of docker you have installed, it may already include "compose" -- as such, you may not need to install docker-compose. If this is the case, just use "docker compose" instead of "docker-compose"
git clone https://github.com/LoganSound/CopterFeeder.git
cd CopterFeeder
Next - setup the .env file as outlined above, using the credentials you've been provided for copter-spotter.
Run docker-compose to build the container:
docker compose build
And then run the container:
docker compose up -d
If you'd like to see debug and loogging use:
docker compose logs -f
If you're curious about what Docker is doing, see the Dockerfile and the docker-compose.yml file.