This module will keep track of modules and any of his dependencies changes, and will always return an up-to-date module.
To receive a callback for any non-native dependecies an specific module loads, see
To check for module and dependencies modifications without reloading, see
npm install updated-require
If you want a lightweight installation, but less consistent as uses nodejs
instead of chokidar
library, install with:
npm install updated-require --no-optional
/* FILE: test1.js */
module.exports = {
test2: require("./test2"),
message: "I'm test1.js"
/* FILE: test2.js */
module.exports = "I'm test2.js!";
/* FILE: main.js */
// Load the module at the top of the entry point file
var UpdatedRequire = require("updated-require").UpdatedRequire;
// If you are using TypeScript, you can use import
import { UpdatedRequire } from "updated-require";
// Instantiate an object. You can add an optional callback.
// Only use the old instance to validate data. Do not keep the reference.
var updatedRequire = new UpdatedRequire(function(oldmodule, newmodule) {
// This callback will be called only when a valid module is created
console.log("Old module changed!", oldmodule.filename, newmodule.filename);
// Require a module and see how returns a different output each time you modify it.
var interval = setInterval(function() {
// If the module is half-written, instead of returning an error, will return and old cached module.
// Try to add syntax error code to the files, and see how it returns old exports until errors are fixed.
}, 1000);
// After you have finished, call dispose() to clean resources attached to modules
setTimeout(function() {
}, 30000);
See Custom Require limitations: