In this program, the user enters a date and a description of the work they did for their aquarium on that day. After entering their notes, the user can write a specific date to receive the description of the work done on that day. The user can also request a list of all entries, showing the dates along with their corresponding work descriptions.
- User can write into the program the date in dd/mm/yyyy format and their work that they have completed (ex.: "10/02/2024 - Cleaned the aquarium and changed water", or "9/21/2024 - Purchased Green Rasboras").
- User can receive their notes based on the date that they entered.
- User can receive all of the inputs that they have entered.
- First, you have to run the program.
- A number of choices will be provided with corresponding numbers, pick a number based on those options.
- The program will keep on running asking the same questions.
- To quit, select the quit option.
- Loops: The program uses loops to prompt the user for their input until they quit the program.
- Maps: The program uses HashMap to store the date as a key and the notes as a value.