This a json library for IoLanguage.
First, you should clone the repository in your project directory.
git submodule add
Then you can use IoJSON in your project by doFile
// e.g. doFile("./IoJSON/")
There're two ways to use read a json file.
json1 := JSON clone readFromFile("./example.json")
json2 := JSON clone readFromString("{\"name\":\"littlejian\",\"age\":18, \"hobbies\":[\"code\",\"play\",\"drink\"]}")
is inherited from Map
, you can use it like a Map
json2 at("name") println
json2 at("hobbies") foreach(hobby,
hobby println
json2 foreach(key, value,
key println
value println
json2 atPut("height", 180)
You can also use stringfy
to convert a JSON
to a String
json2 stringfy println
If you want to know more about IoJSON, here's a blog about it: