A pyradio playlist generator from m3u playlist files.
Did you ever wanted to insert that huge playlist m3u file into pyradio
Or even automatically download and convert a m3u playlist file from somewhere else and run on pyradio?
Run pip install m3u_to_pyradio_playlist
and you're ready to go.
You should check m3u-to-pyradio --help
for options:
usage: m3u_to_pyradio [-h] [-i INPUT -o OUTPUT] [-d] [-a]
This program converts .m3u files into pyradio playlists.
m3u_to_pyradio -d Downloads and creates a huge stations.csv
m3u_to_pyradio -a Same as -a and overrides current pyradio stations
m3u_to_pyradio -i playlist.m3u -o playlist.csv
Creates playlist.csv file from your playlist.m3u file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
The m3u input file
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
The output CSV file where playlist will be saved
-d, --download-super-list
Download and convert the complete m3u list from
-a, --auto DANGER: Same as -dsl but OVERRIDES your
m3u_to_pyradio -i my_playlist.m3u -o converted.csv
Now go to pyradio
config folder and add your custom converted.csv
Just run m3u_to_pyradio -d
and it will automatically download the
playlist from:
And save it to stations.csv
Now use it with pyradio.
DANGER this will override your current playlist. Backup it first!
m3u_to_pyradio -a
This will download the same list as from with -d
Converts it to a stations.csv
and move this file OVERRIDING your ~/.config/pyradio/stations.csv
Want to automatically updates the list and run pyradio?
Assuming you're on a shell and already have pyradio installed:
m3u_to_pyradio -a && pyradio
Simply use:
pip uninstall m3u_to_pyradio_playlist
If you want to use this package for development, without installing the dist via pip.
This project is made with pipenv, that is both an venv manager and a pip tool combined.
Make sure you have the version of Python present on Pipfile
and that you
installed pipenv
globally with: pip install pipenv
Clone this repository, cd into it and run:
pipenv install
You can call commands just like if you where from the executable commandline
preciding it with pipenv run python
pipenv run python m3u_to_pyradio --help
pipenv run python m3u_to_pyradio -i playlist.m3u -o playlist.csv
If you want to build it and install your own.
pipenv run python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
cd dist
pip install [the file generated].tar.gz
cd ~
m3u_to_pyradio --help
You than could uninstall with:
pip uninstall [the file generated]
Tested on:
Darwin MacBook-Pro.local 22.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.2.0: Fri Nov 11 02:04:44 PST 2022; root:xnu-8792.61.2~4/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 x86_64
Python version:
Python 3.11.2