- ripgrep is required for multiple telescope pickers.
- If you are having issues with Tree-Sitter, then you might not have
node js
installed. The two quick solution to try are: sudo apt install tree-sitter-cli
if that doesn't work, then you may need to install Node.jssudo apt install nodejs npm
then Install Tree-sitter CLI globally with npm:sudo npm install -g tree-sitter-cli
- Verify the installation and restart NeoVim
tree-sitter --version
- Enababling Tabnine Auto Completion will require some additional configuration
NOTE Backup your previous configuration (if any exists)
- Then clear out your current NeoVim configs
# First delete and remove your current/previous neovim files and dirs.
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
- Linux and Mac install. Plug n play - Copy past the git clone command below, type neovim, and boom. One and done!
git clone "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"/nvim
Neovim's configurations are located under the following paths, depending on your OS:
Linux | $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim , ~/.config/nvim |
MacOS | $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim , ~/.config/nvim |
Open Neovim
- The regular way
- The netrw way
nvim .
- Sync Lazy
nvim --headless "+Lazy! sync" +qa
The spacebar is the leader key
Command | Description |
leader pv |
Enter Project View |
leader ve |
Split windows vertically |
leader he |
Split windows horizontally |
Ctrl l |
Jumps to the Right window |
Ctrl h |
Jumps to the Left window |
Ctrl o |
Increase window width by 3 columns |
Ctrl y |
Decrease window width by 3 columns |
leader tt |
Open Telescope |
leader ff |
Find file using Telescope |
- Higlight the line,
Shift v
, then while holding down Shift, pressj
to go down - And
to move up. - This also works with muliple lines selected simultanuiously
Command | Description |
Shift v Shift j |
Moves seclected line down |
Shift v Shift k |
Moves seclected line up |
Command | Description |
Shift s |
Highlihts line on which your cursor lies. |
Backspace |
Deletes the highlighted line. |
Typing new characters |
Replaces the highlighted line with new chars. |