BCrypt hashing for Node.js, using Openwall BCrypt compiled to WebAssembly.
Entropy when generating salts are provided by crypto.randomFillSync
from Node.js.
Timing attacks are mitigated by using the constant time comparison function crypto.timingSafeEqual
from Node.js.
npm install --save @cwasm/openwall-bcrypt
const bcrypt = require('@cwasm/openwall-bcrypt')
// When user signs up
const hash = bcrypt.hashSync('password', 12)
// When user logs in
if (bcrypt.compareSync('password', hash)) {
// The password was correct
, required) - The password to be checked.hash
, required) - The hash to be checked against.- returns
- True if the password matches the hash, false otherwise.
Test a password against a previously computed hash.
, required) - The number of rounds to use when generating the salt.- returns
Generate a salt.
, required) - The password to hash.rounds
, required) - The number of rounds to use when generating the salt.- returns
Generate a hash for the given password, using a random salt.