Single-cell multiomic analysis identifies regulatory programs in mixed-phenotype acute leukemia. Nature Biotechnology (Granja JM*, Klemm SK*, McGinnis LM*, et al. 2019)
Please cite : Granja JM et al., Single-cell multiomic analysis identifies regulatory programs in mixed-phenotype acute leukemia. Nature Biotechnology (2019)
For current up to date scATAC-seq analysis
scATAC_01 - Script for reading in 10x scATAC-seq fragments identify cells using number of fragments and TSS enrichment scores and saving fitlered fragments.
scATAC_02 - Script for pre-clustering using large windows genome-wide and then calling peaks on putative clusters and create a master peak set
scATAC_03 - LSI-Clustering + UMAP of scATAC-seq data with visualization and demonstration of how to properly save umap for projection.
scATAC_04 - Computing Gene Activity Scores using an adapted form of Cicero (Pliner et al 2018).
scATAC_05 - Identifying potential disease cells by clustering disease w/ healthy reference, and then projecting these cells onto healthy hematopoiesis.
scRNA_01 - LSI-Clustering + UMAP of scRNA-seq data with visualization and demonstration of how to properly save umap for projection.
scRNA_02 - Identifying potential disease cells by clustering disease w/ healthy reference, and then projecting these cells onto healthy hematopoiesis.
scRNA_scATAC_Integration_01 - Alignment of scRNA and scATAC-seq data using Seurat CCA and identifcation of nearest neighbors across modalities.
scRNA_scATAC_Integration_02 - Aggregate scRNA + scATAC-seq data for correlation focused analysis.
scRNA_scATAC_Integration_03 - Identify putative Peak-To-Gene Links with aligned scATAC and scRNA-seq data aggregates.
scRNA_scATAC_Integration_04 - Link TFs to putative target genes that are differential in both mRNA and nearby accessibility peaks containing motifs of the TFs.
GEO Accession : GSE139369
You will be able to download raw 10x Bam Files which can be converted back to fastq using bamtofastq ( if you have issues with this please reach out to support@10xgenomics
.rds file is an R binarized object to read into R use readRDS(filename)
SummarizedExperiment is a class in R see :
deviations (TF chromVAR) is a class in R see :
scATAC-seq Hematopoeisis cell x peak Summarized Experiment :
scATAC-seq Hematopoeisis cell x gene activity Summarized Experiment :
scATAC-seq Hematopoeisis cell x TF chromVAR Summarized Experiment :
scRNA-seq Hematopoeisis cell x gene Summarized Experiment :
scADT-seq Hematopoeisis cell x antibody Summarized Experiment :
Note 1. If you want to get the biological classifications for each cell use colData(se)$BioClassification.
scATAC-seq Hematopoeisis + MPAL cell x peak Summarized Experiment :
scATAC-seq Hematopoeisis + MPAL cell x gene activity Summarized Experiment :
scATAC-seq Hematopoeisis + MPAL cell x TF chromVAR Summarized Experiment :
scRNA-seq Hematopoeisis + MPAL cell x gene Summarized Experiment :
scADT-seq Hematopoeisis + MPAL cell x antibody Summarized Experiment :
Note 1. The peakset for Hematopoiesis + MPAL is different than that for Hematopoiesis because we used the same peak calling pipeline where pre-clustering was done using all the cells (ie Hematopoiesis + MPAL) then peaks called so that we could easily include malignant peaks. This did not result in many ~10-20% additional peaks, but they may not be the exact coordinates as in the previous file.
Note 2. If you want to get projected positions/classifications for MPALs onto hematopoiesis use colData(se)$ProjectedUMAP1, colData(se)$ProjectedUMAP2, and colData(se)$ProjectedClassification.
scATAC-seq saved UMAP embedding :
scRNA-seq saved UMAP embedding :
Note 1. To project into the reference hematopoiesis we used in this paper you need to use the uwot.tar file for either modality.
Peak-To-Gene Linkages :
scRNA to scATAC mappings :
MPAL Clinical FACS Data :
Differential Results MPAL (scRNA + scATAC) :
Differential Results AML (scRNA) :
Differential Results Bulk Leuekemias (bulk RNA) :