This file discribed the methods of the manuscript about intraspecific diveristy study.
- to test the clinal patterns of each intraspecific trait variation by all genotypes collected from all over the world.
- to test the phenotypic plasticity between two common gardens and the clinal pattern of plasticity.
- to assess the causes of bioclimatic environments on gene-based intraspecific variability.
- All data were tested the distribution patterns.
- Assess the correlationship between all measured functional traits and between the geographical and bioclimatic variables og genotypic origins.
- SEM modelled the general cause- result relationship among intraspecifc variability, geographical variables and bioclimatic variables.
- Test the detail relationship between each functional traits and latitudes of origins by (generalized) linear mixed model and draw the linear or Quadratic relations.
- Test the detail relationship between each functional traits and bioclimatic variables by (generalized) linear mixed model followed by AICc selection for the best model.
- Random forest models used for selecting the most inportant bioclimatic variables for each traits and drawing the partial dependence plots of each selected bioclimatic variables.