This Gradle plugin enables you to manage an Apt Repository in an Amazon S3 bucket. It's designed to assist with the task of handling Debian packages in an S3 environment. The plugin comes with three key tasks: uploadPackage
, removePackage
, and cleanPackages
- The
task allows for the upload of new Debian packages into the S3 Apt repository, including the necessary updating of the Release and Packages files. If no existing repository is found, a new one will be created. - The
task is designed for the removal of specific versions of packages from the Packages file of a repository in an S3 bucket, with automatic updating of the Release file. The actual Debian file, however, will not be removed from the pool. - The
task serves the purpose of deleting all Debian files that are no longer listed in the Packages file.
Recommendation: To create Debian packages from a Gradle project, there is this Gradle plugin
Caution: This plugin is still in the early stages of development and has not yet been extensively tested in a production environment. It is strongly recommended to backup your S3 bucket before using this plugin in a production setting to prevent any potential data loss.
import com.liftric.apt.extensions.*
plugins {
s3AptRepository {
debPackage {
packageArchitectures.set(setOf("all", "amd64"))
The uploadPackage
task comes equipped with a range of both required and optional attributes.
- bucket: (Required) The name of the S3 bucket where the Apt Repository resides.
- region: (Required) The AWS region of the S3 bucket.
- accessKey: (Required) The AWS Access Key for accessing the S3 bucket. Can be overridden in the
section. - secretKey: (Required) The AWS Secret Key for accessing the S3 bucket. Can be overridden in the
section. - signingKeyRingFile: (Required) The PGP private key file used for signing the Release files.
- signingKeyPassphrase: (Required) The passphrase for the PGP private key.
- bucketPath: (Optional) The path within the bucket to store the Apt Repository. If not specified, the repository is stored at the root of the bucket.
- endpoint: (Optional) Custom S3 endpoint. Use this to override the default AWS S3 endpoint.
- usePathStyle: (Optional) Boolean value indicating whether to use path-style access for S3 bucket operations. Default is false. Set to true when using S3-compatible storage systems like MinIO, or in specific scenarios with actual S3 where path-style access is required.
- override: (Optional) Boolean value indicating whether to override existing version of a Package. By default, it is
Release File Attributes
can be override in s3AptRepository or per debPackage
origin: (Optional) The value of the 'Origin' field in the Release files. By default, it is 'Debian'.
label: (Optional) The value of the 'Label' field in the Release files. By default, it is 'Debian'.
suite: (Optional) The value of the 'Suite' field in the Release files. By default, it is 'stable'.
component: (Optional) The value of the 'Component' field in the Release files. By default, it is 'main'.
architectures: (Optional) The value of the 'Architectures' field in the Release files. By default, it is set correctly by the Plugin. If you need to override it, you can do so here.
codename: (Optional) The value of the 'Codename' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
date: (Optional) The value of the 'Date' field in the Release files. By default, it is set to the current date.
releaseDescription: (Optional) The value of the 'Description' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
releaseVersion: (Optional) The value of the 'Version' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
validUntil: (Optional) The value of the 'Valid-Until' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
notAutomatic: (Optional) The value of the 'NotAutomatic' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
butAutomaticUpgrades: (Optional) The value of the 'ButAutomaticUpgrades' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
changelogs: (Optional) The value of the 'Changelogs' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
snapshots: (Optional) The value of the 'Snapshots' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
debPackage: (Required) See below for more information.
In the debPackage
section, you can specify package-specific attributes. These can override the top-level attributes if needed:
- file: (Required) The Debian package file to upload.
- packageArchitectures: (Required) Set of architectures that the package supports.
- packageName, packageVersion: (Optional) These attributes can be used to override the default package name and version extracted form the Debian File.
- origin, label, suite, component, architectures, codename, date, releaseDescription, releaseVersion, validUntil, notAutomatic, butAutomaticUpgrades, changelogs, snapshots : (Optional) These attributes can be used to override the default Release file fields for the specific package.
- accessKey, secretKey, bucket, bucketPath, region, endpoint, usePathStyle: (Optional) These attributes can be used to override their respective top-level attributes for the specific package.
The removePackage
task comes equipped with a range of both required and optional attributes.
- bucket: (Required) The name of the S3 bucket where the Apt Repository resides.
- region: (Required) The AWS region of the S3 bucket.
- accessKey: (Required) The AWS Access Key for accessing the S3 bucket. Can be overridden in the
section. - secretKey: (Required) The AWS Secret Key for accessing the S3 bucket. Can be overridden in the
section. - signingKeyRingFile: (Required) The PGP private key file used for signing the Release files.
- signingKeyPassphrase: (Required) The passphrase for the PGP private key.
- bucketPath: (Optional) The path within the bucket to store the Apt Repository. If not specified, the repository is stored at the root of the bucket.
- endpoint: (Optional) Custom S3 endpoint. Use this to override the default AWS S3 endpoint.
- usePathStyle: (Optional) Boolean value indicating whether to use path-style access for S3 bucket operations. Default is false. Set to true when using S3-compatible storage systems like MinIO, or in specific scenarios with actual S3 where path-style access is required.
- origin: (Optional) The value of the 'Origin' field in the Release files. By default, it is 'Debian'.
Release File Attributes
can be override in s3AptRepository or per debPackage
label: (Optional) The value of the 'Label' field in the Release files. By default, it is 'Debian'.
suite: (Optional) The value of the 'Suite' field in the Release files. By default, it is 'stable'.
component: (Optional) The value of the 'Component' field in the Release files. By default, it is 'main'.
architectures: (Optional) The value of the 'Architectures' field in the Release files. By default, it is set correctly by the Plugin. If you need to override it, you can do so here.
codename: (Optional) The value of the 'Codename' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
date: (Optional) The value of the 'Date' field in the Release files. By default, it is set to the current date.
releaseDescription: (Optional) The value of the 'Description' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
releaseVersion: (Optional) The value of the 'Version' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
validUntil: (Optional) The value of the 'Valid-Until' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
notAutomatic: (Optional) The value of the 'NotAutomatic' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
butAutomaticUpgrades: (Optional) The value of the 'ButAutomaticUpgrades' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
changelogs: (Optional) The value of the 'Changelogs' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
snapshots: (Optional) The value of the 'Snapshots' field in the Release files. By default, it is not set.
debPackage: (Required) See below for more information.
In the debPackage
section, you can specify package-specific attributes. These can override the top-level attributes if needed:
- file: (Required) The Debian package file to extract Version and Package Name.
- packageArchitectures: (Required) Set of architectures that the package supports.
- packageName, packageVersion: (Optional) These attributes can be used to override the default package name and version extracted form the Debian File.
- origin, label, suite, component, architectures, codename, date, releaseDescription, releaseVersion, validUntil, notAutomatic, butAutomaticUpgrades, changelogs, snapshots : (Optional) These attributes can be used to override the default Release file fields for the specific package.
- accessKey, secretKey, bucket, bucketPath, region, endpoint, usePathStyle: (Optional) These attributes can be used to override their respective top-level attributes for the specific package.
The cleanPackages
task comes equipped with a range of both required and optional attributes.
- bucket: (Required) The name of the S3 bucket where the Apt Repository resides.
- region: (Required) The AWS region of the S3 bucket.
- accessKey: (Required) The AWS Access Key for accessing the S3 bucket. Can be overridden in the
section. - secretKey: (Required) The AWS Secret Key for accessing the S3 bucket. Can be overridden in the
section. - bucketPath: (Optional) The path within the bucket to store the Apt Repository. If not specified, the repository is stored at the root of the bucket.
- endpoint: (Optional) Custom S3 endpoint. Use this to override the default AWS S3 endpoint.
- usePathStyle: (Optional) Boolean value indicating whether to use path-style access for S3 bucket operations. Default is false. Set to true when using S3-compatible storage systems like MinIO, or in specific scenarios with actual S3 where path-style access is required.
- suite: (Optional) The value of the 'Suite' field in the Release files. By default, it is 'stable'.
- component: (Optional) The value of the 'Component' field in the Release files. By default, it is 'main'.
This S3 Apt Repository Plugin is released under MIT License.