Install four Iroha nodes for BSMD experiments or test. This guide is meant for Debian based systems (Ubuntu, Mint, Kali, etc.), but with a few modifications this will also work for Windows or macOS.
The Iroha nodes run on four Docker containers. Visit the Docker web page to familiarize with the system. If you have never work with Docker I recommend the Docker 101 tutorial before continuing.
Install Docker by following the official guide. Then, follow this guide to make Docker run as non-root user
Install docker-compose with the following commands:
curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
- Test the installation with:
docker-compose --version
Run docker-compose up -d
to install all the containers, wait about 1min for the process to finish.
To stop the blockckain simply run docker-compose down
If you want to start again the iroha nodes run docker-compose up -d
To connect your project to the iroha blockchain use the ip address of the hosting machine one of the following ports:
, 50052
, 50053
or 50054
. If you are running the blockchain on a cloud VM or outside a local network make
sure the hosting machine acept TCP and UDP connections from the mentioned ports. If you are running the blockchain
on a cloud VM or outside a local network make sure the hosting machine accept TCP and UDP connections from the ports:
, 50052
, 50053
or 50054
- David Lopez mitrailer
This guide use snipets from Calvin Nguyen and from the Iroha docker project