The shuffle command prints an ASCII art picture with a cool shuffle effect.
You can also shuffle any text file, even if it contains Unicode characters.
Now you can also use it with a pipe:
cat file.ascii | shuffle -s 100 -c random
shuffle SOURCE -s speed -c color
-s speed: 1 fast to 500 very slow.
-c color: Must be in the format "r;g;b" or one of the standard colors: red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, orange, white, black, grey, or just "random".
-h show this help.
-v show version.
shuffle file.ascii -s 10 -c "50;255;50"
prints file.ascii in bright green.
shuffle file.ascii -s 50 -c orange
prints it with the standard color (orange).
mkdir builddir && meson setup builddir --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr/bin && meson compile -C builddir
Install with Meson or Make:
sudo meson install -C builddir
sudo make install
For Arch Linux users: It is now available in the AUR as 'shuffle-ascii'.