Course program
Training on the course consists of 5 modules + practical module (performing a group project):
01. Java Syntax.
Dedicated to the study of commands, data types, familiarity with the development environment IntelliJ IDEA, loops and conditional operators, arrays and functions, objects, classes; work with strings. Students are also introduced to the basics of OOP, lists and generics, collections, exceptions, I/O streams, working with time and date. The module concludes with an introduction to Git and the writing of a final project.
CryptAnalyzer ->
this is the final project of the first "Java Syntax" module at JavaRush University.
02. Java Core.
Deepening into OOP: encapsulation and polymorphism, composition, aggregation and inheritance. Abstract classes. Stream API. Type casting, constructor calls, Object constructor. Recursion, familiarity with strings, inner/nested classes. Serialization. Annotations. Sockets. Final project.
Animal Life Simulation Island ->
this is the final project of the second "Java Core" module at JavaRush University.
03. Java Professional. Garbage collection and reference types in Java. Design patterns. Development methodologies. Maven basics, introduction to Guava, Apache Common Collections, JUnit and Mockito. Logging. Networking. Software architecture. HTTP/HTTPS protocols. Servlets, servlet containers, Tomcat. Introduction to MVC. Web services. Final project: Servlet-quest contest.
04. Working with databases. Hibernate. Introduction to databases, installation of DBMS. Types of data, data selection. Database transactions. Designing databases. JDBC, ORM, Hibernate. The final project.
05. Spring + Spring Boot. IoC, DI. Spring. Components. Beans. Spring modules, Spring MVC. Designing the REST API. App controller-service-dao. Spring ORM. @Transaction. Spring Test. AOP (logging). Spring Security. Spring Boot. Spring JPA.
05. Final project for the entire course.