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Merge pull request #186 from League-of-Fabulous-Developers/dev
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V2.4.7 Update
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spyrella authored Dec 21, 2024
2 parents 8a25453 + 073ef94 commit 266e582
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Showing 6 changed files with 42 additions and 42 deletions.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions lang/de.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,9 +128,9 @@
"Hard": "Schwer",
"VeryHard": "Sehr schwer",
"InlineRollCheck": "Würfle eine Attributsprobe für die ausgewählten Akteure",
"InlineDamage": "Apply damage to selected token",
"InlineRecovery": "Apply resource recovery to selected token",
"InlineLoss": "Apply resource loss to selected tokens",
"InlineDamage": "Schaden auf ausgewählten Token anwenden",
"InlineRecovery": "Ressourcenwiederherstellung auf ausgewählten Token anwenden",
"InlineLoss": "Ressourcenverlust auf ausgewählten Token anwenden",
"Name": "Name",
"Roll": "Würfeln",
"Add": "Hinzufügen",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -766,7 +766,7 @@
"ClassFeatureAlchemyDialogRankTitle": "Alchemie",
"ClassFeatureAlchemyCost": "IP Kosten",
"ClassFeatureAlchemyDialogRankLabel": "Alchemie nutzen",
"ClassFeatureAlchemyRollTableExplanation": "Es wird erwartet das Würfeltabellen genau 20 mögliche Ergebnisse haben.",
"ClassFeatureAlchemyRollTableExplanation": "Es wird erwartet, dass Würfeltabellen genau 20 mögliche Ergebnisse haben.",
"ClassFeatureAlchemyResult": "Ergebnis",
"ClassFeatureAlchemyTargets": "Mögliche Ziele",
"ClassFeatureAlchemyEffects": "Mögliche Effekte",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -851,9 +851,9 @@
"ChatApplyDamageImmune": "<strong>{actor}</strong> war <strong>immun</strong> gegen <strong>{type}</strong> und nahm <strong>{damage}</strong> Schaden von <strong>{from}</strong>",
"ChatApplyDamageImmuneIgnored": "<strong>{actor}</strong> nahm <strong>{damage} {type}</strong> Schaden von <strong>{from} (ignoriert Immunität)</strong>",
"ChatApplyDamageAbsorb": "<strong>{actor} absorbierte {type}</strong> Schaden von <strong>{from}</strong> und heilte sich um <strong>{damage}</strong> Lebenspunkte",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoActor": "No reference to an actor provided",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoItem": "No reference to an item provided",
"ChatEvaluateNoSkill": "The referenced skill was not found in the actor",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoActor": "Keine Referenz zu einem Akteur übergeben",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoItem": "Keine Referenz zu einem Gegenstand übergeben",
"ChatEvaluateNoSkill": "Die referenzierte Fähigkeit wurde nicht im Akteur gefunden",
"TotalAvailableSkills": "Insgesamt verfügbare Fähigkeitspunkte",
"TotalSPAvailable": "Insgesamt verfügbare FP",
"AvailableSPLevels": "Verfügbare Fähigkeiten durch Stufen",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@
"ChooseWeaponDialogTitle": "Waffe wählen",
"ClassFeatureInfusionsApply": "Einflössung anwenden",
"ClassFeatureInfusionsDialogTitle": "Einflössung wählen",
"Variable": "Variable",
"Variable": "Variabel",
"FUID": {
"Long": "Fabula Ultima ID",
"Short": "FUID",
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions lang/es.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -851,9 +851,9 @@
"ChatApplyDamageImmune": "<strong>{actor}</strong> es <strong>inmune</strong> a <strong>{type}</strong> y recibe <strong>{damage}</strong> de daño de <strong>{from}</strong>",
"ChatApplyDamageImmuneIgnored": "<strong>{actor}</strong> recibe <strong>{damage} de daño de {type}</strong> de <strong>{from} (Inmunidad ignorada)</strong>",
"ChatApplyDamageAbsorb": "<strong>{actor} absorbe {type}</strong> daño de <strong>{from}</strong> y se cura <strong>{damage}</strong> PV",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoActor": "No reference to an actor provided",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoItem": "No reference to an item provided",
"ChatEvaluateNoSkill": "The referenced skill was not found in the actor",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoActor": "No se proporcionó ninguna referencia a un actor",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoItem": "No se proporcionó ninguna referencia a un objeto",
"ChatEvaluateNoSkill": "La habilidad referenciada no se encontró en el actor",
"TotalAvailableSkills": "Total de Habilidades disponibles",
"TotalSPAvailable": "Total de PH disponibles",
"AvailableSPLevels": "Habilidades disponibles por Niveles",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@
"InlineEffectConfigApplyVulnerability": "Aplicar Vulnerabilidad",
"InlineEffectConfigGrantImmunity": "Gana Inmunidad",
"InlineEffectConfigGrantAbsorption": "Gana Absorción",
"InlineEffectConfigGrantStatusEffectImmunity": "Gana Inmunidad a Efecto de Estado",
"InlineEffectConfigGrantStatusEffectImmunity": "Gana Inmunidad a Estado Alterado",
"InlineEffectConfigBuffDefenses": "Mejorar Defensas",
"InlineEffectConfigImproveDefensesDefense": "Tipo de Defensa",
"InlineEffectConfigImproveDefensesValue": "Mejorar a: ",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@
"CombatHudShowNPCTurnsLeftModeHint": "Elige si deseas mostrar los PNJs (Élite y Campeón) a la izquierda en el HUD de Combate.",
"CombatHudShowNPCTurnsLeftModeNever": "Nunca",
"CombatHudShowNPCTurnsLeftModeAlways": "Siempre",
"CombatHudShowNPCTurnsLeftModeOnlyStudied": "Solo cuando se haya estudiado",
"CombatHudShowNPCTurnsLeftModeOnlyStudied": "Solo si se ha Estudiado",
"Versus": "vs",
"Soldier": "Soldado",
"OpposedCheckBonusDialog": "Configurar Prueba Opuesta",
Expand All @@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@
"OpposedCheckWinnerByMargin": "Ganador: <strong>{winner}</strong> por <strong>+{margin}</strong>",
"ConfigMetaCurrencyAutomation": "¿Habilitar la automatización de meta-monedas?",
"ConfigMetaCurrencyAutomationHint": "Con esto activado, siempre que se gaste un punto de Fábula o Última, el rastreador de Meta-Monedas se actualizará automáticamente. Para que esto funcione, un GM debe estar en línea. La edición directa del campo Punto de Fábula/Última no alterará el rastreador.",
"MetaCurrencyAutomationNoActiveGm": "¡Ningún GM en línea! No se pudo actualizar el rastreador de Meta-Currency.",
"MetaCurrencyAutomationNoActiveGm": "¡Ningún GM en línea! No se pudo actualizar el rastreador de Meta-Monedas.",
"ChatExpAwardExpAwardedTo": "EXP concedida a",
"ConfigMetaCurrencyAutomaticallyDistributeExp": "¿Distribuir la EXP automáticamente?",
"ConfigMetaCurrencyAutomaticallyDistributeExpHint": "Con esta opción habilitada, la EXP de la sesión se concederá automáticamente a cada personaje activo.",
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions lang/fr.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,9 +128,9 @@
"Hard": "Difficile",
"VeryHard": "Très difficile",
"InlineRollCheck": "Faire un jet d'attribut pour les acteurs sélectionnés",
"InlineDamage": "Apply damage to selected token",
"InlineRecovery": "Apply resource recovery to selected token",
"InlineLoss": "Apply resource loss to selected tokens",
"InlineDamage": "Appliquer les dégâts aux tokens séléctionnés",
"InlineRecovery": "Appliquer la récupération de ressources aux tokens séléctionnés",
"InlineLoss": "Appliquer la perte de ressources aux tokens sélectionnés",
"Name": "Nom",
"Roll": "Jet",
"Add": "Ajouter",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -851,9 +851,9 @@
"ChatApplyDamageImmune": "<strong>{actor}</strong> était <strong>immunisé</strong> contre <strong>{type}</strong> et a subi <strong>{damage}</strong> dégâts de <strong>{from} </strong>",
"ChatApplyDamageImmuneIgnored": "<strong>{actor}</strong> a subi <strong>{damage} {type}</strong> dégâts de <strong>{from} (immunité ignorée)</strong>",
"ChatApplyDamageAbsorb": "<strong>{actor} a absorbé les dégâts de {type}</strong> de <strong>{from}</strong> et a été soigné par <strong>{damage}</strong> PV",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoActor": "No reference to an actor provided",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoItem": "No reference to an item provided",
"ChatEvaluateNoSkill": "The referenced skill was not found in the actor",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoActor": "Aucune référence à un acteur fournie",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoItem": "Aucune référence à un objet fournie",
"ChatEvaluateNoSkill": "La compétence référencée n'a pas été trouvée sur l'acteur",
"TotalAvailableSkills": "Total des compétences disponibles",
"TotalSPAvailable": "Total des PC disponibles",
"AvailableSPLevels": "Compétences disponibles à partir du niveau",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -903,8 +903,8 @@
"TextEditorDialogResourceGainTitle": "Gain de ressources",
"TextEditorButtonCommandLoss": "Perte de ressources",
"TextEditorDialogResourceLossTitle": "Perte de ressources",
"TextEditorDialogCheckTitle": "Check",
"TextEditorButtonCommandCheck": "Check",
"TextEditorDialogCheckTitle": "Test",
"TextEditorButtonCommandCheck": "Test",
"TextEditorDialogButtonInsert": "Insérer",
"TextEditorButtonCommandIcon": "Icônes",
"TextEditorDialogSelectIconTitle": "Sélectionner icône",
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions lang/pt_BR.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,9 +128,9 @@
"Hard": "Difícil",
"VeryHard": "Muito Difícil",
"InlineRollCheck": "Faça uma teste de atributos nos personagens selecionados",
"InlineDamage": "Apply damage to selected token",
"InlineRecovery": "Apply resource recovery to selected token",
"InlineLoss": "Apply resource loss to selected tokens",
"InlineDamage": "Aplique dano ao token selecionado",
"InlineRecovery": "Aplicar recuperação de recursos ao token selecionado",
"InlineLoss": "Aplicar perda de recursos aos tokens selecionados",
"Name": "Nome",
"Roll": "Rolagem",
"Add": "Adicionar",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -851,9 +851,9 @@
"ChatApplyDamageImmune": "<strong>{actor}</strong> era <strong>imune</strong> a <strong>{type}</strong> e sofreu <strong>{damage}</strong> de dano de <strong>{from} </strong>",
"ChatApplyDamageImmuneIgnored": "<strong>{actor}</strong> sofreu <strong>{damage} {type}</strong> de dano de <strong>{from} (Imunidade ignorada)</strong>",
"ChatApplyDamageAbsorb": "<strong>{actor} absorveu {type}</strong> dano de <strong>{from}</strong> e foi curado em <strong>{damage}</strong> Pvs",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoActor": "No reference to an actor provided",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoItem": "No reference to an item provided",
"ChatEvaluateNoSkill": "The referenced skill was not found in the actor",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoActor": "Nenhuma referência a um personagem fornecida",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoItem": "Nenhuma referência a um item fornecida",
"ChatEvaluateNoSkill": "A habilidade referenciada não foi encontrada no personagem",
"TotalAvailableSkills": "Total de Habilidades Disponiveis",
"TotalSPAvailable": "Total de PH Disponíveis",
"AvailableSPLevels": "Habilidades disponíveis dos níveis",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@
"ChooseWeaponDialogTitle": "Escolha sua arma",
"ClassFeatureInfusionsApply": "Aplicar Infusão",
"ClassFeatureInfusionsDialogTitle": "Escolher Infusão",
"Variable": "Variable",
"Variable": "Variável",
"FUID": {
"Long": "ID Fabula Ultima",
"Short": "FUID",
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions lang/ru.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,9 +128,9 @@
"Hard": "Сложно",
"VeryHard": "Очень сложно",
"InlineRollCheck": "Бросить проверку атрибута для выбранных персонажей",
"InlineDamage": "Apply damage to selected token",
"InlineRecovery": "Apply resource recovery to selected token",
"InlineLoss": "Apply resource loss to selected tokens",
"InlineDamage": "Нанести урон выбранному токену",
"InlineRecovery": "Восстановить ресурс выбранному токену",
"InlineLoss": "Отнять ресурс выбранному токену",
"Name": "Имя",
"Roll": "Бросок",
"Add": "Добавить",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -851,9 +851,9 @@
"ChatApplyDamageImmune": "<strong>{actor}</strong> имел <strong>иммунитет</strong> к <strong>{type}</strong> и получил <strong>{damage}</strong> урона от <strong>{from} </strong>",
"ChatApplyDamageImmuneIgnored": "<strong>{actor}</strong> получил <strong>{damage} {type}</strong> урона от <strong>{from} (иммунитет игнорируется)</strong>",
"ChatApplyDamageAbsorb": "<strong>{actor} поглотил {type}</strong> урон от <strong>{from}</strong> и был исцелен на <strong>{damage}</strong> ОЗ",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoActor": "No reference to an actor provided",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoItem": "No reference to an item provided",
"ChatEvaluateNoSkill": "The referenced skill was not found in the actor",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoActor": "Отсутствует ссылка на актера",
"ChatEvaluateAmountNoItem": "Отсутствует ссылка на предмет",
"ChatEvaluateNoSkill": "Указанный навык отстствует у актера",
"TotalAvailableSkills": "Всего навыков доступно",
"TotalSPAvailable": "Всего ОН доступно",
"AvailableSPLevels": "от уровня",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@
"ChooseWeaponDialogTitle": "Выберите оружие",
"ClassFeatureInfusionsApply": "Применить Инфузию",
"ClassFeatureInfusionsDialogTitle": "Выбрать Инфузию",
"Variable": "Variable",
"Variable": "Различный",
"FUID": {
"Long": "Fabula Ultima ID",
"Short": "FUID",
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions module/helpers/inline-resources.mjs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ function activateListeners(document, html) {

const data = {
type: this.classList.contains(classInlineRecovery) ? INLINE_RECOVERY : INLINE_LOSS,
source: sourceInfo,
sourceInfo: sourceInfo,
recoveryType: this.dataset.type,
amount: this.dataset.amount,
uncapped: this.dataset.uncapped === 'true',
Expand All @@ -150,15 +150,15 @@ function activateListeners(document, html) {

function onDropActor(actor, sheet, { type, recoveryType, datasetAmount, source, uncapped }) {
const context = new ExpressionContext(, source.item, [actor]);
const amount = Expressions.evaluate(datasetAmount, context);
function onDropActor(actor, sheet, { type, recoveryType, amount, sourceInfo, uncapped }) {
const context = new ExpressionContext(, sourceInfo.item, [actor]);
amount = Expressions.evaluate(amount, context);

if (type === INLINE_RECOVERY && !Number.isNaN(amount)) {
applyRecovery(actor, recoveryType, amount, source, uncapped);
applyRecovery(actor, recoveryType, amount,, uncapped);
return false;
} else if (type === INLINE_LOSS && !Number.isNaN(amount)) {
applyLoss(actor, recoveryType, amount, source);
applyLoss(actor, recoveryType, amount,;
return false;
Expand Down

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