Mission files for Hashima Islands, a DayZ Modded Map inspired by Hashima, commonly called Gunkanjima (meaning Battleship Island), an abandoned island off Nagasaki.
βββ layers/
β βββ ...
βββ map/
β βββ hashima.map
βββ territoryTypes/
β βββ bear_territories.xml
β βββ cattle_territories.xml
β βββ hare_territories.xml
β βββ hen_territories.xml
β βββ pig_territories.xml
β βββ red_deer_territories.xml
β βββ roe_deer_territories.xml
β βββ sheep_goat_territories.xml
β βββ wild_boar_territories.xml
β βββ wolf_territories.xml
β βββ zombie_territories.xml
βββ hashima-5120.png
βββ hashima.xml
βββ init.c
βββ ccs_ce/
β βββ ccs_events_misc.xml
β βββ ccs_events_zombie.xml
β βββ ccs_spawnabletypes_ammo.xml
β βββ ccs_spawnabletypes_bag.xml
β βββ ccs_spawnabletypes_clothing.xml
β βββ ccs_spawnabletypes_medical.xml
β βββ ccs_spawnabletypes_tool.xml
β βββ ccs_spawnabletypes_weapon.xml
β βββ ccs_spawnabletypes_zombie.xml
β βββ ccs_types_ammo.xml
β βββ ccs_types_bag.xml
β βββ ccs_types_beer.xml
β βββ ccs_types_can.xml
β βββ ccs_types_candy.xml
β βββ ccs_types_clothing.xml
β βββ ccs_types_collectable.xml
β βββ ccs_types_drink.xml
β βββ ccs_types_event.xml
β βββ ccs_types_jar.xml
β βββ ccs_types_medical.xml
β βββ ccs_types_snack.xml
β βββ ccs_types_tool.xml
β βββ ccs_types_weapon.xml
β βββ ccs_types_zombie.xml
βββ db/
β βββ economy.xml
β βββ events.xml
β βββ globals.xml
β βββ messages.xml
β βββ types.xml
βββ dz_ce/
β βββ dz_events_animal.xml
β βββ dz_events_misc.xml
β βββ dz_spawnabletypes_bag.xml
β βββ dz_spawnabletypes_clothing.xml
β βββ dz_spawnabletypes_tool.xml
β βββ dz_spawnabletypes_weapon.xml
β βββ dz_types_animal.xml
β βββ dz_types_bag.xml
β βββ dz_types_clothing.xml
β βββ dz_types_event.xml
β βββ dz_types_food.xml
β βββ dz_types_tool.xml
β βββ dz_types_weapon.xml
βββ env/
β βββ bear_territories.xml
β βββ cattle_territories.xml
β βββ hare_territories.xml
β βββ hen_territories.xml
β βββ pig_territories.xml
β βββ red_deer_territories.xml
β βββ roe_deer_territories.xml
β βββ sheep_goat_territories.xml
β βββ wild_boar_territories.xml
β βββ wolf_territories.xml
β βββ zombie_territories.xml
βββ areaflags.map
βββ cfgeconomycore.xml
βββ cfgeffectarea.json
βββ cfgenvironment.xml
βββ cfgeventgroups.xml
βββ cfgeventspawns.xml
βββ cfggameplay.json
βββ cfgignorelist.xml
βββ cfglimitsdefinition.xml
βββ cfglimitsdefinitionuser.xml
βββ cfgplayerspawnpoints.xml
βββ cfgrandompresets.xml
βββ cfgspawnabletypes.xml
βββ cfgundergroundtriggers.json
βββ cfgweather.xml
βββ init.c
βββ mapclusterproto.xml
βββ mapgroupcluster.xml
βββ mapgroupdirt.xml
βββ mapgrouppos.xml
βββ mapgroupproto.xml
βββ SpawnerBubaku/
βββ SpawnerBubaku.json
Replace the areaflags.map inside main.hashima
SpawnerBubaku π‘₯ Follow the instructions on Steam Workkshop.
Replace the file SpawnerBubaku.json
Just wanted to give you a heads-up that Hashima Islands is still in its early development stages. I'm pretty stoked to introduce this new map to the Dayz Community, but it's a work in progress. So, it's a good idea to let you know that things might change as I continue to develop it. These changes could impact any custom stuff or gameplay tweaks you've made on your server.
On another note, if you're thinking about shaking things up and adding new Points of Interest (POIs) to your server, I'd suggest focusing on the ocean. Unlike the land, which might get a facelift during development, the ocean is a pretty stable part of the map. So, building custom content and new POIs in the ocean can keep your server mods compatible with future updates to Hashima Islands.
If you want to contribute, feel free by open an Issue and/or Pull Request.
Hashima Islands is based on real history and real terrains. However, some aspects of the content have been fictionalized for the purposes of gameplay. I do not claim ownership over any copyrighted material that may be present in Hashima Islands. All copyrighted material belongs to their respective owners. This mod is intended for personal and non-commercial use only. I'm not responsible for any damage that may occur to your game while using this mod. Use at your own risk.