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A vertical autoscaler for Kubernetes workloads


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A vertical autoscaler for Kubernetes workloads. This is a golang port of the popular (py-)kube-downscaler with improvements and quality of life changes.

Table of contents

Scalable Resources

These are the resources the Downscaler can scale:

  • CronJobs:
    • sets the cronjobs suspend property to true, halting it from running on the schedule
  • Daemonsets:
    • adds a label that matches none of the nodes to the nodeselector, stopping its pods from running on any node
  • Deployments:
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (HPA):
    • sets the minReplicas of the HPA to the downscale replicas. Will throw an error if the downscale replicas is > 1
  • Jobs:
    • sets the jobs suspend property to true, will stop execution of the job until upscaled again
  • PodDisruptionBudgets:
    • sets either maxUnavailable or minAvailable to the downscale replicas. Will not scale if minAvailable or maxUnavailable are percentiles instead of replica counts.
  • ScaledObjects:
  • StatefulSets:


Installation is done via the Helm Chart



Annotations can be applied to the workload or the namespace. See the layers concept for more details on which of the layers values will be used.


CLI arguments set layer values and runtime configuration at the start of the program. See the layers concept for more details on which of the layers values will be used.

Layer Values:

Runtime Configuration:

  • --dry-run:
    • boolean
    • sets the downscaler into dry run mode, which makes it just print what it would have done, instead of actually doing it
    • default: false
  • --debug:
    • boolean
    • makes the downscaler print debug information
    • default: false
  • --once:
    • boolean
    • makes the downscaler exit after one scan
    • default: false
  • --interval:
    • duration
    • sets the time between scans
    • default: 30s
  • --namespace:
    • comma seperated list of namespaces (some-ns,other-ns or some-ns, other-ns)
    • makes the downscaler only get the specified namespaces
    • default: all namespaces
  • --include-resources:
    • comma seperated list of scalable resources (deployments,statefulsets or deployments, statefulsets)
    • enables scaling of workloads with the specified resource type
    • default: deployments
  • --exclude-namespaces:
    • comma seperated list of namespaces (some-ns,other-ns or some-ns, other-ns)
    • excludes the specified namespaces from being scaled
    • default: kube-system, kube-downscaler
  • --exclude-deployments:
    • comma seperated list of workload names (some-workload,other-workload or some-workload, other-workload)
    • excludes the specified workloads from being scaled
    • default: none
  • --matching-labels:
    • comma seperated list of labels with their value (some-label=val,other-label=value or some-label=val, other-label=value)
    • makes the downscaler only include workloads which have any label that machtes any of the specified labels and values
    • default: none
  • --time-annotation:
    • key of annotation with an RFC3339 Timestamp
    • when set grace-period will use the timestamp in the annotation instead of the creation time of the workload
    • default: none (uses the workloads creation time)

Environment Variables

Environment Variables set layer values and runtime configuration at the start of the program. See the layers concept for more details on which of the layers values will be used.

Layer Values:

Runtime Configuration:


There are two different kinds of Timespans.

  • Absolute Timespans: a timespan defined by two RFC3339 timestamps
  • Relative Timespans: reoccuring on a schedule

Configuration of an Absolute Timespan

<RFC3339-Timestamp> - <RFC3339-Timestamp>

example: 2024-07-29T08:30:00Z - 2024-07-29T16:00:00+02:00

Configuration of a Relative Timespan

<Weekday-From>-<Weekday-To> <Time-Of-Day-From>-<Time-Of-Day-To> <Timezone>


Mon-Fri 08:00-20:00 Europe/Berlin    # From Monday to Friday: from 08:00 to 20:00
Sat-Sun 00:00-24:00 UTC              # On The Weekend: the entire day
Mon-Fri 20:00-08:00 PST              # From Monday to Friday: from Midnight to 08:00 and from 20:00 until end of day
Mon-Sun 00:00-00:00 America/New_York # The timespan never matches, this would not do anything
Mon-Tue 20:00-24:00 CEST             # On Monday and Tuesday: from 20:00 to midnight
Mon-Tue 20:00-00:00 Europe/Amsterdam # On Monday and Tuesday: from 20:00 to midnight

Valid Values:

  • Weekdays: (case-insensitive)
    • Mon
    • Tue
    • Wed
    • Thu
    • Fri
    • Sat
    • Sun
  • Timezones: all from the IANA Time Zone database
  • Time of day: 00:00 - 24:00

Multiple/Complex Timespans

In some cases you need to define multiple Timespans. You can do this like this:


OR with optional spaces:


The timespans can be absolute, relative or mixed. Example: downscale over the weekend and at night:

Sat-Sun 00:00-24:00 Europe/Berlin, Mon-Fri 20:00-07:00 Europe/Berlin


A duration can be defined either by an integer representing seconds

"120" # 120 seconds (2 minutes)
"900" # 900 seconds (15 minutes)

Or by a duration strings:

"1h30m" # 1 hour and 30 minutes
"1.5h"  # 1 ½ hours (1 hour and 30 minutes)
"2m"    # 2 minutes
"10s"   # 10 seconds
"300s"  # 300 seconds

Other units:

"ns"      # nanoseconds
"us"/"µs" # microseconds
"ms"      # milliseconds
"s"       # seconds
"m"       # minutes
"h"       # hours



Layers are layers of values. If the highest Layer doesn't have a value, it falls through it and tries to get it from the next lower layer.

Layer Hierarchy

  1. Workload Layer
  2. Namespace Layer
  3. CLI Layer
  4. ENV Layer

Workload Layer

Defined by the annotations on the workload.

Namespace Layer

Defined by the annotations on the namespace.

CLI Layer

Defined by the command line arguments at startup.

ENV Layer

Defined by the environemt variables at startup.



A process line with "(...)" is a compacted form, instead of showing the process on each layer

--- Layers
Workload: (no annotations)
Namespace: exclude=true
CLI: (defaults)
ENV: (no env vars)
--- Process:
Exclusion not specified on workload layer, going to next layer
Exclusion set to true on namespace layer, excluding workload
--- Result:
Workload is excluded, no changes will be made to it
--- Layers
Workload: exclude=false
Namespace: exclude=true
CLI: downtime="Mon-Fri 08:00-16:00 Europe/Berlin"
ENV: (no env vars)
--- Process:
Exclusion set to false on workload layer, not excluding workload
No forced scaling found on any layer (...)
No scaling specified on Workload layer, going to next layer
No scaling specified on Namespace layer, going to next layer
Scaling "downtime" specified on CLI layer, scaling according to the downtime schedule on the cli layer
--- Result:
Workload will be scaled according to the downtime schedule on the cli layer
--- Layers
Workload: uptime="Mon-Fri 08:00-16:00 Europe/Berlin"
Namespace: force-downtime=true
CLI: downtime="Mon-Fri 20:00-08:00 PST"
ENV: (no env vars)
--- Process:
Exclusion not set on any layer (...)
Forced scaling found on namespace layer, forcing downscale (...)
--- Result:
Workload will be forced into a down-scaled state
--- Layers
Workload: uptime="Mon-Fri 08:00-16:00 Europe/Berlin"
Namespace: force-downtime=true
CLI: downtime="Mon-Fri 20:00-08:00 PST"
ENV: (no env vars)
--- Process:
Exclusion not set on any layer (...)
No forced scaling found on any layer (...)
Scaling "uptime" set on workload layer, scaling according to the uptime schedule on the cli layer
--- Result:
Workload will be scaled according to the uptime schedule on the cli layer


For more info please refer to the official documentation

Migrating from py-kube-downscaler

Basic migration

  1. Remove the old kube-downscaler
helm uninstall py-kube-downscaler
  1. Make sure all programs/non-default uses support the breaking changes
  2. Make sure all timestamps are RFC 3339 compatible
  3. Install the new downscaler

Edge cases

If you had an implementation that used some of the quirks of the py-kube-downscaler you might need to change those.

Some cases where this might be needed include:

  • Incompatibility instead of priority
    • example: if you had a program that dynamically added an uptime annotation on a workload with a downtime annotation because you relied on the uptime annotation taking over
  • Layer system
    • example: the behaviour of excluding a namespace resulting in all workloads in it being excluded is not quite the same, as the workload could overwrite this by setting exclude to false
  • A pod that upscales the whole cluster
    • this behaviour is no longer available
  • RFC3339 timestamp
    • if you used the short form versions of the ISO 8601 timestamp (2023-08-12, 2023-233 or 2023-W34-1)
  • Actual exclusion
    • example: if you had a program that dynamically excluded a namespace and need it to then go in an upscaled state

Differences to py-kube-downscaler

Incompatibility instead of priority:

  • some values are now incompatible instead of using one over the other
  • backwards compatible: shouldn't break anything in most cases

Duration units:

  • instead of integers representing seconds you can also use duration strings see Duration for more information
  • backwards compatible: fully compatible, integer seconds are still supported

Layer system:

  • Makes it easier and more uniform to know what configuration is going to be used. All annotations can now also be easily applied to namespaces.
  • backwards compatible: shouldn't break anything in most cases

--explicit-include cli argument:

  • a simple way to explicitly include single workloads. See --explicit-include for more details.
  • backwards compatible: fully compatible, no prior behaviour was changed

Comfort spaces:

  • allows for spaces in configuration to make the configuration more readable. (applies to: any comma seperated list, absolute timespans)
  • backwards compatible: fully compatible, you can still use the configuration without spaces

Uniform timestamp:

  • all timestamps are RFC3339 this is more optimized for golang, more consistent and also used by kubernetes itself
  • backwards compatible: mostly, unless you used a short form of ISO 8601 (2023-08-12, 2023-233) or 2023-W34-1 it should be totally fine to not change anything

Overlapping relative timespans into next day:

  • timespans can overlap into the "next" day (Mon-Fri 20:00-06:00 UTC). See Relative Timespans
  • backwards compatible: fully compatible, this didn't change any existing functionallity

Actual exclusion:

  • excluding a workload won't force the workload to be upscaled
  • backwards compatible: should be fully compatible, unless your implementation relies on this

IANA Timezones:

  • the downscaler uses the IANA timezone database
  • backwards compatible: fully compatible, "Olson timezones" is just a lesser known synonym for the IANA time zone database

Workload error events:

  • errors with the configuration of a workload are shown as events on the workload
  • backwards compatible: fully compatible, doesn't change any existing functionality

--deployment-time-annotation -> --time-annotation:

  • the --deployment-time-annotation cli argument was changed to --time-annotation
  • backwards compatible: if you used this cli argument, you have to change it to --time-annotation

Missing Features

Currentlly the GoKubeDownscaler is still a WIP. This means that there are still some features missing. You can find a list of the known-missing features here. If you think that any other features are missing or you have an idea for a new feature, feel free to open an Issue


Please read the contribution manifest

Cloning the Repository

git clone
cd GoKubeDownscaler

Setting up Pre-Commit

brew install pre-commit
pre-commit install
brew install golangci-lint
brew install gofumpt

Testing the downscaler

running the unit tests

go test -v --cover ./...

running the downscaler locally

The downscaler can be run locally by specifying a kubeconfig to use. The kubeconfig should have at least the permissions as the Helm Charts role.yaml. The downscaler will use the current-context in the kubeconfig.

go run -k=path/to/kubeconfig # ... additional configuration


A vertical autoscaler for Kubernetes workloads







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  • Go 92.3%
  • Smarty 7.2%
  • Dockerfile 0.5%