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πŸ•΅πŸΌ Get detailed info for any URL on the internet. Scraper for HTML meta tags, OpenGraph, Schema data


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Page Meta πŸ•΅

Page Meta is a PHP library than can retrieve detailed info on any URL from the internet! It uses data from HTML meta tags and OpenGraph with fallback to detailed HTML scraping.


  • Works for any valid URL on the internet!
  • Follows page redirects
  • Uses all scraping methods available: HTML tags, OpenGraph, Schema data

Potential use cases

  • Display Info Cards for links in a article
  • Rich preview for links in messaging apps
  • Extract info from a user-submitted URL


How to use


Add layered/page-meta as a dependency in your project's composer.json file:

$ composer require layered/page-meta


Create a UrlPreview instance, then call loadUrl($url) method with your URL as first argument. Preview data is retrieved with get($section) or getAll() methods:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$preview = new Layered\PageMeta\UrlPreview([
	'HTTP_USER_AGENT'	=>	'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YourApp/1.0; +'

$allPageData = $preview->getAll();	// contains all scraped data
$siteInfo = $preview->get('site');	// get general info about the website

Behind the scenes

The library downloads the HTML source of the url you provided, then uses specialized scrapers to extract pieces of information. Core scrapers can be seen in src/scrapers/, and they extract general info for a page: title, author, description, page type, main image, etc. If you would like to extract a new field, see Extending the library section.

User Agent or extra headers can make a big difference when downloading HTML from a website. There are some websites that forbid scraping and hide the content when they detect a tool like this one. Make sure to read their dev docs & TOS.

The default User Agent is blocked on sites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and others. A workaround is to use this one (thanks for the tip PVGrad):

'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +'

Returned data

Returned data will be an Array with following format:

	"site": {
		"secure":		true,
		"url":			"https:\/\/",
		"icon":			"https:\/\/\/static\/images\/ico\/favicon-192.png\/b407fa101800.png",
		"language":		"en",
		"responsive":	true,
		"name":			"Instagram"
	"page": {
		"type":			"photo",
		"url":			"https:\/\/\/p\/BbRyo_Kjqt1\/",
		"title":		"GitHub on Instagram",
		"description":	"There\u2019s still time to join the #GitHubGameOff and build a game inspired by throwbacks. Get started\u2026",
		"image":		{
			"url": "https:\/\/\/vp\/73b1790d77548031327e64ee83196706\/5B4AD567\/t51.2885-15\/e35\/23421974_1768724519826754_3855913942043852800_n.jpg"
	"author": {
		"name":			"GitHub",
		"handle":		"@github",
		"url":			"https:\/\/\/github\/"
	"app_links": {
		"ios": {
			"url": "nflx:\/\/\/title\/80014749",
			"app_store_id": "363590051",
			"app_name": "Netflix",
			"store_url": "https:\/\/\/us\/app\/Netflix\/id363590051"
		"android": {
			"url": "nflx:\/\/\/title\/80014749",
			"package": "",
			"app_name": "Netflix",
			"store_url": "https:\/\/\/store\/apps\/details?"

See UrlPreview::getAll() for info on each returned field.

Public API

UrlPreview class provides the following public methods:

__construct(array $headers): UrlPreview

Start the UrlPreview instance. Pass extra headers to send when requesting the page URL

loadUrl(string $url): UrlPreview

Load and start the scrape process for any valid URL

getAll(): array

Get all data scraped from page

Return: Array with scraped data in following format:

  • site - info about the website
    • url - main site URL
    • name - site name, ex: 'Instagram' or 'Medium'
    • secure - Boolean true|false depending on http connection
    • responsive - Boolean true|false. True if site has viewport meta tag present. Basic check for responsiveness
    • icon - site icon
    • language - ISO 639-1 language code, ex: en, es
  • page - info about the page at current URL
    • type - page type, ex: website, article, profile, video, etc
    • url - canonical URL for the page
    • title - page title
    • description - page description
    • image - Array containing image info, if present:
      • url - image URL
      • width - image width
      • height - image width
    • video - Array containing video info, if found on page:
      • url - video URL
      • width - video width
      • height - video width
  • author - info about the content author, ex:
    • name - Author's name on a blog, person's name on social network sites
    • handle - Social media site username
    • url - Author URL for more articles or Profile URL on social network sites
  • app_links - Array containing apps linked to page, like:
    • ios - iOS app
      • url - link for in-app action, ex: 'nflx://'
      • app_store_id - Apple AppStore app ID
      • app_name - name of the app
      • store_url - link to installable app
    • android - Android app
      • url - link for in-app action, ex: 'nflx://'
      • package - Android PlayStore app ID
      • app_name - name of the app
      • store_url - link to installable app

get(string $section): array

Get data in one scraped section site, page, profile or app_links

Return: Array with section scraped data. See UrlPreview::getAll() for data format

addListener(string $eventName, callable $listener, int $priority = 0): UrlPreview

Attach an event on UrlPreview for data processing or scrape process. Arguments:

  • $eventName - on which event to listen. Available:
    • page.scrape - fired when the scraping process starts
    • data.filter - fired when data is requested by getData() or getAll() methods
  • $listener - a callable reference, which will get the $event parameter with available data
  • $priority - order on which the callable should be executed

Extending the library

If there's need to more scraped data for a URL, more functionality can be attached to PageMeta library. Example for returing the 'Terms and Conditions' link from pages:

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;

$previewer = new \Layered\PageMeta\UrlPreview;
$previewer->addListener('page.scrape', function(Event $event) {
	$currentScrapedData = $event->getData();	// check data from other scrapers
	$crawler = $event->getCrawler();			// instance of DomCrawler Symfony Component
	$termsLink = '';

	$crawler->filter('a[href*=terms]')->each(function($node) use(&$termsLink) {
		$termsLink = $node->attr('href');

	// forwards the scraped data
	$event->addData('site', [
		'termsLink'	=>	$termsLink


Please report any issues here on GitHub.

Any contributions are welcome