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GoG: Authentication and other APIs

Paweł Lidwin edited this page Feb 2, 2022 · 1 revision


Certain more user specific endpoints require Authentication.

It's handled by Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN> header, which must be included in some endpoints.

Obtaining auth Code

This URL allows app to get authorization code, which will allow us to obtain access_token.

If you are using frameworks like CEF or Electron. This should be embedded in window for user to authenticate.

It's bad idea to open it in user's browser since it doesn't allow for callbacks.

Page just redirects user to<CODE> with CODE as parameter

You can optionally change layout to galaxy, it will make it look like login in Galaxy

Getting access token

CODE is obtained in previous step<CODE>
	"access_token": "<ACCESS_TOKEN>",
	"expires_in": 3600,
	"token_type": "bearer",
	"scope": "",
	"session_id": "<SESSION_ID>",
	"refresh_token": "<REFRESH_TOKEN>",
	"user_id": "<USER_ID>"

Refreshing token

Usually after an hour token is expired.<REFRESH_TOKEN>
	"access_token": "<ACCESS_TOKEN>",
	"expires_in": 3600,
	"token_type": "bearer",
	"scope": "",
	"session_id": "<SESSION_ID>",
	"refresh_token": "<REFRESH_TOKEN>",
	"user_id": "<USER_ID>"