This is a tool to help you during development. It relies on the fact that we can predict the source for RSA public keys, thanks to the LUSHDigital/core/workers/keybroker package from LUSHDigital/core.
In order to use this tool effectively, one should first generate keys, then export the required environment variable (this will be provided to you). The broker knows where to look after that. The tokens generated via this tool are valid for 24 hours.
$ go install
$ jwtl -path ~/.secrets -name jwt setup
Usage of jwtl:
jwtl new
Generates a JWT token based on an RSA key pair
jwtl setup
Generates a new RSA key pair
-firstname string
First name of the consumer (default "John")
-grants string
Grants of the consumer as a comma separated list (default "read,write")
-lang string
Language of the consumer (default "en")
-lastname string
Last name of the consumer (default "Doe")
-name string
Name of the keys to use or generate in the location (default "jwt")
-needs string
Needs of the consumer as a comma separated list (default "nothing")
-path string
Path on disk to the location to use or generate the keys (default "/Users/me/.secrets")
-roles string
Roles of the consumer as a comma separated list (default "guest")
-uid int
ID of the consumer (default 1)
-uuid string
UUID of the consumer (default "67e89fbc-41eb-4090-b67b-f22b80ced238")
-valid_from string
Timestamp used to determine the time when a token is valid (default "2019-07-24T11:48:17+02:00")
-valid_period string
Duration the generated keys are valid (default "60m")