SuperGLEBer (German Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark) is a broad Natural Language Understanding benchmark suite for the German language in order to create a better understanding of the current state of German LLMs. Our benchmark consists of 29 different tasks ranging over different types like document classification, sequence tagging, sentence similarity, and question answering.
If you use this benchmark in your research, please cite the following paper: For the current leaderboard and more information check out the SuperGLEBer Website 🚀
This is the updated branch that contains the new and improved version of the SuperGLEBer benchmark.
create all relevant files necessary to schedule runs on a k8s/slurm cluster:
python src/
running a model on a task:
python src/ +model=gbert_base +train_args=a100 +task=news_class
override config keys via CLI:
python src/ +model=gbert_base +train_args=a100 +task=news_class train_args.batch_size=1
you can find valid parameters in the provided yaml configs: