This is a web application for users of Kitty News. Visitors can only see a list of articles. Once they register and pay a subscription fee, they can get full access to all articles. The application provides users with functionalities below.
- User registration
- User authentication(Log-in/Log-off)
- Yearly subscription
- Display articles in a category
- Choose UI language between English/Swedish/Cat language
- Deployed App(Netlify)
- Github
- The admin user interface, mobile application and API can be found here:
As a visitor
In order to choose an article to read
I would like to be able to see the articles listed on a page
As a visitor
In order to find an article I want to read
I would like to be able to view articles by category
As a registered user
In order to get an access to all articles
I would like to be able to buy a subscription
As a subscriber
In order to read a specific article
I would like to be able to click on an article and have it displayed
As a visitor
In order to be able to read articles in my native language
I would like to switch languages between English and Swedish
- React
- Cypress
- Semantic UI React
- Axios
- React Route Dom
- React Stripe Elements
- React Redux
- i18next
- i18next browser languagedetector
- i18next xhr backend
- j-tockauth
- Craft Academy course material: Advanced React and Rails(
- Craft Academy coaches: Thomas Ochman, Emma-Maria Thalen
MIT License