Project Management App hosted app site
About The creation of Qlickbook stems from the idea of a SCRUM project manager app. The intention was to create an application that would be able to help a company or individual better manage time and hit deadlines as they come. With our app, I strongly believe that your scheduling will be flawless and all your deadlines will be met. Currently the creators are new and upcoming into the tech industry with hopes of finding that perfect work/life balance. This application was built by three individuals while enrolled in an online web development full stack immersive. The concepts of web development that were learned are reflecting in this application. The foundational functionality for this app was created in around two weeks, however this application will be continually updated to create a better and better version of itself. Thank you for your support! The tools used in the project include: Python/Django SQLITE3 Bootstrap Javascript CSS
Standout Points: Class based view and Function based views -Making this app was a learning process. One thing that helped curate learning was the mixed views in the projects/ using complex class based views alongside function based views helped us understand the flow of data to the templates. Graphs -While not all are fully functional. The graphs helped reinforce the use of arethmatic operations. I find myself trying to avoid math, however in creating the graphs there was no way around it. Admin Portal -One thing you dont see too much in django applications is the overwriteing of the existing admin templates. While not essential, it was a great way to really dive down deep into the core of django and understand complex jinja2. Hacky field update buttons and dropdowns -One of my favorite parts of this app is the ability to change field information seemlessly. On the ticket model you can add/remove user from a dropdown and pick up the information without a whole screen refresh as you would imaging in a more controlable framework or different language. Models -At the begining of this project, one of my teamates and myself both felt "uncomfortable" in the django models writing. However after making connections between multiple foreign keys and and M2M fields, the information just started to make much more sense. SQLITE3 ---> MYSQL database -While a bit past the requirements for this project, a hosted version of this app was created. It was a bit of a challenge not only making sure the foundation of SQLite was understood, but also to understand how to move data from one database to another using a "dump json file". After many many stack trace backs and cups of coffee, it finally works!
Below is a preview of what everything looks like in its current state: