The code of the book I wrote "Sfml Blueprints" available here :
chapter 3 :
chapter 7 :
chapter 8 :
- You need to have a valid clone of the SFML 2.2.x ( and need to build it.
- A C++11 compiler (avoid Visual studio and prefer mingw for windows users)
- Ubuntu x64 14.04, 16.04 (gcc, clang)
- Windows x64 8, 8.1 (mingw)
- Os X
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Once it's done, use Cmake to build the project.
cd path/to/SFML-Book
mkdir build
cd build
cmake-gui ..
- You will need to set the variable
- GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR to path/to/SFML/extlibs/headers
- GLEW_LIBRARY to path/to/SFML/extlibs/libs-[compiler]/x[32/64]/libglew32.a depending on your system
- press "configure" and "generate"
- your file is now generated in the path/to/SFML-Book/build/ directory. You can use it to build the entire book projects.
- notice that for windows user, you will have to copy the dll of the externals libraries to your system path
- the libraries are located into the path/to/SFML-Book/lib/ directory
no graphical changes