Listen to your favourite osu!lazer beatmaps as a spotify playlist from the terminal
Try out the latest release without installing anything:
npx osu-play # using npm pnpm dlx osu-play # using pnpm
Install the latest release globally:
npm i -g osu-play # using npm pnpm i -g osu-play # using pnpm
The osu-play
command can be used with the following options:
β korigamik git:(main) β osu-play --help
Play music from your osu!lazer beatmaps from the terminal
Usage: osu-play [options]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-r, --reload Reload lazer database [boolean] [default: false]
--exportPlaylist Export playlist to a file [string]
-d, --osuDataDir Osu!lazer data directory
[string] [default: "/home/origami/.local/share/osu"]
-c, --configDir Config directory
[string] [default: "/home/origami/.config/osu-play"]
-l, --loop Loop the playlist on end [boolean] [default: false]
This package can be used as a library or as a cli application. To use the lazer
database interaction in your applicatoins import the osu-play
package and
start using it!
import { lazer } from "osu-play";
const realm = getLazerDB();