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This service renders a carousel of cards, each displaying a particular trait shared by the current product being viewed. Above the displayed trait are 4 thumbnail images that take the user to the represented product's product page when clicked on.

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Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development


must have mysql installed, v 5.7 used start mysql server from project root, run in command line - mysql -u root < database-sql/Schema.sql npm run seedDB npm run build npm start Navigate to


An nvmrc file is included if using nvm.

Node 14.2 used for this project

  • Node 6.13.0
  • etc


points of note include: using styled-components retrieving product id from browser - window.location.pathname creating carousel of cards with 4 images each with label images correspond to product id, when clicked, service changes to display content for the id/image clicked on devising a method to retrieve 30+ images from images service for any given product id generating 100 sets of random data and connections between them to be displayed in service using faker.js, seeding into MySql links below show sample response data:

connecting to another services API to help expand on and sort random product data Making sure enough traits correspond to any product id and that each trait card has 4 thumnails to display deploying to AWS ec2 instance

Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

npm install


Traits service for humble bundle app






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