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Thoughts on tightening up the spec #563

17 of 20 tasks
lexaknyazev opened this issue Apr 14, 2016 · 61 comments
17 of 20 tasks

Thoughts on tightening up the spec #563

lexaknyazev opened this issue Apr 14, 2016 · 61 comments


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lexaknyazev commented Apr 14, 2016

Base spec

  • 1. There is no integers in JS, but other languages can have them. Spec is silent on implicit type casts of integers provided for values declared as FLOAT or FLOAT_VEC*. I believe that a little permissive comment about that would be enough.
  • 2. MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE and MODELINVERSETRANSPOSE technique parameter semantics are declared as FLOAT_MAT3. At the same time presence of node field requires parameter to be FLOAT_MAT4. Spec is silent on this ambiguity. (see boxSemantics/glTF/boxSemantics.gltf)
  • 3. Is it OK to have technique parameters that are mentioned neither in technique.uniforms nor in technique.attributes?
  • 4. Can technique parameter be referenced in technique.attributes and have a value property at the same time?
  • 5. Can technique parameter with FLOAT (or other scalar) type and "count": 3 be linked with FLOAT_VEC3 accessor? (More details in the comment below.)
  • 6. Are {POSITION|NORMAL|...}_%d semantics valid? Provided samples use only TEXTURE_%d.
  • 7. There is no explicit requirement on the mesh.primitive.indices accessor to not to be FLOAT and to reference bufferView with ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER target.
  • 8. Default material example (Appendix A) has an extra a_texcoord_0 attribute.
  • 9. Also I think that spec could be more verbose on required semantics for mesh to be rendered with default material. Without NORMAL runtime can try to calculate them on-the-fly, but without POSITION there's nothing to render at all.
  • 10. Do we need 2D versions of default material shaders for pure 2D content? Or in that case users must provide shader code themselves?
  • 11. Spec refers to EXT_binary_glTF instead of KHR_binary_glTF.
  • 12. Spec lacks examples of using WebGL extensions, i.e., how to declare usage of OES_element_index_uint?
    millennium_falcon.gltf from fr24-3d-models has accessors with "componentType": 5125 (UNSIGNED_INT) which isn't a valid value without extension.

Added from comments below




  • 1. Should decodedMax and decodedMin array lengths be aligned with accessor's type?
  • 2. Can we enforce decodeMatrix length to be just one of [4, 9 16] instead of [1-16]?

Moved to #610

Original comment:

Base spec

  1. There is no integers in JS, but other languages can have them. Spec is silent on implicit type casts of integers provided for values declared as FLOAT or FLOAT_VEC*. I believe that a little permissive comment about that would be enough.
  2. MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE and MODELINVERSETRANSPOSE technique parameter semantics are declared as FLOAT_MAT3. At the same time presence of node field requires parameter to be FLOAT_MAT4. Spec is silent on this ambiguity. (see boxSemantics/glTF/boxSemantics.gltf)
  3. Is it OK to have technique parameters that are mentioned neither in technique.uniforms nor in technique.attributes?
  4. Can technique parameter be referenced in technique.attributes and have a value property at the same time?
  5. Can technique parameter with FLOAT (or other scalar) type and "count": 3 be linked with FLOAT_VEC3 accessor? More details in the comment below.
  6. Are {POSITION|NORMAL|...}_%d semantics valid? Provided samples use only TEXTURE_%d.
  7. There is no explicit requirement on the mesh.primitive.indices accessor to not to be FLOAT and to reference bufferView with ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER target.
  8. Default material example (Appendix A) has an extra a_texcoord_0 attribute.
  9. Also I think that spec could be more verbose on required semantics for mesh to be rendered with default material. Without NORMAL runtime can try to calculate them on-the-fly, but without POSITION there's nothing to render at all.
  10. Do we need 2D versions of default material shaders for pure 2D content? Or in that case users must provide shader code themselves?
  11. Spec refers to EXT_binary_glTF instead of KHR_binary_glTF.
  12. Spec lacks examples of using WebGL extensions, i.e., how to declare usage of OES_element_index_uint?
    millennium_falcon.gltf from fr24-3d-models has accessors with "componentType": 5125 (UNSIGNED_INT) which isn't a valid value without extension.


There is no requirement on sceneSize to be > 0.


Default value for falloffAngle is PI/2 in spec but PI in


  1. Should decodedMax and decodedMin array lengths be aligned with accessor's type?
  2. Can we enforce decodeMatrix length to be just one of [4, 9 16] instead of [1-16]?
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pjcozzi commented Apr 14, 2016

Thanks @lexaknyazev! This is great feedback. I created a 1.0.1 label and tagged this. I'll do some spec updates for the obvious ones and get back to you with questions on any others. I have a few things on my plate right now so please give me some time.

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Let's say we have an accessor with "type": "VEC3" and "componentType": 5126 //FLOAT.
Are both kinds of technique parameters (see below) allowed to reference it?

 "technique0": {
      "attributes": {
        "a_1": "param1",
        "a_2": "param2"
      "parameters": {
        "param1": {
          "type": 35665 // FLOAT_VEC3
       "param2": {
          "count": 3,
          "type": 5126 // FLOAT

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Spec has a fixed list of valid attribute semantics. So how can we have custom attributes?
There was a comment about that but spec doesn't mention anything like that.

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pjcozzi commented Apr 17, 2016

Let's say we have an accessor with "type": "VEC3" and "componentType": 5126 //FLOAT.
Are both kinds of technique parameters (see below) allowed to reference it?

I don't think the spec defines this yet (or at least not well), but perhaps only param1 is valid. Do you have a use case for allowing param2?

Spec has a fixed list of valid attribute semantics. So how can we have custom attributes?

Semantics are optional:

So a custom attribute would need to rely on a well-known attribute name - not semantic - to conform to the spec as it is written now. I think the question should be: can we have custom semantics, right? I think the answer should be yes, but we need to think about how to do it in a forward-compatible way, and how important that would be in practice (e.g., if an asset uses a custom semantic and then a later version of glTF defines that semantic, but it is different than the custom one's meaning; given that the future glTF version could have other breaking changes, it might be OK).

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Please correct me if I'm wrong, we have:
mesh.primitive.attributes: {semantic: accessor_id, ...}
technique.attributes: {attributeName: parameterName, ...}
technique.parameters: {parameterName: {"semantic": semantic}, ...}
If attribute technique parameter doesn't have a semantic how can it be linked to an accessor?

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There is no way to specify texture's width and height. This is needed for using raw binary texture data (not web-compressed formats).

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lexaknyazev commented Apr 22, 2016

I think the question should be: can we have custom semantics, right? I think the answer should be yes, but we need to think about how to do it in a forward-compatible way

Imho, the simpliest way to achieve forward-compatibility is to require all custom semantics to have some prefix (such as _) so they never collide with spec-defined names.

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Looking at the extensions.json example I think we need to have some standardized way to define external extensions schemes. I see at least three possible approaches here:

  1. Explicitly define extension-specific schemes for all possible extensions like

        "$schema" : "",
        "title" : "EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic",
        "type" : "object",
        "properties" : {
            "maximumAnisotropy" : {
                "type" : "integer",
                "default" : "0"
        "additionalProperties" : false
  2. Do not define any additional schemes and just use appropriate GL names (TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT in this case) instead of js-like camelCase.

        "extensionsUsed" : ["EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"],
        "samplers" : {
            "sampler_id": {
                "magFilter": 9729,
                "minFilter": 9987,
                "name": "user-defined sampler name",
                "wrapS": 10497,
                "wrapT": 10497,
                "extensions" : {
                    "EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic" : {
                        "TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT" : 8
  3. Do not use text-based properties and reference parameters as corresponding GL consts.

        "extensionsUsed" : ["EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"],
        "samplers" : {
            "sampler_id": {
                "magFilter": 9729,
                "minFilter": 9987,
                "name": "user-defined sampler name",
                "wrapS": 10497,
                "wrapT": 10497,
                "extensions" : {
                    "EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic" : {
                        "parameters": [
                                "pname": 0x84FE, //TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT
                                "value": 8

And for extensions like OES_element_index_uint (with no additional properties or functions) maybe it should be sufficient just mentioning them in extensionsUsed property of the root object.

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There is no way to specify texture's width and height. This is needed for using raw binary texture data (not web-compressed formats).

After more digging, I propose to add optional width, height and mimeType fields to image and remove them from KHR_binary_glTF\image. This will serve two purposes:

  1. We'll be able to use uncompressed textures both from external files (with explicit width, height and "mimeType": "application/octet-stream") and from embedded data: URI. In the latter case, we should omit mimeType field and use URI: data:application/octet-stream;base64,....
  2. KHR_binary_glTF\image will contain only bufferView just like KHR_binary_glTF\shader.

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pjcozzi commented Apr 25, 2016

Please correct me if I'm wrong, we have:
mesh.primitive.attributes: {semantic: accessor_id, ...}
technique.attributes: {attributeName: parameterName, ...}
technique.parameters: {parameterName: {"semantic": semantic}, ...}
If attribute technique parameter doesn't have a semantic how can it be linked to an accessor?

Looking at this again, I agree there is a disconnect here that we need to address in the spec. Will need to brainstorm if it is as simple as requiring the semantic.

I think the question should be: can we have custom semantics, right? I think the answer should be yes, but we need to think about how to do it in a forward-compatible way
Imho, the simpliest way to achieve forward-compatibility is to require all custom semantics to have some prefix (such as _) so they never collide with spec-defined names.

That could work.

Looking at the extensions.json example I think we need to have some standardized way to define external extensions schemes. I see at least three possible approaches here:

Each extension defines the JSON schema for the extra JSON properties, e.g., see from

What else are you looking for here?

And for extensions like OES_element_index_uint (with no additional properties or functions) maybe it should be sufficient just mentioning them in extensionsUsed property of the root object.

This would be a bit of a magic value; I still think we need the extension explicitly defined even if it is quite short and simple.

There is no way to specify texture's width and height. This is needed for using raw binary texture data (not web-compressed formats).
After more digging, I propose to add optional width, height and mimeType fields to image and remove them from KHR_binary_glTF\image. This will serve two purposes:

We'll be able to use uncompressed textures both from external files (with explicit width, height and "mimeType": "application/octet-stream") and from embedded data: URI. In the latter case, we should omit mimeType field and use URI: data:application/octet-stream;base64,....

KHR_binary_glTF\image will contain only bufferView just like KHR_binary_glTF\shader.

This could work well. We should also consider it in the context of texture compression so we don't end of changing it again for that (additions would be fine, of course).

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Each extension defines the JSON schema for the extra JSON properties, e.g., see from
What else are you looking for here?

Some extensions (like OES_texture_float or OES_standard_derivatives) are already well-defined up to 3 times (OpenGL, OpenGL ES, WebGL). They don't have anything glTF-specific.

Do we really need glTF schemes for them? The lack of some sort of "fast lane" could slow down development of glTF implementations.

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pjcozzi commented May 11, 2016

Some extensions (like OES_texture_float or OES_standard_derivatives) are already well-defined up to 3 times (OpenGL, OpenGL ES, WebGL). They don't have anything glTF-specific.

Do we really need glTF schemes for them?

Sorry for the slow response; I was at a conference all last week.

We do need an extension (.md file) for them, but it can be very small and just reference, for example, the GL extension. In some cases, the extension will not require any new schema, in other cases, it may just be new allowed enums, and in other cases, it may be new properties/objects.

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We do need an extension (.md file) for them

Of course.

it may be new properties/objects

My point is that we need conventions for translation GL names into new properties, e.g., how TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT become maximumAnisotropy?

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pjcozzi commented May 11, 2016

My point is that we need conventions for translation GL names into new properties, e.g., how TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT become maximumAnisotropy?

Ah, yes, I agree throughout glTF, not just extensions. maximumAnisotropy is just in an example, not in an actual extension, but it should copy the GL name, e.g., maxAnisotropy or textureMaxAnisotropy.

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Does [camera.perspective.]aspectRatio: 0 mean the same as undefined aspectRatio?

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pjcozzi commented May 18, 2016

Does [camera.perspective.]aspectRatio: 0 mean the same as undefined aspectRatio?

The spec is not explicit about this. Perhaps the 1.0.1 spec should change this from >= 0 to> 0?

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Perhaps the 1.0.1 spec should change this from >= 0 to > 0?

Makes sense.

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pjcozzi commented Jun 1, 2016

There is no integers in JS, but other languages can have them. Spec is silent on implicit type casts of integers provided for values declared as FLOAT or FLOAT_VEC*. I believe that a little permissive comment about that would be enough.

@lexaknyazev do you have a specific example for this? JSON schema actually allows us to define fields as integers, e.g., accessor. byteOffset.

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pjcozzi commented Jun 1, 2016

  1. MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE and MODELINVERSETRANSPOSE technique parameter semantics are declared as FLOAT_MAT3. At the same time presence of node field requires parameter to be FLOAT_MAT4. Spec is silent on this ambiguity. (see boxSemantics/glTF/boxSemantics.gltf)

@lexaknyazev currently, this implies that a parameter with MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE or MODELINVERSETRANSPOSE semantic can't have a node property so it, therefore, can't get it's value from a node's transform. I think this is fine. I can make it more explicit if you want. Did you have other thoughts?

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So it looks like there was a bug in collada2gltf some time ago:

"nodeModelInverseTransposeMatrix": {

I think spec can be explicit on that to prevent runtimes from somehow "converting" matrices.
Strictly speaking, MODELINVERSETRANSPOSE, MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE and VIEWPORT semantics can't coexist with node property.

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pjcozzi commented Jun 1, 2016

I think spec can be explicit on that to prevent runtimes from somehow "converting" matrices.
Strictly speaking, MODELINVERSETRANSPOSE, MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE and VIEWPORT semantics can't coexist with node property.

Thanks, updated the spec in f548e60. I will also cherry-pick this for master since it does not depend on the 1.0.1 spec.

BTW, pull requests into the 1.0.1 branch for any issues are welcome; in the meantime, I am working through items in this issue in the next few days.

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pjcozzi commented Jun 1, 2016

shininess is defined as FLOAT
value is integer

I suspect this is because JSON.stringify or equivalent just dropped the .0. JSON just stores Number and it is OK for a floating-point value to be a whole number. A clarification here just seems unnecessary. Are you sure it would be useful?

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JSON just stores Number and it is OK for a floating-point value to be a whole number. A clarification here just seems unnecessary.


(If only GLSL was so permissive...)

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pjcozzi commented Jun 1, 2016

  1. Is it OK to have technique parameters that are mentioned neither in technique.uniforms nor in technique.attributes?

No, but the spec wasn't explicit. Updated spec in the 1.0.1 branch: ff4ac97

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pjcozzi commented Jun 2, 2016

Will update so fovY and aspect ratio must be > 0, not >= 0.

See aa152d8.

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pjcozzi commented Jun 2, 2016

"Spec has a fixed list of valid attribute semantics. So how can we have custom attributes?", #563 (comment)

See 17d3145.

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pjcozzi commented Jun 2, 2016

There is no way to specify texture's width and height. This is needed for using raw binary texture data (not web-compressed formats).

After more digging, I propose to add optional width, height and mimeType fields to image and remove them from KHR_binary_glTF\image. This will serve two purposes:

We'll be able to use uncompressed textures both from external files (with explicit width, height and "mimeType": "application/octet-stream") and from embedded data: URI. In the latter case, we should omit mimeType field and use URI: data:application/octet-stream;base64,....

KHR_binary_glTF\image will contain only bufferView just like KHR_binary_glTF\shader.

After evaluating this, #563 (comment), more, I agree that this is the right direction; however, it will require a new version of the KHR_binary_glTF extension to take full advantage.

I'd like to limit the scope of the 1.0.1 spec largely to improvements for validation (a few exceptions are OK, for example, #573).

I feel like we might be better off holding off on this until glTF includes texture compression and then making all the changes at once: this, texture compression, and KHR_binary_glTF updates.

What do you think? Do you have pressing use cases that should drive this happening sooner?

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What do you think? Do you have pressing use cases that should drive this happening sooner?

Several points, actually:

  1. Uncompressed is the simplest possible pixel format. All GL implementations support it. It looks like texture.type has no use without KHR_binary_glTF while spec & extension are in their current state.
  2. We need to consider multiple versions of the same texture for different compression formats (it's up to runtime to select one from RAW/PVRTC/ETC/S3TC/JPG). Export tools can provide only uncompressed file while all others can be generated during pipeline processing.
  3. Adding fields to image is both ways compatible, removing fields from KHR_binary_glTF\image is not. We have to ask KHR_binary_glTF implementations for feedback on this.

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I feel like we might be better off holding off on this until glTF includes texture compression and then making all the changes at once: this, texture compression, and KHR_binary_glTF updates.

Maybe we can establish some sort of framework for texture formats now to be able to add exact compression extensions later in non-destructive manner?

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And we shouldn't forget about FLOAT textures - imho, the most important real-world uncompressed use case.

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pjcozzi commented Jun 3, 2016

@lexaknyazev are you up for proposing all these texture changes in a new issue (can still be labeled 1.0.1)? If we can nail this down enough - establish the framework as you suggest - than I think we can do it in the near-term. As for KHR_binary_glTF, I'm afraid that we would have to create a new KHR_binary_glTF2 (or something) to take advantage of this. That could be postponed until the extension potential calls for other changes.

Also - one more use case for this: creating glTF materials procedurally at runtime.

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@lexaknyazev are you up for proposing all these texture changes in a new issue (can still be labeled 1.0.1)?


As for KHR_binary_glTF, I'm afraid that we would have to create a new KHR_binary_glTF2 (or something) to take advantage of this. That could be postponed until the extension potential calls for other changes.

I understand that extension has been ratified already.
However it looks like almost all extension spec and known implementations contributors can be reached for feedback on this particular change.

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pjcozzi commented Jun 6, 2016

As for KHR_binary_glTF, I'm afraid that we would have to create a new KHR_binary_glTF2 (or something) to take advantage of this. That could be postponed until the extension potential calls for other changes.

I understand that extension has been ratified already.
However it looks like almost all extension spec and known implementations contributors can be reached for feedback on this particular change.

This extension is widely used in Cesium; it is the default. We could keep backwards-compatible code in the loader, but new assets won't work with older versions of Cesium, which would mean the converter would need another check box ([ ] Make compatible with Cesium 1.x and earlier).

I would rather queue this extension spec change up with other potential changes for a v2.

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pjcozzi commented Jun 6, 2016

  1. Spec lacks examples of using WebGL extensions, i.e., how to declare usage of OES_element_index_uint? millennium_falcon.gltf from fr24-3d-models has accessors with "componentType": 5125 (UNSIGNED_INT) which isn't a valid value without extension.

I originally said that this should be a glTF extension, #563 (comment). I started writing the extension spec, and I now agree that it is overkill.

For the 1.0.1 spec, I suggest that we just allow UNSIGNED_INT as a valid accessor.componentType enum when the accessor is used for indices, not attributes (since this is not a valid value for vertexAttribPointer).

This means that the client will need to enable the OES_element_index_uint WebGL extension, or divide the accessor up (and all that entails) if the extension is not supported. However, given that the extension is widely supported, I do not think we need to worry about the later in practice.

What do you think?

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I think this

This means that the client will need to enable the OES_element_index_uint WebGL extension

is a crucial point. Client has to know about uint indices, so I'd prefer to mention OES_element_index_uint in the extensionsUsed array for WebGL 1.0 profile.

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pjcozzi commented Jun 6, 2016

Client has to know about uint indices, so I'd prefer to mention OES_element_index_uint in the extensionsUsed array for WebGL 1.0 profile.

Yes, I thought about this too. extensionsUsed is for glTF extensions, not WebGL extensions so the right approach might be to introduce a new webglExtensionsUsed property so a client could check them and simply loop over and call getExtension if need be.

This could be convenient for clients and avoids double-tasking extensionsUsed. It also maps well to other WebGL extensions like OES_standard_derivatives and new texture and attribute formats.


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+1 for separate list.

The situation can become a bit more complex for GLSL extensions like EXT_shader_texture_lod.
Shader code may compile with or without extension support because of preprocessor directives.
So runtime has to know somehow is rendering possible without such extension.

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This extension is widely used in Cesium; it is the default. We could keep backwards-compatible code in the loader, but new assets won't work with older versions of Cesium, which would mean the converter would need another check box ([ ] Make compatible with Cesium 1.x and earlier).

I would rather queue this extension spec change up with other potential changes for a v2.

I believe it's possible for 1.0.1 to support raw textures and prepare some foundation for compression formats.
Changes to KHR_binary_glTF could be queued up for the next version to preserve compatibility.

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pjcozzi commented Jun 7, 2016

This extension is widely used in Cesium; it is the default. We could keep backwards-compatible code in the loader, but new assets won't work with older versions of Cesium, which would mean the converter would need another check box ([ ] Make compatible with Cesium 1.x and earlier).

I would rather queue this extension spec change up with other potential changes for a v2.
I believe it's possible for 1.0.1 to support raw textures and prepare some foundation for compression formats.
Changes to KHR_binary_glTF could be queued up for the next version to preserve compatibility.

Yes, exactly. To keep things organized, can you please start the proposal in a new issue?

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pjcozzi commented Jun 7, 2016

  1. Spec lacks examples of using WebGL extensions, i.e., how to declare usage of OES_element_index_uint? millennium_falcon.gltf from fr24-3d-models has accessors with "componentType": 5125 (UNSIGNED_INT) which isn't a valid value without extension.

See #619.

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lexaknyazev commented Jun 7, 2016

Yes, exactly. To keep things organized, can you please start the proposal in a new issue?


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pjcozzi commented Jun 7, 2016

@lexaknyazev have all tasks in this issue been addressed or moved to other issues? If so, I will label this as resolved (and then close once the 1.0.1 spec is merged).

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I've found only one unaddressed issue in this thread: attribute parameters must have semantic, otherwise they will be unlinkable to accessors (comment).

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pjcozzi commented Jun 8, 2016

I've found only one unaddressed issue in this thread: attribute parameters must have semantic, otherwise they will be unlinkable to accessors (comment).

Good eye. What do you think of 28e113d?

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What do you think of 28e113d?


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pjcozzi commented Jun 8, 2016

Labeling this as resolved. Please submit future 1.0.1 spec issues in new issues.

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pjcozzi commented Jun 15, 2017

Updated in #826

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