Average is an experiment in masking our browsing activity online.
There are already a variety of tools on the web to block third-party cookies and scripts, and upgrade your connection to HTTPS. However, it is also possible to fingerprint a user, by collecting information from/about their device and using that as a means to identify them.
The end-goal of this project is to build a browser extension across all browsers that will be able to "fuzz" your fingerprint, making you seem like the average user to whoever is trying to build your fingerprint.
- Loading scripts on new tab (Seemed to update values, but only temporarily)
- Loading scripts on new navigation (Same result)
- Injecting content_scripts directly into the page (Same result)
I'm beginning to think that it won't be possible to do this via a browser extension. I'm also concerned that a simple XHR will grab the same data via headers anyway.
- INDES and Privatics teams at Inria
- Am I Unique?
- Panopticlick