- Cloud front -AWS global content delivery network, that speeds up distribution of your static and dynamic web content (such as .html, .css, image and .js files) to your users
1. Login to your AWS account, from the management console's home page, search for s3 using the searchbar or from recently visited or from list of favorites (click on s3)
4. Disable block public access settings for this bucket, so as to make this bucket publicly visible, then acknowledge.
6. Upload source code (either via drag and drop or manual upload) to bucket (this took a while because some folders had loads of files)
10. Click edit static website hosting and enable static website hosting, then specify your index and error document/page
14. On cloudfront's dashboard, create a cloudfront distribution using create a cloudfront distribution
15. Name origin domain bucket website endpoint (do not select from dropdown), leave other fields with their default values
NB: When cloudfront is in an enabled state, it attaches to s3 and starts caching s3 pages (this may take a while), once this is done the cloudfront domain name URL will stop redirecting to the S3 object URL
Notice the difference between each URL (note that these url's are currently inactive because the resources have been deleted)
CloudFront endpoint URL: https://d37cvj5cvmmh7y.cloudfront.net/
Website-endpoint : http://my-391446743765-bucket.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/
S3 object URL : http://my-391446743765-bucket.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/index.html