A project that converts JPG files into PNG files from the terminal. This is my very first project made.
To initialize you must run it on the terminal >python3 JPEGtoPNGconverter.py pokedex/ png_converted/
Note: 1. You must have the folder of images to convert inside the project 2. Each folder must have forwardslash right after and no space ex. "this_folder/" 3. Each argument is separated by a space ' ' 4. After all that you will have a new folder {whatever name you gave it} containing png files
Examples of how it should look: 1. >python3 JPEGtoPNGconverter.py JPEG_files/ PNG_files/ 2. >python3 JPEGtoPNGconverter.py images/ converted_images/ 2. >python3 JPEGtoPNGconverter.py random_images/ png_images/