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@code_for macro
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Keluaa committed Jun 2, 2024
1 parent 9aa8c3a commit b482655
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Showing 5 changed files with 131 additions and 10 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ Syntax highlighting for Julia AST is also supported:


The `@code_for` macro is a convinence macro which will give you only one side of `@code_diff`'s
output, therefore it behaves like all `@code_native`/`@code_**` macros but with seamless
support for GPU and additional cleanup functionalities.

## Supported languages

- `:native` native CPU assembly (output of `@code_native`)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ julia> @code_diff type=:llvm debuginfo=:none color=false f1(1) f2(1)

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/CodeDiffs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ using Markdown
using StringDistances
using WidthLimitedIO

export @code_diff, code_diff
export @code_diff, code_diff, @code_for

# From
const ANSI_REGEX = r"(?>\x1B\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])+"
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108 changes: 100 additions & 8 deletions src/compare.jl
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code_for_diff(f, types::Type{<:Tuple}; type=:native, color=true, kwargs...)
code_for_diff(f, types::Type{<:Tuple}; type=:native, color=true, cleanup=true, kwargs...)
code_for_diff(expr::Expr; type=:ast, color=true, kwargs...)
Fetches the code of `f` with [`get_code(Val(type), f, types; kwargs...)`](@ref), cleans it
up with [`cleanup_code(Val(type), code)`](@ref) and highlights it using the appropriate
The result is two `String`s: one without and the other with highlighting.
function code_for_diff(f, types::Type{<:Tuple}; type=:native, color=true, kwargs...)
function code_for_diff(f, types::Type{<:Tuple}; type=:native, color=true, io=nothing, cleanup=true, kwargs...)
@nospecialize(f, types)
code = get_code(Val(type), f, types; kwargs...)
return code_for_diff(code, Val(type), color)
return code_for_diff(code, Val(type), color, cleanup)

function code_for_diff(expr::Union{Expr, QuoteNode}; type=:ast, color=true, kwargs...)
function code_for_diff(expr::Union{Expr, QuoteNode}; type=:ast, color=true, io=nothing, cleanup=true, kwargs...)
if type !== :ast
throw(ArgumentError("wrong type for `$(typeof(expr))`: `$type`, expected `:ast`"))
code = code_ast(expr; kwargs...)
return code_for_diff(code, Val(type), color)
return code_for_diff(code, Val(type), color, cleanup)

function code_for_diff(code, type::Val, color)
code = cleanup_code(type, code)
function code_for_diff(code, type::Val, color, cleanup)
code = cleanup ? cleanup_code(type, code) : code

code_str = sprint(code_highlighter(type), code; context=(:color => false,))
code_str = replace(code_str, ANSI_REGEX => "") # Make sure there is no decorations
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@code_diff [type=:native] [color=true] [option=value...] f₁(...) f₂(...)
@code_diff [type=:native] [color=true] [cleanup=true] [option=value...] f₁(...) f₂(...)
@code_diff [option=value...] :(expr₁) :(expr₂)
Compare the methods called by the `f₁(...)` and `f₂(...)` or the expressions `expr₁` and
Expand All @@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ to the call of `get_code` for `f₁` and `f₂` respectively. They can also be p
To compare `Expr` in variables, use `@code_diff :(\$a) :(\$b)`.
`cleanup == true` will use [`cleanup_code`](@ref) to make the codes more prone to comparisons
(e.g. by renaming variables with names which change every time).
# Default comparison
@code_diff type=:native f() g()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,3 +276,92 @@ macro code_diff(args...)

@code_for [type=:native] [color=true] [io=stdout] [cleanup=true] [option=value...] f(...)
@code_for [option=value...] :(expr)
Display the code of `f(...)` to `io` for the given code `type`, or the expression `expr`
(AST only).
`option`s are passed to [`get_code`](@ref).
To display an `Expr` in a variable, use `@code_for :(\$expr)`.
`io` defaults to `stdout`. If `io == String`, then the code is not printed and is simply
If the `type` option is the first option, `"type"` can be omitted: i.e. `@code_for :llvm f()`
is valid.
`cleanup == true` will use [`cleanup_code`](@ref) on the code.
# Default comparison
@code_for type=:native f()
# Without debuginfo
@code_for type=:llvm debuginfo=:none f()
# Options sets can be passed from variables with the `extra` options
opts = (; debuginfo=:none, world=Base.get_world_counter())
@code_for type=:typed extra=opts f()
# Same as above, but shorter since we can omit "type"
@code_for :typed extra=opts f()
macro code_for(args...)
isempty(args) && return :(throw(ArgumentError("@code_for takes at least 1 argument")))
raw_options = collect(args[1:end-1])
code = args[end]

options = Expr[]
for (i, option) in enumerate(raw_options)
if option isa Symbol
# Shortcut allowing to write `opt` instead of `opt=opt`
option = Expr(:(=), option, option)
elseif option isa QuoteNode && option.value isa Symbol && i == 1
# Allow the first option to be the `type`, to write `@code_for :native f()`
option = Expr(:(=), :type, option)
elseif !(Base.isexpr(option, :(=), 2) && option.args[1] isa Symbol)
opt_error = "options must be in the form `key=value`, got: `$option`"
return :(throw(ArgumentError($opt_error)))

opt_name = option.args[1]::Symbol
if opt_name === :extra
opt_splat = Expr(:..., esc(option.args[2]))
push!(options, opt_splat)
kw_option = Expr(:kw, opt_name, esc(option.args[2]))
push!(options, kw_option)

# Simple values such as `:(1)` are stored in a `QuoteNode`
code isa QuoteNode && (code = Expr(:quote, Expr(:block, code.value)))

diff_options = esc(gensym(:diff_options))

if Base.isexpr(code, :quote)
code = esc(code)
code_for = :($code_for_diff($code; type=:ast, $(options...)))
code_for = gen_code_for_diff_call(__module__, code, [:($diff_options...)])
is_error_expr(code_for) && return code_for

return quote
local $diff_options = (; $(options...))
local io = get($diff_options, :io, stdout)
local _, hl_code = $code_for
if io === $String
printstyled(io, chomp(hl_code), '\n')
26 changes: 25 additions & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
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@test startswith(diff_str[2], " abc 4")

@testset "@code_diff" begin
@testset "Macros" begin
@testset "error" begin
@test_throws "Expected call" @code_diff "f()" g()
@test_throws "Expected call" @code_diff f() "g()"
@test_throws "Expected call" @code_diff "f()" "g()"
@test_throws "Expected call" @code_diff a b
@test_throws "`key=value`, got: `a + 1`" @code_diff a+1 b c
@test_throws "world age" @code_diff type=:ast world_1=1 f() f()

@test_throws "Expected call" @code_for "f()"
@test_throws "Expected call" @code_for a
@test_throws "`key=value`, got: `a + 1`" @code_for a+1 b c
@test_throws "world age" @code_for type=:ast world=1 f()

@testset "@code_for" begin
io = IOBuffer()
@test (@code_for io +(1, 2)) === nothing
c1 = String(take!(io))
@test !isempty(c1)
c2 = @code_for io=String +(1, 2)
@test endswith(c1, '\n')
@test chomp(c1) == c2

@testset "Kwargs" begin
@testset "type=$t" for t in (:native, :llvm, :typed)
# `type` can be a variable
d1 = @code_diff type=t +(1, 2) +(2, 3)
c1 = @code_for io=String type=t +(1, 2)
# if the variable has the same name as the option, no need to repeat it
type = t
d2 = @code_diff type +(1, 2) +(2, 3)
c2 = @code_for io=String type +(1, 2)
@test d1 == d2
@test c1 == d1.highlighted_before == c2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -512,12 +530,18 @@ end
@test !CodeDiffs.issame(@code_diff :(1+2) :(2+2))
a = :(1+2)
@test !CodeDiffs.issame(@code_diff :($a) :(2+2))

@test (@code_for io=String :(1)) == (@code_for io=String :(1)) != (@code_for io=String :(2))
@test (@code_for io=String :(1+2)) == (@code_for io=String :($a)) != (@code_for io=String :(2+2))

@testset "Extra" begin
d1 = @code_diff extra_1=(; type=:native, debuginfo=:none) extra_2=(; type=:llvm, color=false) f() f()
d2 = @code_diff type_1=:native debuginfo_1=:none type_2=:llvm color_2=false f() f()
@test d1 == d2

c1 = @code_for io=String extra=(; type=:native, debuginfo=:none) f()
@test d1.highlighted_before == c1

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