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FamSnap API

FamSnap is a Node.js API for managing photo albums and images, including image uploads to Cloudinary. This API provides endpoints for managing albums and images using MySQL as the database and Cloudinary for image storage.

Table of Contents

  1. Tech Stack
  2. API Endpoints V1
  3. Test Locally
  4. Conclusion

Tech Stack

  • Backend: Node.js
  • Database: MySQL
  • Image Storage: Cloudinary

API Endpoints V1

The API exposes several endpoints for managing photo albums and images.

Base URL:


  • POST /auth/v1/register: Create an account (name, email, password, address required)
  • POST /auth/v1/login Login to get access and refresh tokens (email, password required)
  • POST /auth/v1/refresh Refresh access token (refresh token required)
  • DELETE /auth/v1/logout Logout (access token required)

Access token will be necessary for routes with POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE methods.


  • GET /api/v1/albums: Retrieve all albums.
  • POST /api/v1/albums: Create a new album. (name, description required)
  • GET /api/v1/albums/:id: Retrieve a specific album by ID.
  • PUT /api/v1/albums/:id: Update an album by ID.
  • PATCH /api/v1/albums/:id: Partially update an album by ID.
  • DELETE /api/v1/albums/:id: Delete an album by ID.


  • GET /api/v1/images: Retrieve all images.
  • POST /api/v1/images/upload: Upload an image to Cloudinary. (form-data:image required)
  • POST /api/v1/images: Create a new image. (title, image, album_id required)
  • GET /api/v1/images/:id: Retrieve a specific image by ID.
  • PUT /api/v1/images/:id: Update an image by ID.
  • PATCH /api/v1/images/:id: Partially update an image by ID.
  • DELETE /api/v1/images/:id: Delete an image by ID.

Test Locally


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Node.js (version 18.x or higher)
  • npm
  • MySQL
  • Docker: installed on your system
  • Docker Compose: installed on your system

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Clone the repository on your local machine.

git clone [email protected]:KaungZayY/FamSnapNodeApi.git

cd into cloned repository.

cd FamSnapNodeApi

Step 2: Environmental Variable Setup

Copy the .env.example file as .env

cp .env.example .env

Setup the env variables in .env.

Step 3: NPM install

npm install

Step 4: Git Check to DockerizedVersion branch

git checkout DockerizedVersion

Step 5: Add Nacessary Repositories

At the root of your project directory, create a new folder named public.

mkdir public

Inside the public folder, create images sub-folder to store images.

cd images
mkdir images

Your project directory structure should now look like this:

├── database/
├── node_modules/
├── public/
│   ├── images/
├── v1/
└── (other project files and folders)

Step 6: Build the Docker Image

Build the docker image by using the following bash command.

docker-compose build --no-cache

Step 7: Run the Docker Container

Run the Docker container in the detach mode.

docker-compose up -d

Step 8: Import the database

Go to http://localhost:8081/ to access phpmyadmin pannel and import the database /database/fam_snap.sql.

Step 9: Change MySQL Auth Mode (If necessary)

docker-compose exec db mysql -u root -p
ALTER USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '123';

Restart docker-compose

docker-compose restart

Step 10: Test the Api Locally

Base URL: http://localhost:3000


  • POST: /auth/v1/register @params: name, email, password, address
  • POST: /auth/v1/login @params: email, password
  • POST: /auth/v1/refresh @params: token
  • DELETE: /auth/v1/logout @params: token


  • GET : /api/v1/albums
  • POST : /api/v1/albums @params : name, description| @header : Bearer Token
  • GET : /api/v1/albums/:id
  • PUT : /api/v1/albums/:id @header : Bearer Token
  • PATCH : /api/v1/albums/:id @header : Bearer Token
  • DELETE : /api/v1/albums/:id @header : Bearer Token


  • GET : /api/v1/images
  • POST : /api/v1/images/upload @params : form-data:image | @header : Bearer Token
  • POST : /api/v1/images: @params : title, image, album_id | @header : Bearer Token
  • GET : /api/v1/images/:id
  • PUT : /api/v1/images/:id @header : Bearer Token
  • PATCH : /api/v1/images/:id @header : Bearer Token
  • DELETE : /api/v1/images/:id @header : Bearer Token


FamSnap API offers a robust solution for managing photo albums and image uploads, utilizing Node.js for the backend, MySQL for the database, and Cloudinary for image storage. With clear and well-structured API endpoints, users can create, retrieve, update, and delete albums and images efficiently. The Dockerized setup ensures smooth local development, and the use of environment variables allows flexibility in configuration for different environments.

Whether you are testing locally or deploying to production, this API provides a solid foundation for managing your photo albums and image assets in a scalable way.

For further improvements or contributions, feel free to fork the repository, create a feature branch, and submit a pull request. Enjoy building with FamSnap!