image-classification-models, include :
resnet50, resnet152, vgg, alexnet, densnet
You have to make some dirs, by :
mkdir runs
cd runs
mkdir alexnet
mkdir densenet
mkdir resnet50
mkdir resnet152
mkdir vgg
I use tensorboard to store the results.
You can see the results by tesnsorboard at runs/{model}/train or simply set the logdir as ./runs:
tensorboard --logdir="./runs"
The models which have the best valid_acc are saved as runs/{model}/checkpoint.pth.
See more information in source code.
the datasets should be like cifar10:
you should change the dir by change the source code at {model}
data_dir = './scrapsteel/'
you can download our experiment dataset through :
git clone
you can simply use cmd to run :
python {model}
python {model} --epoch=300
Dataset too small ?
You can freeze all parameters and only train the fully connected layer by :
python {model} --freeze
So many train logs,what a messy ! Use to clean up ./runs or ./runs/{model} !
python --model alexnet
You can choose your cuda device by using --device, for example:
python --device 3