This is a web application that allows users to create quizzes and add flashcards to them for effective learning. I have deployed api part on and user interface on Here is a link:
- User Authentication: Sign up and log in.
- Quiz Management: Create, view, and delete quizzes.
- Flashcard Creation: Add flashcards to quizzes with terms and definitions.
- Flashcard Study: View flashcards individually and navigate using "Next" and "Previous" buttons.
- Flashcard Editing: Edit the terms and definitions of flashcards.
- Flashcard Deletion: Delete flashcards from quizzes.
Make sure you have installed:
- Node.js and npm
- Angular CLI
- clone the repository
- npm install
- cd client
- ng serve (you need to wait for a couple seconds for the server to start working or type and wait to see all users)
- Angular
- Node js
- Firebase