- Created a Dev Build for us.
- Creted a Local Server for us.
- HMR = Hot Module Replacement (automatically refreshing our page)
- Parcel uses a File Watching Algorithm (written in C++)
- Give us Faster Build (because of caching .parcel-cache)
- Image Optimisation
- Minification
- Bundling
- Compress our code.
- Consistent Hashing.
- Code Splitting.
- Differential Bundling - support older browsers.
- Diagnostic
- Good Error Handling
- Tree Shaking - remove unused code for us.
- Different dev & production bundles.
- export default component_name;
- import component_name from "path";
- export const component
- import { component } from "path";
(normal JS utility function)
- There're 2 important hooks
- useState() - Superpowerful State Variables in React - used to create state variable - maintain the state of the component
- useEffect()
- Client Side Routing
- Server Side Routing
- Install @reduxjs/toolkit and react-redux
- Build our store
- Connect our store to our app
- Slice (cartSlice)
- Dispatch Action
- Selector