Starting a session:
- The user can start a race by clicking the button "Start a Server" and giving your session a name.
- After loading the level, the user can assign a name, or let the name generator generate one for them.
- The user can choose the amount of laps.
- Upon creating a lobby, and when the level is loaded, a countdown will appear to the host along with a prompt to fill their name in. The ready button will start the countdown towards the start of the race and ideally every player has connected to the game and pressed the ready button before the host pushes it. Host is last to push ready!
Joining a session:
- The user can join a session by clicking the button "Server Lobby" and finding the right session from the list.
Car selection:
- The user can choose an alternative car from the menu by clicking the button "Select Car".
Options menu:
- The options menu includes volume mixers for all audio.
Gameplay controls:
- W = Throttle
- A, D = Steering
- S = Braking
- Q = Deploy Mine
- E = Deploy Missile
- Space = Deploy Boost
- R = Respawn
Missiles, mines and ammo crates:
- Missiles and mines can be deployed after collecting an ammo crate, which are located around the race track.