Make sure you have Tampermonkey installed, then press Here
Chrome users need to enable developer mode
Player flags everywhere
Follow list to quickly see who's online and in which server (click Followed Players to see all followed players)
Highlight followed players
Hover over players or maps to see some quick stats
Tag maps with custom tags
See and filter maps based on tags
Select a tag, then press export, to quickly share the tag with other people
Search map by author
Cool username effects
- Country Top 100 list
- User rated maps
- Completions by tier chart
- Show total completions of a maps and bonuses in uncompleted list
- Crank in profile
- Time spent in spec and loc
- Steam avatar
- Average bonus rank
- Points to rank up
- Compare map completions (compare with yourself for pseudo !pt)
- Find mutual uncompleted maps
- Points history
- !pr stats on records
- Show your map rank and time in map page
- Custom tags for maps
- CP Chart
- Map picture cover (pics from Sayt123/SurfMapPics)
- Points per rank
- Friend ranking table
- User submitted ratings (Difficulty, Fun, Unit, Tech)
- !pr stats on records
- Comments
- Ranks from the original SH ranks by Link
- Rank highlighting based on thresholds (e.g highlight ranks that are in the top 20% as green)
- Queue for an empty server as soon as one is available
- Session tracking
- Automatic refreshing
If your scores/ranks/stats seem wrong, set your ID manually in the servers page
- ID can be found on your profile page.
- Example:
- ID is 21889731
If the script isn't working, and youre on Chrome, make sure you have developer mode enabled
Otherwise check browser console for errors and dm me or make an issue
Tested with Tampermonkey on Firefox.