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A ROS wrapper for ultralytic package to deploy YOLO and other models

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Docker Usage by adding to compose.yml file

To use GPU with docker while on AMD64 systems, install nvidia-container-toolkit with given instructions.

Supported platforms

System ROS Version Value for image Value for device Size file
AMD64 Humble cpu, 0, 0,1,2 5.64 GB docker/compose.amd64.yaml
Jetson Nano Humble cpu, 0 3.29GB docker/compose.jnano.yaml

Docker Usage with this repository

Clone this reposiotory

mkdir -p yolo_ws/src && cd yolo_ws/src
git clone && cd ..

on AMD64

Pull the Docker image and start compose (No need to run docker compose build)

cd src/yolo_ros/docker
docker compose -f compose.amd64.yaml pull
docker compose -f compose.amd64.yaml up

To clean the system,

cd src/yolo_ros/docker
docker compose -f compose.amd64.yaml down
docker volume rm docker_yolo

on JetsonNano

Pull the Docker image and start compose (No need to run docker compose build)

cd src/yolo_ros/docker
docker compose -f compose.jnano.yaml pull
docker compose -f compose.jnano.yaml up

To clean the system,

cd src/yolo_ros/docker
docker compose -f compose.jnano.yaml down
docker volume rm docker_yolo

Native Usage

Clone this repository with and install dependencies.

git clone
git clone
cd yolo_ros
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Build the package

If required, edit the parameters at `config/yolo_ros_params.yaml' and then at the workspace root run,

colcon build

Start the system

To use the launch file, run,

source ./install/setup.bash
ros2 launch yolo_ros

Parameter decription

ROS Parameter Docker ENV parameter Default Value Description
yolo_model YOLO_MODEL Model to be used. see [1] for default models and [2] for custom models
subscribe_depth SUBSCRIBE_DEPTH True Whether to subscribe to depth image or not. Use if having a depth camera. A ApproximateTimeSynchronizer is used to sync RGB and Depth images
input_rgb_topic INPUT_RGB_TOPIC /camera/color/image_raw Topic to subscribe for RGB image. Accepts sensor_msgs/Image
input_depth_topic INPUT_DEPTH_TOPIC /camera/depth/points Topic to subscribe for Depth image. Accepts sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
publish_annotated_image PUBLISH_ANNOTATED_IMAGE False Whether to publish annotated image, increases callback execution time when set to True
rgb_topic RGB_TOPIC /yolo_ros/rgb_image Topic for publishing synchronized rgb images. uses sensor_msgs/Image
depth_topic DEPTH_TOPIC /yolo_ros/depth_image Topic for publishing synchronized depth images. uses sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
annotated_topic ANNOTATED_TOPIC /yolo_ros/annotated_image Topic for publishing annotated images uses sensor_msgs/Image
detailed_topic DETAILED_TOPIC /yolo_ros/detection_result Topic for publishing detailed results uses detection_msgs/Detections
threshold THRESHOLD 0.25 Confidence threshold for predictions
device DEVICE '0' cpu for CPU, 0 for gpu, 0,1,2,3 if there are multiple GPUs

[1] If the model is available at ultralytics models, It will be downloaded from the cloud at the startup. We are using docker volumes to maintain downloaded weights so that weights are not downloaded at each startup.

[2] Uncomment the commented out YOLO_MODEL parameter line and give the custom model weight file's name as YOLO_MODEL parameter. Uncomment the docker bind entry that to direct to the weights folder and comment the docker volume entry for yolo. Copy the custom weights to the weights folder.

Latency description

Here is a summary of whether latest models work with yolo_ros node (in docker) on various platforms and the time it takes to execute a single interation of YoloROS.image_callback function. Values are measured as an average of 100 executions of the function and Input is a 640x480 RGB image at 30 fps.

Laptop -> Ryzen 9 16 core with RTX3070 mobile GPU with Ubuntu 22.04 Jetson Nano -> Overclocked with Qengineering Ubuntu 20.04 in Headless mode

Model Laptop (amd64) Jetson Nano 27 ms 975 ms 20 ms 800 ms 17 ms 750 ms 17 ms 650 ms 14 ms 210 ms 13 ms 140 ms 34 ms 1600 ms 21 ms 700 ms 20 ms 500 ms 25 ms 300 ms 24 ms 180 ms 28 ms 2000 ms 19 ms 1200 ms 16 ms 700 ms 12 ms 300 ms 12 ms 140 ms


A ROS wrapper for ultralytic package to deploy YOLO and other models




