A small git extension for github, gitlab written in Python3 and relying on
- Github API v3
- GitLab API v4
clone and add this to your path.
pip install -r requirements.txt
as well
git cog create-pullrequest <remote> [--into <master>] [--head <current branch>] [--title <title>] [--message <message>]
git cog find-pullrequests <remote> [--into <master>] [--head <current branch>]
The follwing configuration entries must be st (either global or local):
[cog "github/gitlab domain"]
token = your token
api = gitlab | github
The tool will to try to match the correct configuration entries with the given remote
[cog "github.com"]
token = token123token123token123token123token123
api = github
[cog "github.enterprise.tld"]
token = token123token123token123token123token123
api = github
[cog "gitlab.com"]
token = token123token123
api = gitlab
git cog create-pullrequest origin --into master --head feature/cookies -t "merging cookies" -m "hmm! cookies!!"