Cloud Mu Online (CMO) is a browser-based MMORPG inspired by the classic Mu Online. Choose from various classes, level up your hero, and become stronger as you discover valuable items. Engage in open PvP battles with other players, and capture and hold the Castle to prove your dominance in the realm!
- Welcome Screen
On this screen, you can log into your existing account or start a new game quickly.
- Character Creation Form
Use this form to create a new character.
- Characters Screen
This is the character list. Here, players can create multiple characters and activate one to play with.
- Combat (Adventure Screen)
In this example, the character is attacking spiders. Each attack has a delay of 3 seconds. Combat logs are also available.
- Death (Adventure Screen)
Upon death, the character is teleported to the main location of the spot where they were defeated. Combat logs are also available.
- Character Screen
This screen shows character information, and the player can spend points to increase stats.
This README provides instructions for setting up and running the application.
Things you may want to cover:
- System dependencies
This project is designed to be compatible with standard Oracle Linux 9.3 packages and repositories. We are committed to supporting the latest versions of Oracle Linux to the best of our ability. Any updates to the project will ensure compatibility with the newest releases of Oracle Linux.
While Oracle Linux is the recommended environment, you have the flexibility to use any Linux distribution according to your preferences.
Ruby version
ruby 3.3.4
Bundle version
If used with WSL2, need to configuure it (you may skip WSL section if not using it).
sudo nano /etc/wsl.conf
Write there:
generateHosts = false
generateResolvConf = false
Reset WSL from windows shell.
wsl.exe --shutdown
Setup DNS.
sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
Write there:
Update and needed instruments.
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf config-manager --enable ol9_codeready_builder
sudo dnf install nano git curl gpg gcc make libyaml-devel sqlite
Database is used Sqlite3.
In this example we are using RVM. Install it with:
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable
Install specified Ruby version.
rvm install 3.3.4 --default
Git clone the project. Setup local bundle and install dependencies.
git clone
cd cloud_mu_online/
bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle install
Setup database.
bin/rails db:prepare
Run application and open in browser localhost:3000
bin/rails s
Run background jobs in parallel aswell:
Git pull the new version of project.
cd cloud_mu_online/
git fetch --tags
git checkout specific-version
Install dependencies.
bundle install
Update database. While its alpha releases. Its better to drop database and install new one. The application is still under development and some features may change.
bin/rails db:drop
bin/rails db:prepare
Run application and open in browser localhost:3000
bin/rails s
Run background jobs in parallel aswell: