This is a mod that aims to create the flexibility and beauty of the SSTU tanks, but modify it to work properly in Realism Overhaul. All of the code is taken from SSTU which is originally made by ShadowMage. It has been modified to work for the purposes needed in these situations.
- Textures Unlimited
- ROLibrary
Shadowmage45 (SSTU)
- All Assets and Models unless otherwise noted
Frizzank (FASA)
- Atlas Tank
- Atlas Skirt
- Atlas Mount (modified by Pap)
- Titan 2 Interstage
Cobalt (Bluedog Design Bureau)
- LDC Titan Interstage Decoupler
- Titan 2 Decoupler
- Mounts
- LDC Single
- LDC Dual
- LDC Quad
- LDC x7
- LDC Adapter
- Centaur-D
- Centaur-V
- Saturn SII 7x
- Saturn SII
- Probes
- Diapason
- Explorer 33
- Helios
- Tri-Prism
- Ranger
- Sputnik 3
- Venera
Beale (Tantares)
- Interstage Trusses
- MS-II Interstage
- MS-II-2 Interstage
- MS-V Interstage
- STS Booster Interstage
- STS Interstage
- S-IVB Interstage
- Vulcan Mount
Akron (Coatl)
- Probes
- Rectangle Tall
- Square
- Hexagon
- Pioneer 10
- Voyager
- Probes
Nertea (CryoTanks)
- Inline Sphereical Tanks