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Merge pull request ocaml#19 from Julow/tools-no-raise-2
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Don't raise in `Tools`
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jonludlam authored Apr 13, 2020
2 parents 82daa82 + a24e48b commit ab0d9b8
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Showing 5 changed files with 460 additions and 317 deletions.
78 changes: 52 additions & 26 deletions src/xref2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,9 +101,14 @@ and class_type_expr env =
| Signature s -> Signature (class_signature env s)

and class_type env c =
let exception Compile_class_type in
let open ClassType in
let c' = Env.lookup_class_type env in
let sg = Tools.class_signature_of_class_type env c' in
let sg =
match Tools.class_signature_of_class_type env c' with
| Some sg -> sg
| None -> raise Compile_class_type
let expansion =
(Lang_of.class_signature Lang_of.empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,9 +143,14 @@ and instance_variable env i =
{ i with type_ = type_expression env i.type_ }

and class_ env c =
let exception Compile_class_ in
let open Class in
let c' = Env.lookup_class env in
let sg = Tools.class_signature_of_class env c' in
let sg =
match Tools.class_signature_of_class env c' with
| Some sg -> sg
| None -> raise Compile_class_
let expansion =
(Lang_of.class_signature Lang_of.empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,8 +215,7 @@ and module_ : Env.t -> Module.t -> Module.t =
let env, e = Expand_tools.expansion_of_module env m' in
Some (expansion env e)
| Tools.OpaqueModule -> None
| Tools.UnresolvedForwardPath -> None
| Expand_tools.ExpandFailure `OpaqueModule -> None
| e ->
Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "Failed to expand module id: %a\n%!%a\n%!" Component.Fmt.model_identifier ( :> Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.t) Component.Fmt.module_ m';
raise e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,7 +269,7 @@ and module_type : Env.t -> ModuleType.t -> ModuleType.t =
let env, e = Expand_tools.expansion_of_module_type env m' in
(env, Some e)
| Tools.OpaqueModule -> (env, None)
| Expand_tools.ExpandFailure `OpaqueModule -> (env, None)
| e ->
( match m'.expr with
| Some (Component.ModuleType.Signature sg) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,7 +366,7 @@ and functor_parameter_parameter : Env.t -> FunctorParameter.parameter -> Functor
(env, Some e)
with Tools.OpaqueModule -> (env, None) )
with Expand_tools.ExpandFailure `OpaqueModule -> (env, None) )
| _ -> failwith "error"
Expand All @@ -369,6 +378,7 @@ and functor_parameter_parameter : Env.t -> FunctorParameter.parameter -> Functor
and module_type_expr :
Env.t -> Paths.Identifier.Signature.t -> ModuleType.expr -> ModuleType.expr
let exception Compile_module_type_expr of Tools.signature_of_module_error option in
fun env id expr ->
let open ModuleType in
let rec inner resolve_signatures =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -411,7 +421,11 @@ and module_type_expr :
let lang_of_map = Lang_of.with_fragment_root parent in
(* Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "parent=%a\n" Component.Fmt.resolved_parent_path (parent :> Cpath.Resolved.parent); *)
(* Tools.without_memoizing (fun () -> *)
let sg = Tools.signature_of_module_type_expr env cexpr in
let sg =
match Tools.signature_of_module_type_expr env cexpr with
| Ok sg -> sg
| Error e -> raise (Compile_module_type_expr (Some e))
let fragment_root = match parent with
| `ModuleType _ | `Module _ as x -> x
Expand All @@ -431,24 +445,22 @@ and module_type_expr :
csub; *)
match csub, lsub with
| Component.ModuleType.ModuleEq (frag, _), ModuleEq (_, decl) ->
let cfrag =
Tools.resolve_mt_module_fragment env (fragment_root, sg) frag in
(* Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "Resolved fragment: %a\n%!" Component.Fmt.resolved_module_fragment cfrag; *)
let frag' = Lang_of.Path.resolved_module_fragment lang_of_map cfrag in
let frag' =
match Tools.resolve_mt_module_fragment env (fragment_root, sg) frag with
| Some cfrag ->
Lang_of.Path.resolved_module_fragment lang_of_map cfrag
| None -> raise (Compile_module_type_expr None)
let sg' = Tools.fragmap_module env frag csub sg in
( sg', env,
ModuleEq (`Resolved frag', module_decl env id decl)
:: subs )
| TypeEq (frag, _), TypeEq (_, eqn) ->
let cfrag = Tools.resolve_mt_type_fragment env (fragment_root, sg) frag in
(* Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "Resolved fragment: %a\n%!" Component.Fmt.resolved_type_fragment cfrag; *)
let frag' =
Lang_of.Path.resolved_type_fragment lang_of_map cfrag
with e ->
(* Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "Failed to handle this fragment:\n%!%a\n%!"
Component.Fmt.resolved_type_fragment cfrag; *)
raise e
match Tools.resolve_mt_type_fragment env (fragment_root, sg) frag with
| Some cfrag ->
Lang_of.Path.resolved_type_fragment lang_of_map cfrag
| None -> raise (Compile_module_type_expr None)
let sg' =
Tools.fragmap_type env frag csub sg
Expand All @@ -458,8 +470,10 @@ and module_type_expr :
:: subs )
| ModuleSubst (frag, _), ModuleSubst (_, mpath) ->
let frag' =
Tools.resolve_mt_module_fragment env (fragment_root, sg) frag |>
Lang_of.Path.resolved_module_fragment lang_of_map
match Tools.resolve_mt_module_fragment env (fragment_root, sg) frag with
| Some cfrag ->
Lang_of.Path.resolved_module_fragment lang_of_map cfrag
| None -> raise (Compile_module_type_expr None)
let sg' =
Tools.fragmap_module env frag
Expand All @@ -471,8 +485,10 @@ and module_type_expr :
:: subs )
| TypeSubst (frag, _), TypeSubst (_, eqn) ->
let frag' =
Tools.resolve_mt_type_fragment env (fragment_root, sg) frag |>
Lang_of.Path.resolved_type_fragment lang_of_map
match Tools.resolve_mt_type_fragment env (fragment_root, sg) frag with
| Some cfrag ->
Lang_of.Path.resolved_type_fragment lang_of_map cfrag
| None -> raise (Compile_module_type_expr None)
let sg' =
Tools.fragmap_type env frag
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,15 +590,25 @@ and type_expression_object env o =
{ o with fields = field o.fields }

and type_expression_package env p =
let exception Compile_type_expression_package of Tools.signature_of_module_error option in
let open TypeExpr.Package in
let cp = Component.Of_Lang.(module_type_path empty p.path) in
match Tools.lookup_and_resolve_module_type_from_path true env cp with
| Resolved (path, mt) ->
let sg = Tools.signature_of_module_type env mt in
let sg =
match Tools.signature_of_module_type env mt with
| Ok sg -> sg
| Error e ->
raise (Compile_type_expression_package (Some e))
let substitution (frag, t) =
let cfrag = Component.Of_Lang.(type_fragment empty frag) in
let cfrag' = Tools.resolve_mt_type_fragment env (`ModuleType path, sg) cfrag in
let frag' = Lang_of.(Path.resolved_type_fragment empty) cfrag' in
let frag' =
match Tools.resolve_mt_type_fragment env (`ModuleType path, sg) cfrag with
| Some cfrag' ->
Lang_of.(Path.resolved_type_fragment empty) cfrag'
| None -> raise (Compile_type_expression_package None)
(`Resolved frag', type_expression env t)
Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/xref2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
exception ExpandFailure of [ `OpaqueModule ]

type expansion =
| Signature of Component.Signature.t
| Functor of Component.FunctorParameter.t * Component.ModuleType.expr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ and aux_expansion_of_module_type_expr env expr : expansion =
and aux_expansion_of_module_type env mt =
let open Component.ModuleType in
match mt.expr with
| None -> raise Tools.OpaqueModule
| None -> raise (ExpandFailure `OpaqueModule)
| Some expr -> aux_expansion_of_module_type_expr env expr

and handle_expansion env id expansion =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ and handle_expansion env id expansion =
(aux_expansion_of_module_type_expr env' expr')
| Tools.OpaqueModule -> Signature { items = []; removed = [] }
| ExpandFailure `OpaqueModule -> Signature { items = []; removed = [] }
expand (`Result id) env' (arg :: args) res
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,4 +169,4 @@ let expansion_of_module env id m =
| (Any , _) -> None)
eqn2.Equation.params params in
let map = List.fold_right (fun x xs -> match x with Some x -> x::xs | None -> xs) map [] in
{eqn1 with Equation.manifest = match eqn2.manifest with | None -> None | Some t -> Some (type_expr map t) }
{eqn1 with Equation.manifest = match eqn2.manifest with | None -> None | Some t -> Some (type_expr map t) }
27 changes: 20 additions & 7 deletions src/xref2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ and module_ : Env.t -> Module.t -> Module.t =
let env, e = Expand_tools.expansion_of_module env m' in
(env, Some e)
with Tools.OpaqueModule -> (env, None)
with Expand_tools.ExpandFailure `OpaqueModule -> (env, None)
(env, expansion)
| _ -> (env, m.expansion)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ and functor_parameter_parameter : Env.t -> FunctorParameter.parameter -> Functor
(env, Some e)
with Tools.OpaqueModule -> (env, None) )
with Expand_tools.ExpandFailure `OpaqueModule -> (env, None) )
| x, _ -> (env, x)
let display_expr =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -731,7 +731,13 @@ and module_type_expr :
| Path p -> Path (module_type_path env p)
| With (expr, subs) ->
let cexpr = Component.Of_Lang.(module_type_expr empty expr) in
let sg = Tools.signature_of_module_type_expr env cexpr in
let sg =
match Tools.signature_of_module_type_expr env cexpr with
| Ok sg -> sg
| Error e ->
let exception Link_module_type_expr of Tools.signature_of_module_error in
raise (Link_module_type_expr e)
( module_type_expr env id expr,
handle_fragments env id sg subs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -773,7 +779,7 @@ and type_decl : Env.t -> TypeDecl.t -> TypeDecl.t =
Component.Of_Lang.resolved_type_path Component.Of_Lang.empty p
match Tools.lookup_type_from_resolved_path env p' with
| _, Found (`T t') -> (
| Ok (_, Found (`T t')) -> (
(* Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "XXXXXXX - replacing type at id %a maybe: %a\n%!" Component.Fmt.model_identifier ( :> Paths.Identifier.t) Component.Fmt.resolved_type_path p'; *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -860,15 +866,22 @@ and type_expression_object env visited o =
{ o with fields = field o.fields }

and type_expression_package env visited p =
let exception Link_type_expression_package of Tools.signature_of_module_error option in
let open TypeExpr.Package in
let cp = Component.Of_Lang.(module_type_path empty p.path) in
match Tools.lookup_and_resolve_module_type_from_path true env cp with
| Resolved (path, mt) ->
let sg = Tools.signature_of_module_type env mt in
let sg =
match Tools.signature_of_module_type env mt with
| Ok sg -> sg
| Error e -> raise (Link_type_expression_package (Some e))
let substitution (frag, t) =
let cfrag = Component.Of_Lang.(type_fragment empty frag) in
let frag' = Tools.resolve_mt_type_fragment env (`ModuleType path, sg) cfrag |>
Lang_of.(Path.resolved_type_fragment empty) in
let frag' =
match Tools.resolve_mt_type_fragment env (`ModuleType path, sg) cfrag with
| Some tfrag -> Lang_of.(Path.resolved_type_fragment empty) tfrag
| None -> raise (Link_type_expression_package None) in
(`Resolved frag', type_expression env visited t)
Expand Down
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions src/xref2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,10 +64,16 @@ module Memos2 = Hashtbl.Make (Hashable2)
let memo2 = Memos2.create 91

let module_lookup_to_signature_lookup : Env.t -> module_lookup_result -> signature_lookup_result option =
fun env (ref, cp, m) -> Some ((ref :> Resolved.Signature.t), `Module cp, Tools.signature_of_module env m)
fun env (ref, cp, m) ->
match Tools.signature_of_module env m with
| Ok sg -> Some ((ref :> Resolved.Signature.t), `Module cp, sg)
| Error _ -> None

let module_type_lookup_to_signature_lookup : Env.t -> module_type_lookup_result -> signature_lookup_result option =
fun env (ref, cp, m) -> Some ((ref :> Resolved.Signature.t), `ModuleType cp, Tools.signature_of_module_type env m)
fun env (ref, cp, m) ->
match Tools.signature_of_module_type env m with
| Ok sg -> Some ((ref :> Resolved.Signature.t), `ModuleType cp, sg)
| Error _ -> None

let rec add_canonical_path : Env.t -> Component.Module.t -> Odoc_model.Paths.Reference.Resolved.Module.t -> Odoc_model.Paths.Reference.Resolved.Module.t =
Expand Down

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