MPI v0.19.1
Closed issues:
- Is that possible to send/receive a number instead of array? (#308)
- MPI_Gather (#348)
- gethostbyname error on macos 10.15 (github actions vm) (#407)
- Homebrew MPICH giving incorrect result on MPI.File.get_position_shared (#413)
- mpirun instead of mpiexecjl works fine as well (#448)
- Use with Extrae (#454)
- Using Arrow.Table with MPI.jl (#461)
- Accessing underlying MPI_Comm from CxxWrap (#487)
- building MPI.jl fails (#488)
- Error installing against system MPI (#489)
on an MPI Datatype can fail if MPI is not initialized. (#490)- Install MPI.jl on HPC (#505)
Merged pull requests:
- simplify test/wait (#479) (@simonbyrne)
- Make
on Datatype functional before MPI has been initialized (#491) (@simonbyrne) - Add comment to top of auto-generated deps.jl file (#493) (@eschnett)
- fix Scatterv! function signature in docstring (#494) (@carstenbauer)
- Fix typo in create_resized (#495) (@carstenbauer)
- update one sided API (#496) (@simonbyrne)
- fix runtests (#507) (@simonbyrne)
- fix SentinelPtr conversion error (#509) (@simonbyrne)
- Fix job schedule example in documentation (#511) (@giordano)
- Added interface to MPI Ibarrier collective (#512) (@mikegros)