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REPLCompletions: Consider fixed nargs when after a semicolon
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Liozou committed Feb 12, 2022
1 parent e20d7d0 commit 5fedd87
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Showing 2 changed files with 228 additions and 45 deletions.
112 changes: 88 additions & 24 deletions stdlib/REPL/src/REPLCompletions.jl
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Expand Up @@ -486,6 +486,8 @@ function try_get_type(sym::Expr, fn::Module)
return try_get_type(Expr(:call, GlobalRef(Base, :getindex), sym.args...), fn)
elseif sym.head === :. && sym.args[2] isa QuoteNode # second check catches broadcasting
return try_get_type(Expr(:call, GlobalRef(Core, :getfield), sym.args...), fn)
elseif sym.head === :...
return Vararg{Any}, true
return (Any, false)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -530,23 +532,28 @@ function complete_methods(ex_org::Expr, context_module::Module=Main)
funct, found = get_type(ex_org.args[1], context_module)::Tuple{Any,Bool}
!found && return out

args_ex, kwargs_ex = complete_methods_args(ex_org.args[2:end], ex_org, context_module, true, true)
push!(args_ex, Vararg{Any})
complete_methods!(out, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex, MAX_METHOD_COMPLETIONS::Int)
args_ex, kwargs_ex, kwargs_flag = complete_methods_args(ex_org.args[2:end], ex_org, context_module, true, true)
kwargs_flag == 2 && return out # one of the kwargs is invalid
kwargs_flag == 0 && push!(args_ex, Vararg{Any}) # allow more arguments if there is no semicolon
complete_methods!(out, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex, MAX_METHOD_COMPLETIONS::Int, kwargs_flag == 1)

return out

function complete_any_methods(ex_org::Expr, callee_module::Module, context_module::Module, moreargs::Bool, shift::Bool)
out = Completion[]
args_ex, kwargs_ex = try
args_ex, kwargs_ex, kwargs_flag = try
# this may throw, since we set default_any to false
complete_methods_args(ex_org.args[2:end], ex_org, context_module, false, false)
catch ex
ex isa ArgumentError || rethrow()
return out
kwargs_flag == 2 && return out # one of the kwargs is invalid

# moreargs determines whether to accept more args, independently of the presence of a
# semicolon for the ".?(" syntax
moreargs && push!(args_ex, Vararg{Any})

seen = Base.IdSet()
Expand All @@ -557,7 +564,7 @@ function complete_any_methods(ex_org::Expr, callee_module::Module, context_modul
funct = Core.Typeof(func)
if !in(funct, seen)
push!(seen, funct)
complete_methods!(out, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex, MAX_ANY_METHOD_COMPLETIONS::Int)
complete_methods!(out, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex, MAX_ANY_METHOD_COMPLETIONS::Int, false)
elseif callee_module === Main && isa(func, Module)
callee_module2 = func
Expand All @@ -568,7 +575,7 @@ function complete_any_methods(ex_org::Expr, callee_module::Module, context_modul
funct = Core.Typeof(func)
if !in(funct, seen)
push!(seen, funct)
complete_methods!(out, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex, MAX_ANY_METHOD_COMPLETIONS::Int)
complete_methods!(out, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex, MAX_ANY_METHOD_COMPLETIONS::Int, false)
Expand All @@ -590,44 +597,107 @@ function complete_any_methods(ex_org::Expr, callee_module::Module, context_modul
return out

function detect_invalid_kwarg!(kwargs_ex, n, kwargs_flag, allow_splat)
if n isa Symbol
push!(kwargs_ex, n)
return kwargs_flag
allow_splat && isexpr(n, :...) && return kwargs_flag
return 2 # The kwarg is invalid

function complete_methods_args(funargs::Vector{Any}, ex_org::Expr, context_module::Module, default_any::Bool, allow_broadcasting::Bool)
args_ex = Any[]
kwargs_ex = Symbol[]
kwargs_flag = 0
# kwargs_flag is:
# * 0 if there is no semicolon and no invalid kwarg
# * 1 if there is a semicolon and no invalid kwarg
# * 2 if there are two semicolons or if the kwargs in kwargs_ex are invalid, which
# means that they are not of the form "bar=foo", "bar" or "bar..."
if allow_broadcasting && ex_org.head === :. && ex_org.args[2] isa Expr
# handle broadcasting, but only handle number of arguments instead of
# argument types
append!(args_ex, Any for _ in (ex_org.args[2]::Expr).args)
for ex in (ex_org.args[2]::Expr).args
if isexpr(ex, :parameters)
kwargs_flag = ifelse(kwargs_flag == 0, 1, 2) # there should be at most one :parameters
for x in ex.args
n = isexpr(x, :kw) ? x.args[1] : x
if !(n isa Symbol) || !isexpr(x, :...)
kwargs_flag = 2
elseif isexpr(ex, :kw)
if !(first(ex.args) isa Symbol)
kwargs_flag = 2
push!(args_ex, isexpr(ex, :...) ? Vararg{Any} : Any)
for ex in funargs
if isexpr(ex, :parameters)
kwargs_flag = ifelse(kwargs_flag == 0, 1, 2) # there should be at most one :parameters
for x in ex.args
n = isexpr(x, :kw) ? first(x.args) : x
n isa Symbol || continue # happens if the current arg is splat
push!(kwargs_ex, n)
kwargs_flag = if isexpr(x, :kw)
detect_invalid_kwarg!(kwargs_ex, first(x.args), kwargs_flag, false)
detect_invalid_kwarg!(kwargs_ex, x, kwargs_flag, true)
elseif isexpr(ex, :kw)
n = first(ex.args)
n isa Symbol || continue # happens if the current arg is splat
push!(kwargs_ex, n)
kwargs_flag = detect_invalid_kwarg!(kwargs_ex, n, kwargs_flag, false)
push!(args_ex, get_type(get_type(ex, context_module)..., default_any))
return args_ex, Set{Symbol}(kwargs_ex)
return args_ex, Set{Symbol}(kwargs_ex), kwargs_flag

function complete_methods!(out::Vector{Completion}, @nospecialize(funct), args_ex::Vector{Any}, kwargs_ex::Set{Symbol}, max_method_completions::Int)
function complete_methods!(out::Vector{Completion}, @nospecialize(funct), args_ex::Vector{Any}, kwargs_ex::Set{Symbol}, max_method_completions::Int, exact_narg::Bool)
# Input types and number of arguments
t_in = Tuple{funct, args_ex...}
num_splat = 0 # number of splat arguments in args_ex
args_ex_onevararg = copy(args_ex) # args_ex_onevararg contains at most one Vararg, put in final position
for (i, arg) in enumerate(args_ex)
if Base.isvarargtype(arg)
num_splat += 1
num_splat > 1 && continue
args_ex_onevararg[i] = Vararg{Any}
resize!(args_ex_onevararg, i)
t_in = Tuple{funct, args_ex_onevararg...}
m = Base._methods_by_ftype(t_in, nothing, max_method_completions, Base.get_world_counter(),
#=ambig=# true, Ref(typemin(UInt)), Ref(typemax(UInt)), Ptr{Int32}(C_NULL))
if m === false
push!(out, TextCompletion(sprint(Base.show_signature_function, funct) * "( too many methods to show )"))
m isa Vector || return
for match in m
if exact_narg
# If there is a semicolon, the number of non-keyword arguments in the
# call cannot grow. It must thus match that of the method.
meth_nargs = match.method.nargs - 1 # remove the function itself
exn_args = length(args_ex)
if meth_nargs != exn_args
# the match may still hold if some arguments are slurped or splat
num_slurp = count(Base.isvarargtype, Base.unwrap_unionall(match.method.sig).types)
num_slurp == 0 && num_splat == 0 && continue
if num_slurp == 0
meth_nargs exn_args - num_splat || continue
elseif num_splat == 0
exn_args meth_nargs - num_slurp || continue

if !isempty(kwargs_ex)
# Only suggest a method if it can accept all the kwargs already present in
# the call, or if it slurps keyword arguments
possible_kwargs = Base.kwarg_decl(match.method)
slurp = false
for _kw in possible_kwargs
Expand All @@ -636,8 +706,6 @@ function complete_methods!(out::Vector{Completion}, @nospecialize(funct), args_e
# Only suggest a method if it can accept all the kwargs already present in
# the call, or if it slurps keyword arguments
slurp || kwargs_ex possible_kwargs || continue
push!(out, MethodCompletion(match.spec_types, match.method))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -781,16 +849,12 @@ function complete_keyword_argument(partial, last_idx, context_module)
# inlined `complete_methods` function since we need the `kwargs_ex` variable
func, found = get_value(ex.args[1], context_module)
!(found::Bool) && return fail
args_ex, kwargs_ex = complete_methods_args(ex.args[2:end], ex, context_module, true, true)
args_ex, kwargs_ex, kwargs_flag = complete_methods_args(ex.args[2:end], ex, context_module, true, true)

# Only try to complete as a kwarg if the context makes it clear that the current
# argument could be a kwarg (i.e. right after ';' or if there is another kwarg)
isempty(kwargs_ex) && last_punct != ';' &&
all(x -> !(x isa Expr) || (x.head !== :kw && x.head !== :parameters), ex.args[2:end]) &&
return fail
kwargs_flag == 2 && return fail # one of the previous kwargs is invalid

methods = Completion[]
complete_methods!(methods, Core.Typeof(func), args_ex, kwargs_ex, -1)
complete_methods!(methods, Core.Typeof(func), args_ex, kwargs_ex, -1, kwargs_flag == 1)

# Finally, for each method corresponding to the function call, provide completions
# suggestions for each keyword that starts like the last word and that is not already
Expand Down

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