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Merge pull request #165 from JuliaDiff/ox/split_test
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oxinabox authored Jun 15, 2023
2 parents 022865e + 2e3103e commit b23337a
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Showing 6 changed files with 380 additions and 318 deletions.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions test/forward.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
module forward_tests
using Diffractor
using Diffractor: var"'", ∂⃖, DiffractorRuleConfig
using ChainRules
using ChainRulesCore
using ChainRulesCore: ZeroTangent, NoTangent, frule_via_ad, rrule_via_ad
using LinearAlgebra

using Test

const fwd = Diffractor.PrimeDerivativeFwd
const bwd = Diffractor.PrimeDerivativeBack

# Minimal 2-nd order forward smoke test
@test Diffractor.∂☆{2}()(Diffractor.ZeroBundle{2}(sin),
Diffractor.ExplicitTangentBundle{2}(1.0, (1.0, 1.0, 0.0)))[Diffractor.CanonicalTangentIndex(1)] == sin'(1.0)

# Simple Forward Mode tests
let var"'" = Diffractor.PrimeDerivativeFwd
recursive_sin(x) = sin(x)
ChainRulesCore.frule(∂, ::typeof(recursive_sin), x) = frule(∂, sin, x)

# Integration tests
@test recursive_sin'(1.0) == cos(1.0)
@test recursive_sin''(1.0) == -sin(1.0)
# Error: ArgumentError: Tangent for the primal Tangent{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Tuple{Float64, Float64}}
# should be backed by a NamedTuple type, not by Tuple{Tangent{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Tuple{Float64, Float64}}}.
@test_broken recursive_sin'''(1.0) == -cos(1.0)
@test_broken recursive_sin''''(1.0) == sin(1.0)
@test_broken recursive_sin'''''(1.0) == cos(1.0)
@test_broken recursive_sin''''''(1.0) == -sin(1.0)

# Test the special rules for sin/cos/exp
@test sin''''''(1.0) == -sin(1.0)
@test cos''''''(1.0) == -cos(1.0)
@test exp''''''(1.0) == exp(1.0)
@test (x->prod([x, 4]))'(3) == 4

# Some Basic Mixed Mode tests
function sin_twice_fwd(x)
let var"'" = Diffractor.PrimeDerivativeFwd
let var"'" = Diffractor.PrimeDerivativeFwd
@test sin_twice_fwd'(1.0) == sin'''(1.0)

62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions test/forward_diff_no_inf.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@

module forward_diff_no_inf
using Diffractor, Test
# this is needed as transform! is *always* called on Arguments regardless of what visit_custom says
identity_transform!(ir, ssa::Core.SSAValue, order) = ir[ssa]
function identity_transform!(ir, arg::Core.Argument, order)
return Core.Compiler.insert_node!(ir, Core.SSAValue(1), Core.Compiler.NewInstruction(Expr(:call, Diffractor.ZeroBundle{1}, arg), Any))

@testset "Constructors in forward_diff_no_inf!" begin
struct Bar148
foo_148(x) = Bar148(x)

ir = first(only(Base.code_ircode(foo_148, Tuple{Float64})))
Diffractor.forward_diff_no_inf!(ir, [Core.SSAValue(1) => 1]; transform! = identity_transform!)
ir2 = Core.Compiler.compact!(ir)
f = Core.OpaqueClosure(ir2; do_compile=false)
@test f(1.0) == Bar148(1.0) # This would error if we were not handling constructors (%new) right

@testset "nonconst globals in forward_diff_no_inf!" begin
@eval global _coeff::Float64=24.5
plus_a_global(x) = x + _coeff

ir = first(only(Base.code_ircode(plus_a_global, Tuple{Float64})))
Diffractor.forward_diff_no_inf!(ir, [Core.SSAValue(1) => 1]; transform! = identity_transform!)
ir2 = Core.Compiler.compact!(ir)
Core.Compiler.verify_ir(ir2) # This would error if we were not handling nonconst globals correctly
f = Core.OpaqueClosure(ir2; do_compile=false)
@test f(3.5) == 28.0

@testset "runs of phi nodes" begin
function phi_run(x::Float64)
a = 2.0
b = 2.0
if (@noinline rand()) < 0 # this branch will never actually be taken
a = -100.0
b = 200.0
return x - a + b

input_ir = first(only(Base.code_ircode(phi_run, Tuple{Float64})))
ir = copy(input_ir)
#Workout where to diff to trigger error
diff_ssa = Core.SSAValue[]
for idx in 1:length(ir.stmts)
if ir.stmts[idx][:inst] isa Core.PhiNode
push!(diff_ssa, Core.SSAValue(idx))

Diffractor.forward_diff_no_inf!(ir, diff_ssa .=> 1; transform! = identity_transform!)
ir2 = Core.Compiler.compact!(ir)
Core.Compiler.verify_ir(ir2) # This would error if we were not handling nonconst phi nodes correctly (after
f = Core.OpaqueClosure(ir2; do_compile=false)
@test f(3.5) == 3.5 # this will segfault if we are not handling phi nodes correctly
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions test/regression.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
module regression_tests
using Diffractor
using Diffractor: var"'", ∂⃖, DiffractorRuleConfig
using ChainRules
using ChainRulesCore
using ChainRulesCore: ZeroTangent, NoTangent, frule_via_ad, rrule_via_ad
using LinearAlgebra

using Test

const fwd = Diffractor.PrimeDerivativeFwd
const bwd = Diffractor.PrimeDerivativeBack

# Regression tests
@test gradient(x -> sum(abs2, x .+ 1.0), zeros(3))[1] == [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]

function f_broadcast(a)
l = a / 2.0 * [[0. 1. 1.]; [1. 0. 1.]; [1. 1. 0.]]
return sum(l)
@test fwd(f_broadcast)(1.0) == bwd(f_broadcast)(1.0)

# Make sure that there's no infinite recursion in kwarg calls
g_kw(;x=1.0) = sin(x)
f_kw(x) = g_kw(;x)
@test bwd(f_kw)(1.0) == bwd(sin)(1.0)

function f_crit_edge(a, b, c, x)
# A function with two critical edges. This used to trigger an issue where
# Diffractor would fail to insert edges for the second split critical edge.
y = 1x
if a && b
y = 2x
if b && c
y = 3x

if c
y = 4y

return y
@test bwd(x->f_crit_edge(false, false, false, x))(1.0) == 1.0
@test bwd(x->f_crit_edge(true, true, false, x))(1.0) == 2.0
@test bwd(x->f_crit_edge(false, true, true, x))(1.0) == 12.0
@test bwd(x->f_crit_edge(false, false, true, x))(1.0) == 4.0

# Issue #27 - Mixup in lifting of getfield
let var"'" = bwd
@test (x->x^5)''(1.0) == 20.
@test_broken (x->x^5)'''(1.0) == 60.

# Issue #38 - Splatting arrays
@test gradient(x -> max(x...), (1,2,3))[1] == (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
@test gradient(x -> max(x...), [1,2,3])[1] == [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

# Issue #40 - Symbol type parameters not properly quoted
@test Diffractor.∂⃖recurse{1}()(Val{:transformations})[1] === Val{:transformations}()

# PR #43
loss(res, z, w) = sum(res.U * Diagonal(res.S) * res.V) + sum(res.S .* w)
x43 = rand(10, 10)
@test Diffractor.gradient(x->loss(svd(x), x[:,1], x[:,2]), x43) isa Tuple{Matrix{Float64}}

# PR # 45 - Calling back into AD from ChainRules
y45, back45 = rrule_via_ad(DiffractorRuleConfig(), x -> log(exp(x)), 2)
@test y45 2.0
@test back45(1) == (ZeroTangent(), 1.0)

z45, delta45 = frule_via_ad(DiffractorRuleConfig(), (0,1), x -> log(exp(x)), 2)
@test z45 2.0
@test delta45 1.0

# PR #82 - getindex on non-numeric arrays
@test gradient(ls -> ls[1](1.), [Base.Fix1(*, 1.)])[1][1] isa Tangent{<:Base.Fix1}

@testset "broadcast" begin
@test gradient(x -> sum(x ./ x), [1,2,3]) == ([0,0,0],) # derivatives_given_output
@test gradient(x -> sum(sqrt.(atan.(x, transpose(x)))), [1,2,3])[1] [0.2338, -0.0177, -0.0661] atol=1e-3
@test gradient(x -> sum(exp.(log.(x))), [1,2,3]) == ([1,1,1],)

@test gradient(x -> sum((explog).(x)), [1,2,3]) == ([1,1,1],) # frule_via_ad
exp_log(x) = exp(log(x))
@test gradient(x -> sum(exp_log.(x)), [1,2,3]) == ([1,1,1],)
@test gradient((x,y) -> sum(x ./ y), [1 2; 3 4], [1,2]) == ([1 1; 0.5 0.5], [-3, -1.75])
@test gradient((x,y) -> sum(x ./ y), [1 2; 3 4], 5) == ([0.2 0.2; 0.2 0.2], -0.4)
@test gradient(x -> sum((y -> y/x).([1,2,3])), 4) == (-0.375,) # closure

@test gradient(x -> sum(sum, (x,) ./ x), [1,2,3])[1] [-4.1666, 0.3333, 1.1666] atol=1e-3 # array of arrays
@test gradient(x -> sum(sum, Ref(x) ./ x), [1,2,3])[1] [-4.1666, 0.3333, 1.1666] atol=1e-3
@test gradient(x -> sum(sum, (x,) ./ x), [1,2,3])[1] [-4.1666, 0.3333, 1.1666] atol=1e-3
@test gradient(x -> sum(sum, (x,) .* transpose(x)), [1,2,3])[1] [12, 12, 12] # must not take the * fast path

@test gradient(x -> sum(x ./ 4), [1,2,3]) == ([0.25, 0.25, 0.25],)
@test gradient(x -> sum([1,2,3] ./ x), 4) == (-0.375,) # x/y rule
@test gradient(x -> sum(x.^2), [1,2,3]) == ([2.0, 4.0, 6.0],) # x.^2 rule
@test gradient(x -> sum([1,2,3] ./ x.^2), 4) == (-0.1875,) # scalar^2 rule

@test gradient(x -> sum((1,2,3) .- x), (1,2,3)) == (Tangent{Tuple{Int,Int,Int}}(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0),)
@test gradient(x -> sum(transpose([1,2,3]) .- x), (1,2,3)) == (Tangent{Tuple{Int,Int,Int}}(-3.0, -3.0, -3.0),)
@test gradient(x -> sum([1 2 3] .+ x .^ 2), (1,2,3)) == (Tangent{Tuple{Int,Int,Int}}(6.0, 12.0, 18.0),)

@test gradient(x -> sum(x .> 2), [1,2,3]) |> only |> iszero # Bool output
@test gradient(x -> sum(1 .+ iseven.(x)), [1,2,3]) |> only |> iszero
@test gradient((x,y) -> sum(x .== y), [1,2,3], [1 2 3]) == (NoTangent(), NoTangent())
@test gradient(x -> sum(x .+ [1,2,3]), true) |> only |> iszero # Bool input
@test gradient(x -> sum(x ./ [1,2,3]), [true false]) |> only |> iszero
@test gradient(x -> sum(x .* transpose([1,2,3])), (true, false)) |> only |> iszero

tup_adj = gradient((x,y) -> sum(2 .* x .+ log.(y)), (1,2), transpose([3,4,5]))
@test tup_adj[1] == Tangent{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}(6.0, 6.0)
@test tup_adj[2] [0.6666666666666666 0.5 0.4]
@test tup_adj[2] isa Transpose
@test gradient(x -> sum(atan.(x, (1,2,3))), Diagonal([4,5,6]))[1] isa Diagonal

@test gradient(x -> sum((y -> (x*y)).([1,2,3])), 4.0) == (6.0,) # closure

@testset "broadcast, 2nd order" begin
@test gradient(x -> gradient(y -> sum(y .* y), x)[1] |> sum, [1,2,3.0])[1] == [2,2,2] # calls "split broadcasting generic" with f = unthunk
@test gradient(x -> gradient(y -> sum(y .* x), x)[1].^3 |> sum, [1,2,3.0])[1] == [3,12,27]
@test_broken gradient(x -> gradient(y -> sum(y .* 2 .* y'), x)[1] |> sum, [1,2,3.0])[1] == [12, 12, 12] # Control flow support not fully implemented yet for higher-order

@test_broken gradient(x -> sum(gradient(x -> sum(x .^ 2 .+ x'), x)[1]), [1,2,3.0])[1] == [6,6,6] # BoundsError: attempt to access 18-element Vector{Core.Compiler.BasicBlock} at index [0]
@test_broken gradient(x -> sum(gradient(x -> sum((x .+ 1) .* x .- x), x)[1]), [1,2,3.0])[1] == [2,2,2]
@test_broken gradient(x -> sum(gradient(x -> sum(x .* x ./ 2), x)[1]), [1,2,3.0])[1] == [1,1,1]

@test_broken gradient(x -> sum(gradient(x -> sum(exp.(x)), x)[1]), [1,2,3])[1] exp.(1:3) # MethodError: no method matching copy(::Nothing)
@test_broken gradient(x -> sum(gradient(x -> sum(atan.(x, x')), x)[1]), [1,2,3.0])[1] [0,0,0]
@test_broken gradient(x -> sum(gradient(x -> sum(transpose(x) .* x), x)[1]), [1,2,3]) == ([6,6,6],) # accum(a::Transpose{Float64, Vector{Float64}}, b::ChainRulesCore.Tangent{Transpose{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, NamedTuple{(:parent,), Tuple{ChainRulesCore.NoTangent}}})
@test_broken gradient(x -> sum(gradient(x -> sum(transpose(x) ./ x.^2), x)[1]), [1,2,3])[1] [27.675925925925927, -0.824074074074074, -2.1018518518518516]

@test_broken gradient(z -> gradient(x -> sum((y -> (x^2*y)).([1,2,3])), z)[1], 5.0) == (12.0,)

112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions test/reverse.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
module reverse_tests
using Diffractor
using Diffractor: var"'", ∂⃖, DiffractorRuleConfig
using ChainRules
using ChainRulesCore
using ChainRulesCore: ZeroTangent, NoTangent, frule_via_ad, rrule_via_ad
using Symbolics
using LinearAlgebra

using Test

const fwd = Diffractor.PrimeDerivativeFwd
const bwd = Diffractor.PrimeDerivativeBack

# Check characteristic of exp rule
# broken see:
@variables ω α β γ δ ϵ ζ η
@test_broken ((x1, c1) = ∂⃖{3}()(exp, ω)) isa Any
@test isequal(simplify(x1), simplify(exp(ω)))
((_, x2), c2) = c1(α)
@test isequal(simplify(x2), simplify(α*exp(ω)))
(x3, c3) = c2(ZeroTangent(), β)
@test isequal(simplify(x3), simplify(β*exp(ω)))
((_, x4), c4) = c3(γ)
@test isequal(simplify(x4), simplify(exp(ω)*(γ + (α*β))))
(x5, c5) = c4(ZeroTangent(), δ)
@test isequal(simplify(x5), simplify(δ*exp(ω)))
((_, x6), c6) = c5(ϵ)
@test isequal(simplify(x6), simplify(ϵ*exp(ω) + α*δ*exp(ω)))
(x7, c7) = c6(ZeroTangent(), ζ)
@test isequal(simplify(x7), simplify(ζ*exp(ω) + β*δ*exp(ω)))
(_, x8) = c7(η)
@test isequal(simplify(x8), simplify((η + (α*ζ) + (β*ϵ) + (δ*(γ + (α*β))))*exp(ω)))

function simple_control_flow(b, x)
if b
return sin(x)
return cos(x)

function myprod(xs)
s = 1
for x in xs
s *= x
return s

function mypow(x, n)
r = one(x)
while n > 0
n -= 1
r *= x
return r

function times_three_while(x)
z = x
i = 3
while i > 1
z += x
i -= 1

isa_control_flow(::Type{T}, x) where {T} = isa(x, T) ? x : T(x)

# Simple Reverse Mode tests
let var"'" = Diffractor.PrimeDerivativeBack
# Integration tests
@test @inferred(sin'(1.0)) == cos(1.0)
@test sin''(1.0) == -sin(1.0)
@test sin'''(1.0) == -cos(1.0)
# TODO These currently cause segfaults c.f.
# @test sin''''(1.0) == sin(1.0)
# @test sin'''''(1.0) == cos(1.0)
# @test sin''''''(1.0) == -sin(1.0)

f_getfield(x) = getfield((x,), 1)
@test f_getfield'(1) == 1
@test f_getfield''(1) == 0
@test f_getfield'''(1) == 0

# Higher order mixed mode tests

complicated_2sin(x) = (x = map(sin, Diffractor.xfill(x, 2)); x[1] + x[2])
@test @inferred(complicated_2sin'(1.0)) == 2sin'(1.0)
@test @inferred(complicated_2sin''(1.0)) == 2sin''(1.0) broken=true
@test @inferred(complicated_2sin'''(1.0)) == 2sin'''(1.0) broken=true
# TODO This currently causes a segfault, c.f.
# @test @inferred(complicated_2sin''''(1.0)) == 2sin''''(1.0) broken=true

# Control flow cases
@test @inferred((x->simple_control_flow(true, x))'(1.0)) == sin'(1.0)
@test @inferred((x->simple_control_flow(false, x))'(1.0)) == cos'(1.0)
@test (x->sum(isa_control_flow(Matrix{Float64}, x)))'(Float32[1 2;]) == [1.0 1.0;]
@test times_three_while'(1.0) == 3.0

pow5p(x) = (x->mypow(x, 5))'(x)
@test pow5p(1.0) == 5.0


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