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test for additional welch_pgram! ArgumentError
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wheeheee committed Apr 30, 2024
1 parent 1e7ea7b commit 99fcbcd
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84 changes: 42 additions & 42 deletions src/periodograms.jl
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Expand Up @@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ using FFTW

ArraySplit{T<:AbstractVector,S,W} <: AbstractVector{Vector{S}}
ArraySplit{T<:AbstractVector,S,W} <: AbstractVector{Vector{S}}
ArraySplit object with fields
ArraySplit object with fields
- `s::T`
- `buf::Vector{S}`
- `n::Int`
- `noverlap::Int`
- `window::W`
- `k::Int`
where `buf`: buffer, `k`: number of split arrays, and `s`, `n`, `noverlap`, `window` are
as per arguments in [`arraysplit`](@ref).
as per arguments in [`arraysplit`](@ref).
struct ArraySplit{T<:AbstractVector,S,W} <: AbstractVector{Vector{S}}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,21 +76,21 @@ Base.size(x::ArraySplit) = (x.k,)
arraysplit(s, n, noverlap, nfft=n, window=nothing; buffer=zeros(eltype(s), nfft))
Split an array `s` into arrays of length `n` with overlapping regions
of length `noverlap`.
of length `noverlap`.
# Arguments
- `s`: Input array.
- `n`: Specifies the required subarray length (`n ≤ length(s)`).
- `noverlap`: Number of overlapping elements between subarrays.
- `nfft`: Specifies the length of the split arrays. If `length(s)` < `nfft`, then the
input is padded with zeros.
- `window`: An optional scaling vector to be applied to the split arrays.
- `buffer`: An optional buffer of length `nfft`. Iterating or indexing the returned
AbstractVector always yields the same Vector with different contents. The last result
- `noverlap`: Number of overlapping elements between subarrays.
- `nfft`: Specifies the length of the split arrays. If `length(s)` < `nfft`, then the
input is padded with zeros.
- `window`: An optional scaling vector to be applied to the split arrays.
- `buffer`: An optional buffer of length `nfft`. Iterating or indexing the returned
AbstractVector always yields the same Vector with different contents. The last result
after iteration or indexing calls is stored into buffer.
# Returns
An [`ArraySplit`](@ref) object with split subarrays.
An [`ArraySplit`](@ref) object with split subarrays.
# Examples
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ abstract type TFR{T} end
Periodogram{T, F<:Union{Frequencies,AbstractRange}, V<:AbstractVector{T}} <: TFR{T}
A Periodogram object with fields:
A Periodogram object with fields:
- `power::V`
- `freq::F`.
See [`power`](@ref) and [`freq`](@ref) for further details.
Expand All @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ end
Periodogram2{T, F1<:Union{Frequencies,AbstractRange}, F2<:Union{Frequencies,AbstractRange}, M<:AbstractMatrix{T}} <: TFR{T}
A Periodogram2 object with fields:
A Periodogram2 object with fields:
- `power::M`
- `freq1::F1`
- `freq2::F2`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ Computes periodogram of a 1-d signal `s` by FFT and returns a
# Returns
A [`Periodogram`](@ref) object with the 2 computed fields: power, freq.
A [`Periodogram`](@ref) object with the 2 computed fields: power, freq.
# Examples
Frequency estimate of `cos(2π(25)t)` with a 1-sided periodogram.
Expand All @@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ julia> pxx.power[max_index], pxx.freq[max_index] # (power, frequency)
2-sided periodogram of a rectangle function with Hamming window.
julia> x = rect(50; padding=50); # Rectangule pulse function
julia> x = rect(50; padding=50); # Rectangular pulse function
julia> pxx = periodogram(x; onesided=false, nfft=512, fs=1000, window=hamming);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ Computes periodogram of a 2-d signal using the 2-d FFT and returns a
- `nfft`: A 2-tuple specifying the number of points to use for the Fourier
transform for each respective dimension. If `size(s)` < `nfft`, then the input is padded
with zeros. By default, `nfft` is the closest size for which the
Fourier transform can be computed with maximal efficiency.
Fourier transform can be computed with maximal efficiency.
- `fs`: The sample rate of the original signal in both directions.
- `radialsum`: For `radialsum=true`, the value of `power[k]` is proportional to
``\\frac{1}{N}\\sum_{k\\leq |k'|<k+1} |X[k']|^2``.
Expand All @@ -439,10 +439,10 @@ Computes periodogram of a 2-d signal using the 2-d FFT and returns a
by scaling the coordinates of the wavevector accordingly.
# Returns
- A [`Periodogram2`](@ref) object by default with the 3 computed fields: power, freq1, freq2.
- A [`Periodogram`](@ref) object is returned for a radially summed or averaged periodogram
(if `radialsum` or `radialavg` is true, respectively). Only one of `radialsum`
or `radialavg` can be set to `true` in the function.
- A [`Periodogram2`](@ref) object by default with the 3 computed fields: power, freq1, freq2.
- A [`Periodogram`](@ref) object is returned for a radially summed or averaged periodogram
(if `radialsum` or `radialavg` is true, respectively). Only one of `radialsum`
or `radialavg` can be set to `true` in the function.
# Examples
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -590,10 +590,10 @@ end
nfft=nextfastfft(n), fs=1, window=nothing)
Computes the Welch periodogram of a signal `s` based on segments with `n` samples
with overlap of `noverlap` samples, and returns a [`Periodogram`](@ref) object.
with overlap of `noverlap` samples, and returns a [`Periodogram`](@ref) object.
`welch_pgram` by default divides `s` into 8 segments with 50% overlap between them.
For a Bartlett periodogram, set `noverlap=0`.
For a Bartlett periodogram, set `noverlap=0`.
See [`periodogram`](@ref) for description of optional keyword arguments.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -624,13 +624,13 @@ welch_pgram with ``x = sin(2π(100)t) + 2sin(2π(150)t) + noise ``
julia> Fs = 1000; # Sampling frequency
julia> t = (1:Fs)/Fs; # 1000 time samples
julia> t = (1:Fs)/Fs; # 1000 time samples
julia> f = [100 150]; # 100Hz & 150Hz frequencies
julia> A = [1; 2]; # Amplitudes
julia> x = sin.(2π*f.*t)*A + randn(1000); # Noise corrupted x signal
julia> x = sin.(2π*f.*t)*A + randn(1000); # Noise corrupted x signal
julia> pxx = welch_pgram(x, 100; fs=Fs, nfft=512, window=hamming);
Expand All @@ -644,12 +644,12 @@ end
noverlap=div(n, 2); onesided=eltype(s)<:Real, nfft=nextfastfft(n),
fs=1, window=nothing)
Computes the Welch periodogram of a signal `s`, based on segments with `n` samples with
overlap of `noverlap` samples, and returns a [`Periodogram`](@ref) object. The Power Spectral Density
(PSD) of Welch periodogram is stored in `out`.
Computes the Welch periodogram of a signal `s`, based on segments with `n` samples with
overlap of `noverlap` samples, and returns a [`Periodogram`](@ref) object. The Power Spectral Density
(PSD) of Welch periodogram is stored in `out`.
`welch_pgram!` by default divides `s` into 8 segments with 50% overlap between them.
For a Bartlett periodogram, set `noverlap=0`.
For a Bartlett periodogram, set `noverlap=0`.
See [`periodogram`](@ref) for description of optional keyword arguments.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -698,9 +698,9 @@ end
welch_pgram!(out::AbstractVector, s::AbstractVector, config::WelchConfig)
Computes the Welch periodogram of the given signal `s`, using a predefined
[`WelchConfig`](@ref) object. The Power Spectral Density (PSD) of Welch
periodogram is stored in `out`.
Computes the Welch periodogram of the given signal `s`, using a predefined
[`WelchConfig`](@ref) object. The Power Spectral Density (PSD) of Welch
periodogram is stored in `out`.
# Examples
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -730,8 +730,8 @@ function welch_pgram!(out::AbstractVector, s::AbstractVector{T}, config::WelchCo
throw(ArgumentError("Eltype of output ($(eltype(out))) doesn't match the expected " *
"type: $(fftabs2type(T))."))
elseif float(T) != eltype(config.inbuf)
throw(ArgumentError("float(eltype(s)) = $T doesn't match the expected `config` " *
"type: $(eltype(config.inbuf))."))
throw(ArgumentError("float(eltype(s)) = $T doesn't match the eltype " *
"of the input buffer: $(eltype(config.inbuf))."))
welch_pgram_helper!(out, s, config)
Expand All @@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ const Float64Range = typeof(range(0.0, step=1.0, length=2))
Spectrogram{T, F<:Union{Frequencies,AbstractRange}, M<:AbstractMatrix{T}} <: TFR{T}
A Spectrogram object with fields:
A Spectrogram object with fields:
- `power::M`
- `freq::F`
- `time::Float64Range`
Expand All @@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ Returns the time bin centers for a given [`Spectrogram`](@ref) object.
# Examples
julia> time(spectrogram(0:1/20:1; fs=8000))
Base.time(p::Spectrogram) = p.time
Expand All @@ -789,12 +789,12 @@ Base.time(p::Spectrogram) = p.time
spectrogram(s, n=div(length(s), 8), noverlap=div(n, 2); onesided=eltype(s)<:Real, nfft=nextfastfft(n), fs=1, window=nothing)
Computes the spectrogram of a signal `s` based on segments with `n` samples
with overlap of `noverlap` samples, and returns a [`Spectrogram`](@ref) object.
with overlap of `noverlap` samples, and returns a [`Spectrogram`](@ref) object.
`spectrogram` by default divides `s` into 8 segments with 50% overlap between them.
See [`periodogram`](@ref) for description of optional keyword arguments.
The returned [`Spectrogram`](@ref) object stores the 3 computed fields: power, freq and time. See [`power`](@ref),
The returned [`Spectrogram`](@ref) object stores the 3 computed fields: power, freq and time. See [`power`](@ref),
[`freq`](@ref) and [`time`](@ref) for further details.
# Examples
Expand All @@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ julia> Fs = 1000;
julia> t = 0:1/Fs:1-1/Fs;
julia> x = sin.(2π*100*t.*t);
julia> x = sin.(2π*100*t.*t);
julia> spec = spectrogram(x; fs=Fs);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -836,24 +836,24 @@ stfttype(T::Type, ::Nothing) = fftouttype(T)
stft(s, n=div(length(s), 8), noverlap=div(n, 2); onesided=eltype(s)<:Real, nfft=nextfastfft(n), fs=1, window=nothing)
Computes the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) of a signal `s` based on segments with
Computes the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) of a signal `s` based on segments with
`n` samples with overlap of `noverlap` samples, and returns a matrix containing the STFT
`stft` by default divides `s` into 8 segments with 50% overlap between them. See [`periodogram`](@ref)
for description of optional keyword arguments.
The STFT computes the DFT over `K` sliding windows (segments) of the signal `s`. This returns a `J` x `K` matrix where
`J` is the number of DFT coefficients and `K` the number of windowed segments. The `k`th column of the returned matrix
contains the DFT coefficients for the `k`th segment.
`J` is the number of DFT coefficients and `K` the number of windowed segments. The `k`th column of the returned matrix
contains the DFT coefficients for the `k`th segment.
# Examples
julia> Fs = 1000;
julia> t = 0:1/Fs:5-1/Fs;
julia> x = sin.(2π*t.*t);
julia> x = sin.(2π*t.*t);
julia> size(stft(x; window=hamming))
(313, 14)
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions test/periodograms.jl
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@test power(welch_pgram!(out, data, config)) == expected
@test power(welch_pgram!(out, data, length(data), 0; window=hamming, nfft=32)) == expected
@test_throws ArgumentError welch_pgram!(convert(Vector{Float32}, out), data, config)
@test_throws ArgumentError welch_pgram!(convert(Vector{Float32}, out), Float32.(data), config)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch welch_pgram!(empty!(out), data, config)

# test welch_pgram! with float64 data
out = similar(expected)
@test power(welch_pgram!(out, convert(UnitRange{Float64}, data), config)) == expected
@test power(welch_pgram!(out, convert(UnitRange{Float64}, data), config)) == expected

# Test fftshift
p = periodogram(data); p_shifted = fftshift(p)
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