All URIs are relative to /v3
Method | HTTP request | Description |
add_pet | POST /pet | Add a new pet to the store |
delete_pet | DELETE /pet/{petId} | Deletes a pet |
find_pets_by_status | GET /pet/findByStatus | Finds Pets by status |
find_pets_by_tags | GET /pet/findByTags | Finds Pets by tags |
get_pet_by_id | GET /pet/{petId} | Find pet by ID |
update_pet | PUT /pet | Update an existing pet |
update_pet_with_form | POST /pet/{petId} | Updates a pet in the store with form data |
upload_file | POST /pet/{petId}/uploadImage | uploads an image |
add_pet(req::HTTP.Request, pet::Pet;) -> Nothing
Add a new pet to the store
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
req | HTTP.Request | The HTTP Request object | |
pet | Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store |
- Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
- Accept: Not defined
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delete_pet(req::HTTP.Request, pet_id::Int64; api_key=nothing,) -> Nothing
Deletes a pet
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
req | HTTP.Request | The HTTP Request object | |
pet_id | Int64 | Pet id to delete | [default to nothing] |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
api_key | String | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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find_pets_by_status(req::HTTP.Request, status::Vector{String};) -> Vector{Pet}
Finds Pets by status
Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
req | HTTP.Request | The HTTP Request object | |
status | Vector{String} | Status values that need to be considered for filter | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/xml, application/json
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find_pets_by_tags(req::HTTP.Request, tags::Vector{String};) -> Vector{Pet}
Finds Pets by tags
Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
req | HTTP.Request | The HTTP Request object | |
tags | Vector{String} | Tags to filter by | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/xml, application/json
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get_pet_by_id(req::HTTP.Request, pet_id::Int64;) -> Pet
Find pet by ID
Returns a single pet
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
req | HTTP.Request | The HTTP Request object | |
pet_id | Int64 | ID of pet to return | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/xml, application/json
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update_pet(req::HTTP.Request, pet::Pet;) -> Nothing
Update an existing pet
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
req | HTTP.Request | The HTTP Request object | |
pet | Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store |
- Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
- Accept: Not defined
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update_pet_with_form(req::HTTP.Request, pet_id::Int64; name=nothing, status=nothing,) -> Nothing
Updates a pet in the store with form data
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
req | HTTP.Request | The HTTP Request object | |
pet_id | Int64 | ID of pet that needs to be updated | [default to nothing] |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Updated name of the pet | [default to nothing] |
status | String | Updated status of the pet | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- Accept: Not defined
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upload_file(req::HTTP.Request, pet_id::Int64; additional_metadata=nothing, file=nothing,) -> ApiResponse
uploads an image
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
req | HTTP.Request | The HTTP Request object | |
pet_id | Int64 | ID of pet to update | [default to nothing] |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
additional_metadata | String | Additional data to pass to server | [default to nothing] |
file | String****String | file to upload | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Accept: application/json
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