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Demonstrate the use of SymmetricEigensystem in examples (#881)
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* Update eigen examples

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* Eigenfunctions in example

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* separate function for interlace
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jishnub authored May 1, 2023
1 parent 353d102 commit ced61b3
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Showing 8 changed files with 159 additions and 94 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/make.jl
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ end
format = Documenter.HTML(),
sitename = "ApproxFun.jl",
authors = "Sheehan Olver, Jishnu Bhattacharya and contributors",
authors = "Sheehan Olver, Mikael Slevinsky, Jishnu Bhattacharya and contributors",
pages = Any[
"Home" => "",
"Usage" => Any[
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41 changes: 24 additions & 17 deletions examples/Eigenvalue.jl
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Expand Up @@ -16,26 +16,33 @@ p
# If the solutions are not relatively constant near the boundary then one should push
# the boundaries further out.


# We plot the first few eigenfunctions
p = Plots.plot(V, legend=false)
Plots.vline!([-Lx/2, Lx/2], linecolor=:black)
p_twin = Plots.twinx(p)
for k=1:6
Plots.plot!(p_twin, real(v[k]/norm(v[k]) + λ[k]), label="$k")

# Note that the parity symmetry isn't preserved exactly at finite matrix sizes.
# In general, it's better to preserve the symmetry of the operator matrices (see section below),
# and projecting them on to the appropriate subspaces.

# For problems with different contraints or boundary conditions,
# `B` can be any zero functional constraint, e.g., `DefiniteIntegral()`.


# We plot the eigenvalues
import Plots
Plots.plot(λ; title = "Eigenvalues", legend=false)
Plots.plot(λ, title = "Eigenvalues", legend=false)


# We plot the first few eigenfunctions offset by their eigenvalues.
# The eigenfunctions appear in odd-even pairs as expected.

import Plots
using LinearAlgebra: norm
p1 = Plots.plot(Vfull, legend=false, ylim=(-Inf, λ[14]), title="Eigenfunctions",
seriestype=:path, linestyle=:dash, linewidth=2)
Plots.vline!([-Lx/2, Lx/2], color=:black)
for k=1:12
Plots.plot!(real(v[k]/norm(v[k]) + λ[k]))

# Zoom into the ground state:
p2 = Plots.plot(Vfull, legend=false, ylim=(-Inf, λ[3]), title="Ground state",
seriestype=:path, linestyle=:dash, linewidth=2)
Plots.vline!([-Lx/2, Lx/2], color=:black)
Plots.plot!(real(v[1]/norm(v[1]) + λ[1]), linewidth=2)

Plots.plot(p1, p2, layout = 2)
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions examples/Eigenvalue_anharmonic.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# ## Self-adjoint Eigenvalue Problem
# Ref:
# [J. L. Aurentz & R. M. Slevinsky (2019), arXiv:1903.08538](

# We solve the confined anharmonic oscillator
# ```math
# \left[-\frac{d^2}{dx^2} + V(x)\right] u = λu,
# ```
# where ``u(\pm 10) = 0``, ``V(x) = ωx^2 + x^4``, and ``ω = 25``.

using ApproxFun
using LinearAlgebra
using BandedMatrices

# Define parameters
ω = 25.0
d = -10..10;
S = Legendre(d); # Equivalently, Ultraspherical(0.5, d)

# Construct the differential operator
V = Fun(x -> ω * x^2 + x^4, S)
L = -Derivative(S, 2) + V;

# Boundary conditions that are used in the basis recombination
B = Dirichlet(S);

# The system may be recast as a generalized eigenvalue problem
# ``A_S\,v = λ\, B_S\, v``, where ``A_S`` and ``B_S`` are symmetric band matrices.
# We wrap the operators in `SymmetricEigensystem` to implicitly perform the basis recombination

SEg = ApproxFun.SymmetricEigensystem(L, B);

# We construct `n × n` matrix representations of the opertors that we diagonalize
n = 3000
λ = eigvals(SEg, n);

# We retain a fraction of the eigenvalues with the least magnitude
λ = λ[1:round(Int, 3n/5)];
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/Eigenvalue_standard.jl
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# where ``λ_i`` is the ``i^{th}`` eigenvalue of the ``L`` and has a corresponding
# *eigenfunction* ``\mathop{u}_i(x)``.

### Quantum harmonic oscillator
# ### Quantum harmonic oscillator

# A classic eigenvalue problem is known as the quantum harmonic oscillator where
# ```math
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45 changes: 0 additions & 45 deletions examples/Eigenvalue_symmetric.jl

This file was deleted.

19 changes: 0 additions & 19 deletions examples/Eigenvalue_tunnelling.jl

This file was deleted.

69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions examples/Eigenvalue_well_barrier.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# ### Infinite well with a barrier

# We solve the Schrodinger equation in an infinite square well in the domain `-Lx/2..Lx/2`, with a finite barrier in the middle from `-d/2..d/2`
# ```math
# \mathop{L} = -\frac{1}{2}\frac{\mathop{d}^2}{\mathop{dx}^2} + V(x),
# ```
# where ``V(x)`` is given by an infinite well with a smoothed barrier at the center.

# We note that the system has parity symmetry, so the solutions may be separated into odd and even functions.
# We may therefore solve the problem only for half the domain, with Dirichlet boundary conditions at the midpoint
# for odd functions, and Neumann conditions for even functions.
# This projection to subspaces allows us to halve the sizes of matrices that we need to diagonalize

Lx = 4 # size of the domain
S = Legendre(0..Lx/2)
x = Fun(S)
d = 1 # size of the barrier
Δ = 0.1 # smoothing scale of the barrier
V = 50 * (1 - tanh((x - d/2)/Δ))/2; # right half of the potential barrier
H = -Derivative(S)^2/2 + V;

# Odd solutions, with a zero Dirichlet condition at `0` representing a node
B = Dirichlet(S);
Seig = ApproxFun.SymmetricEigensystem(H, B);

# Diagonalize `n × n` matrix representations of the basis-recombined operators
# We specify a tolerance to reject spurious solutions arising from the discretization
n = 100
λodd, vodd = ApproxFun.eigs(Seig, n, tolerance=1e-8);

# To extend the solutions to the full domain, we construct the left-half space.
Scomplement = Legendre(-Lx/2..0);

# We use the fact that Legendre polynomials of odd orders are odd functions,
# and those of even orders are even functions
# Using this, for the odd solutions, we negate the even-order coefficients to construct the odd image in `-Lx/2..0`
function oddimage(f, Scomplement)
coeffs = [(-1)^isodd(m) * c for (m,c) in enumerate(coefficients(f))]
Fun(Scomplement, coeffs)
voddimage = oddimage.(vodd, Scomplement);

# Construct the functions over the entire domain `-Lx/2..Lx/2` as piecewise sums over the two half domains `-Lx/2..0` and `0..Lx/2`
voddfull = voddimage .+ vodd;

# Even solutions, with a Neumann condition at `0` representing the symmetry of the function
B = [lneumann(S); rdirichlet(S)];

Seig = ApproxFun.SymmetricEigensystem(H, B);
λeven, veven = ApproxFun.eigs(Seig, n, tolerance=1e-8);

# For the even solutions, we negate the odd-order coefficients to construct the even image in `-Lx/2..0`
function evenimage(f, Scomplement)
coeffs = [(-1)^iseven(m) * c for (m,c) in enumerate(coefficients(f))]
Fun(Scomplement, coeffs)
vevenimage = evenimage.(veven, Scomplement);
vevenfull = vevenimage .+ veven;

# We interlace the eigenvalues and eigenvectors to obtain the entire spectrum
function interlace(a::AbstractVector, b::AbstractVector)
vec(permutedims([a b]))
λ = interlace(λeven, λodd);
v = interlace(vevenfull, voddfull);

# Symmetrize the potential using an even image (this is mainly for plotting/post-processing)
Vevenimage = evenimage(V, Scomplement);
Vfull = Vevenimage + V;
37 changes: 26 additions & 11 deletions test/ReadmeTest.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ const EXAMPLES_DIR = joinpath(dirname(dirname(pathof(ApproxFun))), "examples")

include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "testutils.jl"))

function get_included_files(filename)
v = [l for l in eachline(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, filename)) if contains(l, "include")]
strip.(getindex.(split.(getindex.(split.(v, "include("), 2), ")"), 1), '\"')

@verbose @testset "Readme" begin
@testset "Calculus and algebra" begin
x = Fun(identity,0..10)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,34 +63,44 @@ include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "testutils.jl"))

@testset "NonlinearBVP" begin
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, "NonlinearBVP1.jl"))
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, "NonlinearBVP2.jl"))
for f in get_included_files("NonlinearBVP.jl")
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, f))

@testset "ODE" begin
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, "ODE_BVP.jl"))
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, "ODE_increaseprec.jl"))
for f in get_included_files("ODE.jl")
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, f))
@testset "System of Equations" begin
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, "System1.jl"))
for f in get_included_files("system_of_eqn.jl")
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, f))

@testset "Periodic" begin
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, "Periodic1.jl"))
for f in get_included_files("Periodic.jl")
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, f))
@testset "Sampling" begin
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, "Sampling1.jl"))
for f in get_included_files("Sampling.jl")
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, f))
@testset "Eigenvalue" begin
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, "Eigenvalue_standard.jl"))
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, "Eigenvalue_symmetric.jl"))
for f in get_included_files("Eigenvalue.jl")
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, f))

# this is broken on v1.6 (on BandedArrays < v0.16.16), so we only test on higher versions
if VERSION >= v"1.7"
@testset "PDE" begin
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, "PDE_Poisson.jl"))
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, "PDE_Helmholtz.jl"))
for f in get_included_files("PDE.jl")
include(joinpath(EXAMPLES_DIR, f))

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