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chore(deps): update dependency vitest to v1.3.1 (#1351)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [vitest](
| [`1.0.2` ->
`1.3.1`]( |


### Release Notes

<summary>vitest-dev/vitest (vitest)</summary>



#####    🚀 Features

- **vitest**: Expose parseCLI method  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- This feature is not affected by SemVer because it is part of an
[experimental API](

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

- Add task tests iteratively  -  by
[@&#8203;DerYeger]( in
- **coverage**: Ignore generated TS decorators  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- **ui**: Auto reload coverage iframe after test run  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in

#####     [View changes on



##### 🚀 Features

- Deprecate watchExclude - by
[@&#8203;patak-dev]( in
-   **browser**:
- Run test files in isolated iframes - by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **config**:
- Add `snapshotSerializers` option - by
[@&#8203;fenghan34]( in
-   **reporters**:
- Support custom options - by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **runner**:
- Support automatic fixtures - by
[@&#8203;fenghan34]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **ui**:
- Save splitpanes size to local storage - by
[@&#8203;posva]( in
-   **vitest**:
- Add onTestFinished hook - by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Add github actions reporter - by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Expose jsdom global if jsdom environment is enabled - by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Add new CLI options - by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- "test" accepts options object as the second parameter - by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **vm**:
- Support wasm module - by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in

##### 🐞 Bug Fixes

- Fix sourcemap in vm pools - by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Don't optimize react/jsx-runtime by default when running in Node - by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Rpc timeout error messages to include caller - by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Requires fixed version across the monorepo - by
[@&#8203;antfu]( in
- Prevent merging of `poolOptions` - by
[@&#8203;penalosa]( in
-   **browser**:
- Don't exclude node builtins from optimization - by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Support `coverage.reportsDirectory` with multiple directories - by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **cli**:
- Parse `--browser=<name>` correctly - by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **coverage**:
- `.tmp` directory conflicts with `--shard` option - by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **deps**:
- Update dependency strip-literal to v2 - by
-   **reporters**:
- Testsuite name should include project root in Junit output - by
[@&#8203;fenghan34]( in
-   **typecheck**:
- Fix suite collection while-loop - by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **ui**:
- Fix tests duration time - by
[@&#8203;vovsemenv]( in
-   **utils**:
- Fix asymmetric matcher diff inside array - by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **vitest**:
- Correctly report failed test files as failures in json reporter,
export json reporter types - by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Don't run typecheck tests in browser if both are enabled - by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Handle function config inside `defineWorkspace` - by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Remove excessive listeners when running without isolation, don't reset
the state - by [@&#8203;sheremet-va](
- Auto-enable "github-actions" only where users didn't configure
reporters - by [@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Support more array cli options - by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Add types for the new global `jsdom` variable - by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Expose onTestFinished globally - by
- Disable optimizer by default until it's stable - by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Delegate snapshot options to workspace from root config - by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Fix `optimizeDeps.disabled` warnings on Vite 5.1 - by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **vm**:
- Handle `disableConsoleIntercept` config - by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in[50](
- Improve error when module is not found - by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in

##### [View changes on



#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

-   **coverage**:
- Remove `coverage/.tmp` files after run  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Don't crash when re-run removes earlier run's reports  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **expect**:
- Improve `toThrow(asymmetricMatcher)` failure message  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **forks**:
- Set correct `VITEST_POOL_ID`  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **threads**:
- Mention common work-around for the logged error  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **typecheck**:
- Fix `ignoreSourceErrors` in run mode  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **vite-node**:
- Provide import.meta.filename and dirname  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **vitest**:
- Expose getHooks & setHooks  -  by
[@&#8203;adriencaccia]( in
- Test deep dependencies change detection  -  by
[@&#8203;blake-newman]( in
- Throw an error if vi.mock is exported  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Allow `useFakeTimers` to fake `requestIdleCallback` on non browser  - 
by [@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Support older NodeJS with async `import.meta.resolve`  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Don't throw an error if mocked file was already imported  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in

#####     [View changes on



#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

-   **browser**:
- Apply inlined workspace config to browser mode vite server  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Fix browser testing url for https  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Don't fail when calling vi.useFakeTimers  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **coverage**:
- `thresholds.autoUpdate` to work with arrow function configuration
files  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **expect**:
- Implement chai inspect for `AsymmetricMatcher`  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **vite-node**:
- Externalize network imports  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **vitest**:
- Handle single `await vi.hoisted`  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Simplify hoist transform check regex to avoid expensive regex match
 -  by [@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Correctly find module if it has a version query  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Check color support for intercepted console logging  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Use development/production conditions when resolving external modules
 -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Throw a syntax error if vi.hoisted is directly exported  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in

#####     [View changes on



#####    🚀 Features

- Support case-insensitive path matching in cli  -  by
[@&#8203;tigranmk]( in
- Add typeahead search  -  by
[@&#8203;bonyuta0204]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Add syntax highlighting to error messages  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Allow extending toEqual  -  by
[@&#8203;tigranmk]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **coverage**:
- Custom reporter support  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **ui**:
- Show unhandled errors on the ui  -  by
[@&#8203;spiroka]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **vitest**:
- Add `--disable-console-intercept` option to allow opting-out from
automatic console log interception  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Show slow test duration in verbose reporter on CI  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Allow overiding package installer with public API  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

-   **browser**:
- Support vite config `server.headers`  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Fix `testNamePattern` config  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Fix updating snapshot during watch mode  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Remove redundant test failure logging  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **happy-dom**:
- Window.close() for environment teardown  -  by
[@&#8203;capricorn86]( in
-   **utils**:
- Fix `objDisplay` default truncate option for `test.each` title  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **vitest**:
- Fix tap reporter to handle custom error  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Gracefully exit Vitest if `process.exit` is called inside the test  - 
by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Throw "cannot mock" error only in isolated pools  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Don't throw SyntaxError when "await vi.hoisted" is used  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Correctly parse --maxWorkers/--minWorkers  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Show correct error when vi.hoisted is used inside vi.mock and the
other way around  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Call global teardown when using workspaces  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Use file instead of id for HMR  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Add inlined deps to ssr.noExternal so they are added to the module
graph  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **workspace**:
- Support overring `pool` and `poolOptions` on project level  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in

#####     [View changes on



#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

-   **vitest**:
- Vi.mock breaks tests when using imported variables inside the factory
 -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( and
**Dunqing** in
- Apply `slowTestThreshold` to all reporters  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in

#####     [View changes on



#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

- Remove internal flag from UI option in the config  -  by
-   **browser**:
- Avoid safaridriver collision  -  by
[@&#8203;mbland]( in
- Resolved failure to find arbitrarily-named snapshot files when using
`expect(...).toMatchFileSnapshot()` matcher.  -  by
[@&#8203;zmullett](, **Zac Mullett** and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Handle config.base  -  by
[@&#8203;mbland]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **deps**:
- Update dependency acorn-walk to ^8.3.1  -  by
- Update dependency sirv to ^2.0.4  -  by
-   **runner**:
- Fix fixture cleanup for concurrent tests  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **spy**:
- Don't allow Promise in mockImplementation  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **vite-node**:
- Correctly return cached result  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **vitest**:
- Throw an error if mock was already loaded when vi.mock is called  - 
by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Correctly rerun test files on change if server was restarted  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **vm-threads**:
- Don't crash on percentage based `memoryLimit`  -  by
[@&#8203;inottn]( and
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in

#####     [View changes on



#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

- Don't crash when using happy-dom or jsdom environment on Yarn PnP
workspaces  -  by [@&#8203;wojtekmaj](
and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Don't fail if `inline: true` is set  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Correct option name `--no-parallelism`  -  by
[@&#8203;bonyuta0204]( in
- Match jest json output by making json reporter output
ndjson-compatible  -  by [@&#8203;bard]( in
-   **runner**:
- Reset "current test" state on dynamic `skip`  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **vitest**:
- Don't hang when mocking files with cyclic dependencies  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
- Initialize snapshot state only once for each file suite  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Fix file snapshots in skipped suites considered obsolete  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Show `beforeAll/afterAll` errors in junit reporter  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **vm-threads**:
- Tests not cancelled on key press, cancelled tests shown twice  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in

#####     [View changes on



#####    🚀 Features

- Add es-main compatibility to vite-node  -  by
[@&#8203;zookatron]( in
- Add `--workspace` option, fix root resolution in workspaces  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( and
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Add `--no-file-parallelism`, `--maxWorkers`, `--minWorkers` flags  - 
by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( and
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
- Add `--no-isolate` flag to improve performance, add documentation
about performance  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( and **Pascal
Jufer** in
- Add `--exclude` CLI flag  -  by
[@&#8203;Namchee]( and
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

- Correctly reset provided values  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in
-   **expect**:
- Fix `toHaveProperty` assertion error diff  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **runner**:
- Handle fixture teardown error  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **types**:
- `defineWorkspace` fix intellisense and report type errors  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in
-   **ui**:
- Escape html for console log view  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Fix coverage iframe url for html report preview  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- Show file item when search filter matches only test cases  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
-   **vitest**:
- Pass down CLI options to override workspace configs  -  by
[@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in

#####     [View changes on



The previous release was built incorrectly and didn't include the
performance fix. This release fixes that.

#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

- **cli**: `--coverage.all=false` resolved incorrectly  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in

#####    🏎 Performance

- **reporters**: Downgrade `log-update` to v5  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in

#####     [View changes on



#####    🐞 Bug Fixes

- Correct package exports  -  by
[@&#8203;userquin]( in
- **runner**: Fix async fixture teardown  -  by
[@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in
- **vitest**: Correctly filter changed files when Vitest workspace is
used  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in

#####    🏎 Performance

- **reporters**: Downgrade `log-update` to v5  -  by
[@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in

#####     [View changes on



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Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


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renovate[bot] authored Feb 27, 2024
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