provides a way to easily scrape magnet information from a desired URL using Python, and then use this gathered data to activate the OS's default magnet application.
- urllib2
- re
- os
- subprocess
- sys
- fuzzywuzzy
- BeautifulSoup4
- Windows
- UNIX-varients
Note: Cygwin-Windows not supported
The 'scrape(url)' function within the project will take in as a parameter the requested internet URL, and will attempt to scrape the URL for any and all magnet links that exist. It will collect each magnet link, break apart its contents by the parameters set forth by the Magnet URI Scheme, and store these contents as a dictionary structure. These dictionary structures are then collected together in a list, which is then returned to the user.
The 'activate(magnet_list)' function goes through the parametered list of magnets, and activates the links for the local machine's default application.
The 'target(url, title)', similarly to the scrap function, takes the targetted url, and scrapes the contained magnet links from the website contents. Additionally, 'target' also string matches the parametered title and intellegently string matches the closest match within the collected magnet links. After selecting the most likely candidate, the function then takes the magnet and activates it within the OS's default magnet application.
Note: The activate function expects the magnets contained to be of the same design as the scrape function output. If you want to only do a subset of magnets from the scrape output, make sure to adjust the list accordingly before bringing it over to the activate function.
Also Note: I've included an extra function dn_clean_up(dn) which will clean up the readability of any inputted dn. You would use this if you wanted to get the magnet's original title.
See for an understanding of each magnet paramter's purpose; and here is a list of each included magnet parameter:
- as
- dn
- kt
- magnet
- mt
- tr
- xl
- xs
- xt
Note: The magnet parameter is the full magnet as a whole.
Also Note: Due to the structure of the Magnet URI Scheme, each dictionary subset has the potential to in turn have multiple subsections. For example, a magnet could have more then one tracker (tr). Therefore, each dictionary member is in turn is a list which either contains None (if this magnet provider does not support a certain parameter), list[0] (where this parameter has only a single data point i.e. dn), or more then one member ex. list[0], list[1], list[2] etc. (very likely for tr).
import magnetize
url = ''
magnet_list = magnetize.scrape(url)
title = 'Singing in the Rain', title)