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JoeThorntonLab edited this page Jul 28, 2017 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the MNM_SelectionTests wiki!

The BS+MNM selection test could be used to accommodate multinucleotide mutation in the model of codon evolution. However, there are numerous other forms of evolutionary complexity that are not incorporated in our extended BS+MNM model, including MNMs that affect three consecutive nucleotides in a codon, MNMs at the boundary of codons, elevated transversion probability within MNMs, and many other kinds of heterogeneity that might bias the BS+MNM test. Considerable additional work is therefore required before our model or improvements upon it can be used with confidence. The models are implemented in HyPhy -- A big thank you to the HyPhy team for developing such a platform that allows researchers to explore variations of standard models!

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